<TaskClassif:german_credit> (1000 x 21): German Credit
* Target: credit_risk
* Properties: twoclass
* Features (20):
- fct (14): credit_history, employment_duration, foreign_worker, housing, job, other_debtors, other_installment_plans, people_liable, personal_status_sex, property, purpose,
savings, status, telephone
- int (3): age, amount, duration
- ord (3): installment_rate, number_credits, present_residence
extend the Target
with another line. In the 2-class case,
"good" (positive class; 70%), "bad" (30%)
In the multiclass-case,
"setosa" (33%), "versicolor" (33%), "virginica" (33%)
In the 2-class-case, the positive class should be printed first. In the multiclass-case, print in order of class frequency descending (tie break alphabetically?) and limit the length of the output based on options(width)