In a previous project I used fp-ts
which has match
and a less strict matchW
(short for widening).
I'm not necessarily suggesting to add this (though it would be nice to have), but how would we implement this ourselves? I especially had trouble coming up with an implementation that supports both the data-first and data-last functionality.
function matchW<A, B, R, R2>(result: Result<A, B>, okFn: (value: A) => R, errorFn: (value: B) => R2): R | R2
function matchW<A, B, R, R2>(okFn: (value: A) => R, errorFn: (value: B) => R2): (result: Result<A, B>) => R | R2
The first one was pretty trivial to write, but did not manage to have one (at least clean) implementation supporting both. Is there an easy way to implement using match
? Seeing an example would help me (and maybe others) understand how to implement similar helpers.