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javascript: (function () {(function(e, t, s) {"use strict"; var n = function() {this.sheets = t.styleSheets }; n.prototype.usedRules = function(e, s, n) {var o, c, r = {}, a = new RegExp(window.location.host), n = n || !1, i = {}, l = 0, f = 0, u = {}, d = {}, x = "", m = function(e) {for (var t = "", s = 0; s < e.length; s++) t += "\\" + ("000" + e[s].charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).substr(-4); return t }; if (a.ignoreCase, [].some.call(this.sheets, function(e) {try {o = e.cssRules || e.rules, [].some.call(o, function(e) {if (l++, e instanceof CSSStyleRule) if (c = e.selectorText.replace(/(:|::)(before|after|hover|visited|active)/gm, "").replace(/>(\s|,|\s)\*?(?!\w)/g, "> *"), "*, , " == c || ", ," == c || ", " == c || " ," == c || " , " == c) r[e.selectorText] ? r[e.selectorText].push(e) : r[e.selectorText] = [e]; else if (t.querySelector(c) && (r[e.selectorText] ? r[e.selectorText].push(e) : r[e.selectorText] = [e]), s && s.length) {var n; s.some(function(t) {n = new RegExp(t), n.test(c) && (r[e.selectorText] ? r[e.selectorText].push(e) : r[e.selectorText] = [e]) }) } e instanceof CSSFontFaceRule && (i[e.style.fontFamily] = e), window.CSSKeyframesRule && e instanceof CSSKeyframesRule && (u[e.name] = e), e instanceof CSSMediaRule && (d[e.media.mediaText] = [], [].some.call(e.cssRules || e.rules, function(n) {if (c = n.selectorText.replace(/(:|::)(before|after|hover|visited|active)/gm, "").replace(/>(\s|,|\s)\*?(?!\w)/g, "> *"), "*, , " == c || ", ," == c || ", " == c || " ," == c || " , " == c ? d[e.media.mediaText][n.selectorText] ? d[e.media.mediaText][n.selectorText].push(n) : d[e.media.mediaText][e.selectorText] = [n] : t.querySelector(c) && (d[e.media.mediaText][n.selectorText] ? d[e.media.mediaText][n.selectorText].push(n) : d[e.media.mediaText][n.selectorText] = [n]), s && s.length) {var o; s.some(function(t) {o = new RegExp(t), o.test(c) && (d[e.media.mediaText][n.selectorText] ? d[e.media.mediaText][n.selectorText].push(n) : d[e.media.mediaText][n.selectorText] = [n]) }) } })) }) } catch (n) {console.log(n, e.href) } }), Object.keys(i).length > 1) {var T = []; Object.keys(i).some(function(e) {for (var t in r) {var s = r[t]; s.some(function(t) {return t.style["font-family"] == e && -1 == T.indexOf(e) ? (x += i[e].cssText, T.push(e), f++, !0) : void 0 }) } }) } if (1 == Object.keys(i).length) {var e = Object.keys(i)[0], T = []; for (var h in r) {var v = r[h]; v.forEach(function(t) {return t.style["font-family"] == e && -1 == T.indexOf(e) ? (x += i[e].cssText, T.push(e), f++, !0) : void 0 }) } } if (Object.keys(u).length > 1 && Object.keys(u).some(function(e) {x += u[e].cssText, f++ }), 1 == Object.keys(u).length) {var e = Object.keys(u)[0]; x += u[e].cssText.replace(/'/gm, '"'), f++ } if (Object.keys(r).some(function(e) {r[e].forEach(function(e) {if (f++, /content:/.test(e.cssText)) {var t = e.cssText.match(/content:\s?"(.*)"/)[1]; x += /^\s|\w|!|\?|\./.test(t) ? e.cssText : e.cssText.replace(/content:\s?"(.*)"/, 'content:"' + m(t) + '"') } else x += e.cssText }) }), Object.keys(d).length > 1 && Object.keys(d).some(function(e) {x += "@media " + e + "{"; for (var t in d[e]) {var s = d[e][t]; s.forEach(function(e) {if (f++, /content:/.test(e.cssText)) {var t = e.cssText.match(/content:\s?"(.*)"/)[1]; x += e.cssText.replace(/content:\s?"(.*)"/, 'content:"' + m(t) + '"') } else x += e.cssText }) } x += "}", f++ }), 1 == Object.keys(d).length) {var e = Object.keys(d)[0]; x += "@media " + e + "{"; for (var h in d[e]) {var v = d[e][h]; v.forEach(function(e) {if (f++, /content:/.test(e.cssText)) {var t = e.cssText.match(/content:\s?"(.*)"/)[1]; x += e.cssText.replace(/content:\s?"(.*)"/, 'content:"' + m(t) + '"') } else x += e.cssText }) } x += "}", f++ } x = "undefined" != typeof window.autoprefixer ? autoprefixer.process(x, {browsers: ["ff > 1%", "ie >= 8 > 2%", "Chrome > 3%", "Opera > 4%", "Safari > 5%", "ios_saf > 6%", "and_chr > 7%", "and_ff > 8%", "ie_mob > 9%"] }).toString().replace(/content:\s?"(.*)"/gim, 'content:"\\$1"') : x; var p = n ? function(e) {var t = new Blob([e], {type: "text/json"}), s = document.createEvent("MouseEvents"), n = document.createElement("a"), o = location.host + location.pathname + "-used.css"; n.download = o, n.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(t), n.dataset.downloadurl = ["text/json", n.download, n.href].join(":"), s.initMouseEvent("click", !0, !1, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, !1, !1, !1, !1, 0, null), n.dispatchEvent(s) }(x) : x; return {cleaned: p, raport: {rulesUsed: f, rulesParsed: l, reductionFactor: (100 - f / l * 100).toFixed(2) + "%"} } }, e.sheet = new n }(window, document)), console.log(sheet.usedRules()) }());