When bundling my Electron/TypeScript project in CommonJS mode, the build fails with the error:
Top-level await is currently not supported with the "cjs" output format
It appears SSEClientTransport (and its transitive dependency on pkce-challenge) uses top-level await in its ESM code, which breaks CJS builds in esbuild (and other bundlers).
Steps to reproduce
Import SSEClientTransport from @modelcontextprotocol/sdk/client/sse.js in a project configured for CommonJS output.
Attempt to bundle using esbuild (or a similar CJS-only tool).
The build fails with the above error.
Expected behavior
A working CJS build without errors—or a documented ESM-only usage pattern for SSE.
Possible solutions
Provide a CJS-friendly build that avoids top-level await.
Use a lazy/async import that defers or removes top-level await from the main bundle.
Document that SSE requires ESM (so users can plan accordingly).
@modelcontextprotocol/sdk version: latest
Bundler: esbuild (CJS mode)
Node/Electron environment
Additional context
This prevents using @modelcontextprotocol/sdk’s SSE features in many Electron + Node.js CJS setups. A workaround is removing SSE usage altogether or switching the entire project to ESM.