The display-plugin-updates
goal tells me some plugin updates are available and some are not (because my Maven version is not sufficient.)
[INFO] --- versions:2.17.1:display-plugin-updates (default-cli) @ ponyrides-build ---
[INFO] The following plugin updates are available:
[INFO] com.github.spotbugs:spotbugs-maven-plugin ...... ->
[INFO] maven-artifact-plugin .............................. 3.5.1 -> 3.5.3
[INFO] maven-checkstyle-plugin ............................ 3.5.0 -> 3.6.0
[INFO] maven-dependency-plugin ............................ 3.8.0 -> 3.8.1
[INFO] maven-javadoc-plugin ............................. 3.10.1 -> 3.11.1
[INFO] maven-jxr-plugin ................................... 3.5.0 -> 3.6.0
[INFO] maven-plugin-plugin ........................ 3.15.0 -> 4.0.0-beta-1
[INFO] maven-project-info-reports-plugin .................. 3.7.0 -> 3.8.0
[INFO] maven-surefire-plugin .............................. 3.5.1 -> 3.5.2
[INFO] maven-surefire-report-plugin ....................... 3.5.1 -> 3.5.2
[INFO] org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin ................ 3.4.1 -> 3.5.0
[INFO] org.codehaus.mojo:versions-maven-plugin .......... 2.17.1 -> 2.18.0
[INFO] org.owasp:dependency-check-maven ................. 10.0.4 -> 11.1.0
[INFO] org.pitest:pitest-maven .......................... 1.17.0 -> 1.17.1
[INFO] All plugins have a version specified.
[INFO] Project requires minimum Maven version for build of: 3.9.0
[INFO] Plugins require minimum Maven version of: 3.9.0
[INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom.
[INFO] Require Maven 4.0.0-beta-3 to use the following plugin updates:
[INFO] maven-clean-plugin .......................... 3.4.0 -> 4.0.0-beta-1
[INFO] maven-compiler-plugin ...................... 3.13.0 -> 4.0.0-beta-1
[INFO] maven-deploy-plugin ......................... 3.1.3 -> 4.0.0-beta-1
[INFO] maven-install-plugin ........................ 3.1.3 -> 4.0.0-beta-1
[INFO] maven-jar-plugin ............................ 3.4.2 -> 4.0.0-beta-1
[INFO] maven-resources-plugin ...................... 3.3.1 -> 4.0.0-beta-1
[INFO] maven-source-plugin ......................... 3.3.1 -> 4.0.0-beta-1
When I follow this up with the update-properties
goal the plugin updates all those plugins it said could not be upgraded. This should not happen.
I think its safe to say there's no need even to make this configurable. No plugin should ever be updated to a version beyond compatibility with the current Maven.
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