5 | 5 | ### Association source
6 | 6 | | Relation | Origin | Opposite | Type | Comment |
7 | 7 | |---|
8 |
| -| `genericParameter` | `FamixTParameterConcretisation` | `concretisations` | `FamixTGenericParameterType` | genericParameter linked to in this relationship. from-side of the association| |
| 8 | +| `genericParameter` | `FamixTParameterConcretization` | `concretizations` | `FamixTGenericParameterType` | Generic parameter linked to in this relationship. from-side of the association| |
9 | 9 |
10 | 10 | ### Association target
11 | 11 | | Relation | Origin | Opposite | Type | Comment |
12 | 12 | |---|
13 |
| -| `concreteParameter` | `FamixTParameterConcretisation` | `generics` | `FamixTConcreteParameterType` | concreteParameter linked to in this relationship. to-side of the association| |
| 13 | +| `concreteParameter` | `FamixTParameterConcretization` | `generics` | `FamixTConcreteParameterType` | Concrete parameter linked to in this relationship. to-side of the association| |
14 | 14 |
15 | 15 | ### Other
16 | 16 | | Relation | Origin | Opposite | Type | Comment |
17 | 17 | |---|
18 |
| -| `concretisations` | `FamixTParameterConcretisation` | `parameterConcretisations` | `FamixTConcretisation` | | |
| 18 | +| `concretizations` | `FamixTParameterConcretization` | `parameterConcretizations` | `FamixTConcretization` | | |
19 | 19 | | `next` | `FamixTAssociation` | `previous` | `FamixTAssociation` | Next association in an ordered collection of associations. Currently not supported by the Moose importer|
20 | 20 | | `previous` | `FamixTAssociation` | `next` | `FamixTAssociation` | Previous association in an ordered collection of associations. Currently not supported by the Moose importer|
21 | 21 | | `sourceAnchor` | `FamixTSourceEntity` | `element` | `FamixTSourceAnchor` | SourceAnchor entity linking to the original source code for this entity|
30 | 30 |
31 | 31 | "
32 | 32 | Class {
33 |
| - #name : #FamixJavaParameterConcretisation, |
| 33 | + #name : #FamixJavaParameterConcretization, |
34 | 34 | #superclass : #FamixJavaEntity,
35 |
| - #traits : 'FamixTParameterConcretisation', |
36 |
| - #classTraits : 'FamixTParameterConcretisation classTrait', |
| 35 | + #traits : 'FamixTParameterConcretization', |
| 36 | + #classTraits : 'FamixTParameterConcretization classTrait', |
37 | 37 | #category : #'Famix-Java-Entities-Entities'
38 | 38 | }
39 | 39 |
40 | 40 | { #category : #meta }
41 |
| -FamixJavaParameterConcretisation class >> annotation [ |
| 41 | +FamixJavaParameterConcretization class >> annotation [ |
42 | 42 |
43 |
| - <FMClass: #ParameterConcretisation super: #FamixJavaEntity> |
| 43 | + <FMClass: #ParameterConcretization super: #FamixJavaEntity> |
44 | 44 | <package: #'Famix-Java-Entities'>
45 | 45 | <generated>
46 | 46 | ^ self
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