diff --git a/spec.bs b/spec.bs
index f57862e18..165fc6fb4 100644
--- a/spec.bs
+++ b/spec.bs
@@ -263,8 +263,9 @@ This is detectable because it can change the set of fields that are read from th
1. Let |global| be [=this=]'s [=relevant global object=].
1. If |global|'s [=associated Document=] is not [=allowed to use=] the "[=join-ad-interest-group=]"
[=policy-controlled feature=], then [=exception/throw=] a "{{NotAllowedError}}" {{DOMException}}.
-1. Let |frameOrigin| be [=this=]'s [=relevant settings object=]'s [=environment settings object/origin=].
-1. [=Assert=] that |frameOrigin| is not an [=opaque origin=] and its [=origin/scheme=] is "`https`".
+1. Let |settings| be [=this=]'s [=relevant settings object=].
+1. [=Assert=] that |settings|'s [=environment settings object/origin=] is not an [=opaque origin=]
+ and its [=origin/scheme=] is "`https`".
1. Let |interestGroup| be a new [=interest group=].
1. Validate the given |group| and set |interestGroup|'s fields accordingly.
1. Set |interestGroup|'s [=interest group/expiry=] to the [=current wall time=] plus
@@ -439,7 +440,7 @@ This is detectable because it can change the set of fields that are read from th
1. Let |queue| be the result of [=starting a new parallel queue=].
1. [=parallel queue/enqueue steps|Enqueue the following steps=] to |queue|:
1. Let |permission| be the result of [=checking interest group permissions=] with
- |interestGroup|'s [=interest group/owner=], |frameOrigin|, and "`join`".
+ |interestGroup|'s [=interest group/owner=], |settings|, and "`join`".
1. If |permission| is false, then [=queue a global task=] on [=DOM manipulation task source=],
given |global|, to [=reject=] |p| with a "{{NotAllowedError}}" {{DOMException}} and abort these
@@ -575,7 +576,8 @@ dictionary AuctionAdInterestGroupKey {
The leaveAdInterestGroup(group) method steps are:
1. Let |global| be [=this=]'s [=relevant global object=].
-1. Let |frameOrigin| be [=this=]'s [=relevant settings object=]'s [=environment settings object/origin=].
+1. Let |settings| be [=this=]'s [=relevant settings object=].
+1. Let |frameOrigin| be |settings|'s [=environment settings object/origin=].
1. [=Assert=] that |frameOrigin| is not an [=opaque origin=] and its [=origin/scheme=] is "`https`".
1. Let |p| be [=a new promise=].
1. If |group| [=map/is empty=]:
@@ -601,8 +603,8 @@ The leaveAdInterestGroup(group) method steps are
1. If |owner| is failure, [=exception/throw=] a {{TypeError}}.
1. Run these steps [=in parallel=]:
- 1. Let |permission| be the result of [=checking interest group permissions=] with
- |owner|, |frameOrigin|, and "`leave`".
+ 1. Let |permission| be the result of [=checking interest group permissions=] with |owner|,
+ |settings|, and "`leave`".
1. If |permission| is false, then [=queue a global task=] on [=DOM manipulation task source=],
given |global|, to [=reject=] |p| with a "{{NotAllowedError}}" {{DOMException}} and abort
these steps.
@@ -637,8 +639,8 @@ partial interface Navigator {
The clearOriginJoinedAdInterestGroups(|owner|, |interestGroupsToKeep|)
method steps are:
-1. Let |frameOrigin| be [=this=]'s [=relevant settings object=]'s
- [=environment settings object/origin=].
+1. Let |settings| be [=this=]'s [=relevant settings object=].
+1. Let |frameOrigin| be |settings|'s [=environment settings object/origin=].
1. [=Assert=] that |frameOrigin| is not an [=opaque origin=] and its [=origin/scheme=] is "`https`".
1. Let |p| be [=a new promise=].
1. Let |global| be [=this=]'s [=relevant global object=].
@@ -651,7 +653,7 @@ method steps are:
1. If |ownerOrigin| is failure, [=exception/throw=] a {{TypeError}}.
1. Run these steps [=in parallel=]:
1. Let |permission| be the result of [=checking interest group permissions=] with
- |ownerOrigin|, |frameOrigin|, and "`leave`".
+ |ownerOrigin|, |settings|, and "`leave`".
1. If |permission| is false, then [=queue a global task=] on the [=DOM manipulation task source=]
given |global|, [=reject=] |p| with a "{{NotAllowedError}}" {{DOMException}} and abort these steps.
1. [=Queue a global task=] on the [=DOM manipulation task source=] given |global|, to [=resolve=] |p|
@@ -768,10 +770,10 @@ The runAdAuction(|config|) method steps are:
1. [=AbortSignal/Add|Add the following abort steps=] to |signal|:
1. [=Reject=] |p| with |signal|’s [=AbortSignal/abort reason=].
1. Run [=update bid counts=] with |bidIgs|.
- 1. Run [=interest group update=] with |auctionConfig|'s
- [=auction config/interest group buyers=].
-1. Let |frameOrigin| be |settings|'s [=environment settings object/origin=].
-1. [=Assert=] that |frameOrigin| is not an [=opaque origin=] and its [=origin/scheme=] is "`https`".
+ 1. Run [=interest group update=] with |auctionConfig|'s [=auction config/interest group buyers=]
+ and |settings|'s [=environment settings object/policy container=].
+1. [=Assert=] that |settings|'s [=environment settings object/origin=] is not an [=opaque origin=]
+ and its [=origin/scheme=] is "`https`".
1. Let |queue| be the result of [=starting a new parallel queue=].
1. [=parallel queue/enqueue steps|Enqueue the following steps=] to |queue|:
1. Let |bidDebugReportInfoList| be a new [=list=] of [=bid debug reporting info=].
@@ -781,8 +783,7 @@ The runAdAuction(|config|) method steps are:
1. Otherwise:
1. Let |realTimeContributionsMap| be a new [=real time reporting contributions map=].
1. Let |winnerInfo| be the result of running [=generate and score bids=] with |auctionConfig|,
- null, |global|, |settings|'s [=environment/top-level origin=], |bidIgs|,
- |bidDebugReportInfoList|, and |realTimeContributionsMap|.
+ null, |global|, |bidIgs|, |bidDebugReportInfoList|, and |realTimeContributionsMap|.
1. Let |auctionReportInfo| be a new [=auction report info=].
1. If |winnerInfo| is not failure, then:
1. Set |auctionReportInfo| to the result of running [=collect forDebuggingOnly reports=] with
@@ -796,13 +797,13 @@ The runAdAuction(|config|) method steps are:
|p| with null.
1. [=list/For each=] |reportUrl| of |auctionReportInfo|'s
[=auction report info/debug loss report urls=]:
- 1. [=Send report=] with |reportUrl| and |frameOrigin|.
+ 1. [=Send report=] with |reportUrl| and |settings|.
1. [=Send real time reports=] with |auctionReportInfo|'s
- [=auction report info/real time reporting contributions map=] and |frameOrigin|.
+ [=auction report info/real time reporting contributions map=] and |settings|.
1. Otherwise:
1. Let |winner| be |winnerInfo|'s [=leading bid info/leading bid=].
1. Let |fencedFrameConfig| be the result of [=filling in a pending fenced frame config=] with
- |pendingConfig|, |auctionConfig|, |winnerInfo|, |auctionReportInfo|, and |frameOrigin|.
+ |pendingConfig|, |auctionConfig|, |winnerInfo|, |auctionReportInfo|, and |settings|.
1. [=fenced frame config mapping/Finalize a pending config=] on |configMapping| with |urn| and
1. Wait until |auctionConfig|'s [=auction config/resolve to config=] is a boolean.
@@ -810,7 +811,8 @@ The runAdAuction(|config|) method steps are:
1. If |auctionConfig|'s [=auction config/resolve to config=] is false, then set |result| to |urn|.
1. [=Queue a global task=] on the [=DOM manipulation task source=], given |global|, to
resolve |p| with |result|.
- 1. Run [=interest group update=] with |auctionConfig|'s [=auction config/interest group buyers=].
+ 1. Run [=interest group update=] with |auctionConfig|'s [=auction config/interest group buyers=]
+ and |settings|'s [=environment settings object/policy container=].
1. Run [=update bid counts=] with |bidIgs|.
1. Run [=update previous wins=] with |winner|.
1. Return |p|.
@@ -896,7 +898,7 @@ To construct a pending fenced frame config given an [=auction config=
To fill in a pending fenced frame config given a [=fenced frame config=]
|pendingConfig|, [=auction config=] |auctionConfig|, [=leading bid info=] |winningBidInfo|,
-[=auction report info=] |auctionReportInfo|, and an [=origin=] |frameOrigin|:
+[=auction report info=] |auctionReportInfo|, and an [=environment settings object=] |settings|:
1. Let |winningBid| be |winningBidInfo|'s [=leading bid info/leading bid=].
1. Let |replacements| be an [=ordered map=] whose [=map/keys=] are [=strings=] and whose
[=map/values=] are [=strings=].
@@ -968,7 +970,7 @@ To fill in a pending fenced frame config given a [=fenced frame confi
[=fenced frame config/fenced frame reporting metadata=]'s
[=fenced frame reporting metadata/value=]'s
[=fenced frame reporting metadata/fenced frame reporting map=], |winningBidInfo|,
- |auctionReportInfo| and |frameOrigin|.
+ |auctionReportInfo| and |settings|.
1. Let |adComponentDescriptorsWithReplacements| be a new [=list=] of [=ad descriptors=].
1. If |winningBid|'s [=generated bid/ad component descriptors=] is not null:
1. [=list/For each=] |adComponentDescriptor| of |winningBid|'s
@@ -990,7 +992,7 @@ To fill in a pending fenced frame config given a [=fenced frame confi
To asynchronously finish reporting given a
[=fencedframetype/fenced frame reporting map=] |reportingMap|, [=leading bid info=] |leadingBidInfo|,
-[=auction report info=] |auctionReportInfo|, and an [=origin=] |frameOrigin|:
+[=auction report info=] |auctionReportInfo|, and an [=environment settings object=] |settings|:
1. [=Increment a winning bid's k-anonymity count=] given |leadingBidInfo|'s [=leading bid info/leading bid=].
1. If |leadingBidInfo|'s [=leading bid info/leading non-k-anon-enforced bid=] is
not null, and |leadingBidInfo|'s [=leading bid info/leading non-k-anon-enforced bid=]'s [=generated bid/id=]
@@ -1017,7 +1019,7 @@ To asynchronously finish reporting given a
1. [=Finalize a reporting destination=] with |reportingMap|,
{{FenceReportingDestination/buyer}}, |buyerMap|, and |macroMap|.
1. [=Send report=] with |leadingBidInfo|'s [=leading bid info/buyer reporting result=]'s
- [=reporting result/report url=] and |frameOrigin|.
+ [=reporting result/report url=] and |settings|.
1. Set |buyerDone| to true.
1. If |sellerDone| is false and |leadingBidInfo|'s [=leading bid info/seller reporting result=]
is not null:
@@ -1027,7 +1029,7 @@ To asynchronously finish reporting given a
1. [=Finalize a reporting destination=] with |reportingMap|,
{{FenceReportingDestination/seller}}, and |sellerMap|.
1. [=Send report=] with |leadingBidInfo|'s [=leading bid info/seller reporting result=]'s
- [=reporting result/report url=] and |frameOrigin|.
+ [=reporting result/report url=] and |settings|.
1. Set |sellerDone| to true.
1. If |componentSellerDone| is false and |leadingBidInfo|'s
[=leading bid info/component seller reporting result=] is not null:
@@ -1038,14 +1040,14 @@ To asynchronously finish reporting given a
1. [=Finalize a reporting destination=] with |reportingMap|,
{{FenceReportingDestination/component-seller}}, and |componentSellerMap|.
1. [=Send report=] with |leadingBidInfo|'s [=leading bid info/component seller reporting result=]'s
- [=reporting result/report url=] and |frameOrigin|.
+ [=reporting result/report url=] and |settings|.
1. Set |componentSellerDone| to true.
1. [=list/For each=] |reportUrl| of |auctionReportInfo|'s [=auction report info/debug win report urls=]:
- 1. [=Send report=] with |report| and |frameOrigin|.
+ 1. [=Send report=] with |report| and |settings|.
1. [=list/For each=] |reportUrl| of |auctionReportInfo|'s [=auction report info/debug loss report urls=]:
- 1. [=Send report=] with |report| and |frameOrigin|.
+ 1. [=Send report=] with |report| and |settings|.
1. [=Send real time reports=] with |auctionReportInfo|'s
- [=auction report info/real time reporting contributions map=] and |frameOrigin|.
+ [=auction report info/real time reporting contributions map=] and |settings|.
@@ -1567,8 +1569,8 @@ a [=string=] |auctionSignals|, a {{BiddingBrowserSignals}} |browserSignals|, a [
a {{DirectFromSellerSignalsForBuyer}} |directFromSellerSignalsForBuyer|, a [=duration=]
|perBuyerTimeout| in milliseconds, a [=currency tag=] |expectedCurrency|, an {{unsigned short}}
|multiBidLimit|, an [=interest group=] |ig|, and a [=moment=] |auctionStartTime|, and an
-[=origin=] |frameOrigin|, perform the following steps. They return a failure if failing to fetch
-the script or wasm, otherwise a [=tuple=] of ([=list=] of [=generated bids=],
+[=environment settings object=] |settings|, perform the following steps. They return a failure if
+failing to fetch the script or wasm, otherwise a [=tuple=] of ([=list=] of [=generated bids=],
[=bid debug reporting info=], [=list=] of [=real time reporting contributions=]).
1. Let |igGenerateBid| be the result of [=building an interest group passed to generateBid=] with
@@ -1592,13 +1594,13 @@ the script or wasm, otherwise a [=tuple=] of ([=list=] of [=generated bids=],
1. [=list/Append=] |prevWinIDL| to |prevWins|.
1. [=map/Set=] |browserSignals|["{{BiddingBrowserSignals/prevWinsMs}}"] to |prevWins|.
1. Let |biddingScriptFetcher| be the result of [=creating a new script fetcher=] with
- |ig|'s [=interest group/bidding url=], and |frameOrigin|.
+ |ig|'s [=interest group/bidding url=], and |settings|.
1. Let |biddingScript| be the result of [=waiting for script body from a fetcher=] given
1. If |biddingScript| is failure, return failure.
1. If |ig|'s [=interest group/bidding wasm helper url=] is not null:
1. Let |wasmModuleObject| be the result of [=fetching WebAssembly=] with |ig|'s
- [=interest group/bidding wasm helper url=] and |frameOrigin|.
+ [=interest group/bidding wasm helper url=] and |settings|.
1. If |wasmModuleObject| is not failure, then [=map/set=]
|browserSignals|["{{BiddingBrowserSignals/wasmHelper}}"] to |wasmModuleObject|.
1. Otherwise, return failure.
@@ -1630,17 +1632,16 @@ the script or wasm, otherwise a [=tuple=] of ([=list=] of [=generated bids=],
generate and score bids given an [=auction config=] |auctionConfig|, an
-[=auction config=]-or-null |topLevelAuctionConfig|, a [=global object=] |global|, an [=origin=]
-|topLevelOrigin|, a [=list=] of [=interest groups=] |bidIgs|, a [=list=] of [=bid debug reporting info=]
-|bidDebugReportInfoList|, and a [=real time reporting contributions map=] |realTimeContributionsMap|:
+[=auction config=]-or-null |topLevelAuctionConfig|, a [=global object=] |global|, a [=list=] of
+[=interest groups=] |bidIgs|, a [=list=] of [=bid debug reporting info=] |bidDebugReportInfoList|,
+and a [=real time reporting contributions map=] |realTimeContributionsMap|:
1. [=Assert=] that these steps are running [=in parallel=].
1. Let |settings| be |global|'s [=relevant settings object=].
-1. Let |frameOrigin| be |settings|'s [=environment settings object/origin=].
+1. Let |topLevelOrigin| be |settings|'s [=environment/top-level origin=].
1. Let |seller| be |auctionConfig|'s [=auction config/seller=].
1. Let |auctionStartTime| be the [=current wall time=].
1. Let |decisionLogicFetcher| be the result of [=creating a new script fetcher=] with
- |auctionConfig|'s [=auction config/decision logic url=] and |frameOrigin|.
-1. Let |seller| be |auctionConfig|'s [=auction config/seller=].
+ |auctionConfig|'s [=auction config/decision logic url=] and |settings|.
1. Let « |bidGenerators|, |negativeTargetInfo| » be the result of running
[=build bid generators map=] with |auctionConfig|.
1. Let |leadingBidInfo| be a new [=leading bid info=].
@@ -1656,8 +1657,7 @@ To
generate and score bids given an [=auction config=] |auctionConfig
1. [=list/For each=] |component| in |auctionConfig|'s [=auction config/component auctions=],
[=parallel queue/enqueue steps|enqueue the following steps=] to |queue|:
1. Let |compWinnerInfo| be the result of running [=generate and score bids=] with |component|,
- |auctionConfig|, |global|, |topLevelOrigin|, |bidIgs|, |bidDebugReportInfoList|, and
- |realTimeContributionsMap|.
+ |auctionConfig|, |global|, |bidIgs|, |bidDebugReportInfoList|, and |realTimeContributionsMap|.
1. If |compWinnerInfo| is failure, return failure.
1. If [=recursively wait until configuration input promises resolve=] given |auctionConfig| returns
failure, return failure.
@@ -1676,7 +1676,7 @@ To
generate and score bids given an [=auction config=] |auctionConfig
is not null, then run [=score and rank a bid=] with |auctionConfig|,
|compWinnerInfo|'s [=leading bid info/leading non-k-anon-enforced bid=],
|leadingBidInfo|, |decisionLogicFetcher|, |topLevelDirectFromSellerSignalsForSeller|, null,
- "top-level-auction", null, |topLevelOrigin| and |realTimeContributionsMap|..
+ "top-level-auction", null, |topLevelOrigin|, and |realTimeContributionsMap|.
1. Decrement |pendingComponentAuctions| by 1.
1. Wait until |pendingComponentAuctions| is 0.
1. If |leadingBidInfo|'s [=leading bid info/leading bid=] is null, return null.
@@ -1704,7 +1704,7 @@ To
generate and score bids given an [=auction config=] |auctionConfig
1. Let « |sellerSignals|, |reportResultBrowserSignals| » be the result of running
[=report result=] with |leadingBidInfo|, |directFromSellerSignalsForSeller|, null, and |global|.
1. Run [=report win=] with |leadingBidInfo|, |sellerSignals|, |reportResultBrowserSignals|,
- |directFromSellerSignalsForBuyer|, and |frameOrigin|.
+ |directFromSellerSignalsForBuyer|, and |settings|.
1. Return |leadingBidInfo|.
1. If [=waiting until configuration input promises resolve=] given |auctionConfig| returns failure,
@@ -1743,7 +1743,7 @@ To
generate and score bids given an [=auction config=] |auctionConfig
1. [=list/For each=] |additionalBid| of |additionalBids|, run the following steps [=in parallel=]:
1. [=Score and rank a bid=] with |auctionConfig|, |additionalBid|, |leadingBidInfo|,
|decisionLogicFetcher|, |directFromSellerSignalsForSeller|, null, |auctionLevel|,
- |componentAuctionExpectedCurrency|, |topLevelOrigin| , and |realTimeContributionsMap|.
+ |componentAuctionExpectedCurrency|, |topLevelOrigin|, and |realTimeContributionsMap|.
1. Decrement |pendingAdditionalBids| by 1.
1. [=map/For each=] |buyer| → |perBuyerGenerator| of |bidGenerators|,
[=parallel queue/enqueue steps|enqueue the following steps=] to |queue|:
@@ -1802,7 +1802,8 @@ To
generate and score bids given an [=auction config=] |auctionConfig
1. [=map/For each=] joiningOrigin → |groups| of |perSignalsUrlGenerator|:
1. [=list/For each=] |ig| of |groups|:
1. [=Batch or fetch trusted bidding signals=] given |trustedBiddingSignalsBatcher|,
- |ig|, |signalsUrl|, |buyerExperimentGroupId|, |topLevelOrigin|, and |slotSizeQueryParam|.
+ |ig|, |signalsUrl|, |buyerExperimentGroupId|, |topLevelOrigin|, |slotSizeQueryParam|,
+ and |settings|'s [=environment settings object/policy container=].
1. [=Fetch the current outstanding trusted signals batch=] given |trustedBiddingSignalsBatcher|,
|signalsUrl|, |buyer|, |buyerExperimentGroupId|, |topLevelOrigin|, and |slotSizeQueryParam|.
1. [=Process updateIfOlderThanMs=] with |buyer|, and |trustedBiddingSignalsBatcher|'s
@@ -1846,7 +1847,7 @@ To
generate and score bids given an [=auction config=] |auctionConfig
[=generate potentially multiple bids=] given |allTrustedBiddingSignals|,
|crossOriginTrustedBiddingSignalsOrigin|, |auctionSignals|, a [=map/clone=] of
|browserSignals|, |perBuyerSignals|, |directFromSellerSignalsForBuyer|, |perBuyerTimeout|,
- |expectedCurrency|, |multiBidLimit|, |ig|, |auctionStartTime|, and |frameOrigin|.
+ |expectedCurrency|, |multiBidLimit|, |ig|, |auctionStartTime|, and |settings|.
1. If |generateBidResult| is failure, then:
1. If |optedInForRealTimeReporting| is true, then [=add a platform contribution=] with
[=bidding script failure bucket=], |realTimeContributionsMap| and |buyer|.
@@ -1892,7 +1893,7 @@ To
generate and score bids given an [=auction config=] |auctionConfig
of running [=generate potentially multiple bids=] with |allTrustedBiddingSignals|,
|crossOriginTrustedBiddingSignalsOrigin|, |auctionSignals|, a [=map/clone=] of |browserSignals|,
|perBuyerSignals|, |directFromSellerSignalsForBuyer|, |perBuyerTimeout|, |expectedCurrency|,
- 1 (for multiBidLimit), |ig|, |auctionStartTime|, and |frameOrigin|.
+ 1 (for multiBidLimit), |ig|, |auctionStartTime|, and |settings|.
Note: passing 1 for multiBidLimit limits the rerun to producing at most a single bid.
@@ -1929,7 +1930,7 @@ To
generate and score bids given an [=auction config=] |auctionConfig
|leadingBidInfo|'s [=leading bid info/leading bid=]'s [=generated bid/interest group=]'s
[=interest group/owner=].
1. Run [=report win=] with |leadingBidInfo|, |sellerSignals|, |reportResultBrowserSignals|,
- |directFromSellerSignalsForWinner|, and |frameOrigin|.
+ |directFromSellerSignalsForWinner|, and |settings|.
1. Let |replacements| be an [=ordered map=] whose [=map/keys=] are [=strings=] and whose [=map/values=]
are [=strings=].
1. [=list/For each=] [=ad keyword replacement=], |replacement|, within
@@ -2010,7 +2011,8 @@ To
convert to an AuctionAd sequence given a [=list=]-or-null |ads|:
To fetch and decode trusted scoring signals given an [=auction config=] |auctionConfig|,
a [=generated bid=] |generatedBid|, a [=script fetcher=] |decisionLogicFetcher|, an [=origin=]
-|topLevelOrigin|, and a [=real time reporting contributions map=] |realTimeContributionsMap|:
+|topLevelOrigin|, a [=real time reporting contributions map=] |realTimeContributionsMap|, and a
+[=policy container=] |policyContainer|:
1. Let |crossOriginTrustedScoringSignalsOrigin| be null.
1. Let |sameOriginTrustedScoringSignals| be null.
@@ -2060,7 +2062,7 @@ a [=generated bid=] |generatedBid|, a [=script fetcher=] |decisionLogicFetcher|,
1. Let |allTrustedScoringSignals| be null.
1. Set «|allTrustedScoringSignals|,
ignored, |scoringDataVersion|» to the result of [=fetching trusted signals=]
- with |fullSignalsUrl|, |auctionConfig|'s [=auction config/seller=], and false.
+ with |fullSignalsUrl|, |auctionConfig|'s [=auction config/seller=], |policyContainer|, and false.
1. If |allTrustedScoringSignals| is null, and |auctionConfig|'s
[=auction config/seller real time reporting config=] is "`default-local-reporting`",then:
1. [=Add a platform contribution=] with [=trusted scoring signals failure bucket=],
@@ -2330,7 +2332,7 @@ To validate fetching response given a [=response=] |response|, null,
fetch WebAssembly given a [=URL=] |url| and an [=origin=] |frameOrigin|:
fetch WebAssembly given a [=URL=] |url| and an [=environment settings object=] |settings|:
1. Let |request| be a new [=request=] with the following properties:
: [=request/URL=]
@@ -2340,7 +2342,7 @@ To
fetch WebAssembly given a [=URL=] |url| and an [=origin=] |frameOr
: [=request/client=]
:: `null`
: [=request/origin=]
- :: |frameOrigin|
+ :: |settings|'s [=environment settings object/origin=]
: [=request/mode=]
:: "`no-cors`"
: [=request/referrer=]
@@ -2349,6 +2351,9 @@ To
fetch WebAssembly given a [=URL=] |url| and an [=origin=] |frameOr
:: "`omit`"
: [=request/redirect mode=]
:: "`error`"
+ : [=request/policy container=]
+ :: A new [=policy container=] whose [=policy container/IP address space=] is |settings|'s
+ [=environment settings object/policy container=]'s [=policy container/IP address space=]
Issue: One of the side-effects of a `null` client for this subresource request is it neuters all
service worker interceptions, despite not having to set the service workers mode.
@@ -2373,8 +2378,8 @@ The
is a [=structured header=] whose value must be an [=structured header/integer=].
-To fetch trusted signals given a [=URL=] |url|, an [=origin=] |scriptOrigin|,
-and a [=boolean=] |isBiddingSignal|:
+To fetch trusted signals given a [=URL=] |url|, an [=origin=] |scriptOrigin|, a
+[=policy container=] |policyContainer|, and a [=boolean=] |isBiddingSignal|:
1. Let |request| be a new [=request=] with the following properties:
: [=request/URL=]
@@ -2393,6 +2398,9 @@ and a [=boolean=] |isBiddingSignal|:
:: "`omit`"
: [=request/redirect mode=]
:: "`error`"
+ : [=request/policy container=]
+ :: A new [=policy container=] whose [=policy container/IP address space=] is |policyContainer|'s
+ [=policy container/IP address space=]
Issue: One of the side-effects of a `null` client for this subresource request is it neuters all
service worker interceptions, despite not having to set the service workers mode.
@@ -2563,7 +2571,7 @@ Note: When trusted scoring signals fetches are not batched, |renderURLs|'s [=lis
send report given a [=URL=] |url|, and an [=origin=] |frameOrigin|:
send report given a [=URL=] |url|, and an [=environment settings object=] |settings|:
1. Let |request| be a new [=request=] with the following properties:
: [=request/URL=]
@@ -2571,7 +2579,7 @@ To
send report given a [=URL=] |url|, and an [=origin=] |frameOrigin|
: [=request/client=]
:: `null`
: [=request/origin=]
- :: |frameOrigin|
+ :: |settings|'s [=environment settings object/origin=]
: [=request/mode=]
:: "`no-cors`"
: [=request/referrer=]
@@ -2580,6 +2588,9 @@ To
send report given a [=URL=] |url|, and an [=origin=] |frameOrigin|
:: "`omit`"
: [=request/redirect mode=]
:: "`error`"
+ : [=request/policy container=]
+ :: A new [=policy container=] whose [=policy container/IP address space=] is |settings|'s
+ [=environment settings object/policy container=]'s [=policy container/IP address space=]
Issue: One of the side-effects of a `null` client for this subresource request is it neuters
all service worker interceptions, despite not having to set the service workers mode.
@@ -2710,8 +2721,7 @@ To
report result given a [=leading bid info=] |leadingBidInfo|, a
|browserSignals|["{{ReportingBrowserSignals/buyerAndSellerReportingId}}"] to |igAd|'s
[=interest group ad/buyer and seller reporting ID=].
1. Let |sellerReportingScriptFetcher| be the result of [=creating a new script fetcher=] with
- |config|'s [=auction config/decision logic url=] and |global|'s [=relevant settings object=]'s
- [=environment settings object/origin=].
+ |config|'s [=auction config/decision logic url=] and |global|'s [=relevant settings object=].
1. Let |sellerReportingScript| be the result of [=waiting for script body from a fetcher=] given
1. Let « |sellerSignals|, |reportUrl|, |reportingBeaconMap|, ignored » be the result of
@@ -2742,7 +2752,7 @@ To
report result given a [=leading bid info=] |leadingBidInfo|, a
report win given a [=leading bid info=] |leadingBidInfo|, a [=string=] |sellerSignals|,
a {{ReportingBrowserSignals}} |browserSignals|, a [=direct from seller signals=]-or-null
-|directFromSellerSignals|, and an [=origin=] |frameOrigin|:
+|directFromSellerSignals|, and an [=environment settings object=] |settings|:
1. Let |config| be |leadingBidInfo|'s [=leading bid info/auction config=].
1. Let |winner| be |leadingBidInfo|'s [=leading bid info/leading bid=].
@@ -2782,7 +2792,7 @@ a {{ReportingBrowserSignals}} |browserSignals|, a [=direct from seller signals=]
1. Otherwise, [=map/Set=] |reportWinBrowserSignals|["{{ReportWinBrowserSignals/interestGroupName}}"]
to |winner|'s [=generated bid/interest group=] [=interest group/name=].
1. Let |buyerReportingScriptFetcher| be the result of [=creating a new script fetcher=] with
- |winner|'s [=generated bid/interest group=]'s [=interest group/bidding url=] and |frameOrigin|.
+ |winner|'s [=generated bid/interest group=]'s [=interest group/bidding url=] and |settings|.
1. Let |buyerReportingScript| be the result of [=waiting for script body from a fetcher=] given
1. Let |reportFunctionName| be "`reportWin`".
@@ -3283,7 +3293,7 @@ Initial implementation of this specification defines
send a real time report given a [=URL=] |url|, a [=list=] of [=booleans=]
- |histogram|, and an [=origin=] |frameOrigin|:
+ |histogram|, and an [=environment settings object=] |settings|:
1. Let |totalBuckets| be the sum of [=number of user buckets=] and [=number of platform buckets=].
1. [=Assert=] |histogram|'s [=list/size=] is |totalBuckets|.
@@ -3320,7 +3330,7 @@ Initial implementation of this specification defines
: [=request/client=]
:: `null`
: [=request/origin=]
- :: |frameOrigin|
+ :: |settings|'s [=environment settings object/origin=]
: [=request/mode=]
:: "`no-cors`"
: [=request/referrer=]
@@ -3329,6 +3339,9 @@ Initial implementation of this specification defines
:: "`omit`"
: [=request/redirect mode=]
:: "`error`"
+ : [=request/policy container=]
+ :: A new [=policy container=] whose [=policy container/IP address space=] is |settings|'s
+ [=environment settings object/policy container=]'s [=policy container/IP address space=]
Issue: One of the side-effects of a `null` client for this subresource request is it neuters
all service worker interceptions, despite not having to set the service workers mode.
@@ -3340,7 +3353,7 @@ Initial implementation of this specification defines
send real time reports given a [=real time reporting contributions map=]
- |contributionsMap| and an [=origin=] |frameOrigin|:
+ |contributionsMap| and an [=environment settings object=] |settings|:
1. [=map/For each=] |origin| → |contributions| of |contributionsMap|:
1. Let |maybeBucket| be the result of [=sampling real time contributions=] with |contributions|.
@@ -3354,7 +3367,7 @@ Initial implementation of this specification defines
:: |origin|'s [=origin/port=]
: [=url/path=]
:: « ".well-known", "interest-group", "real-time-report" »
- 1. [=Send a real time report=] with |reportUrl|, |histogram| and |frameOrigin|.
+ 1. [=Send a real time report=] with |reportUrl|, |histogram| and |settings|.
Issue: TODO: Spec rate limiting.
@@ -4836,13 +4849,14 @@ partial interface Navigator {
updateAdInterestGroups() method steps are:
-1. [=In parallel=], run [=interest group update=] with
- « [=relevant settings object=]'s [=environment/top-level origin=] »
+1. Let |settings| be [=this=]'s [=relevant settings object=].
+1. [=In parallel=], run [=interest group update=] with « |settings|'s [=environment/top-level origin=] »,
+ and |settings|'s [=environment settings object/policy container=].
update interest groups given a [=list=] of [=origins=]
- |owners|:
+ |owners|, and a [=policy container=] |policyContainer|:
Implementations can consider aborting all updating if updating has been running for too long. This
can avoid continuing to reveal coarse IP location information to update servers long after
@@ -4874,6 +4888,9 @@ navigating to another page. Some implementations, such as Chromium, have chosen
:: "`omit`"
: [=request/redirect mode=]
:: "`error`"
+ : [=request/policy container=]
+ :: A new [=policy container=] whose [=policy container/IP address space=] is |policyContainer|'s
+ [=policy container/IP address space=]
Issue: One of the side-effects of a `null` client for this subresource request is it neuters
all service worker interceptions, despite not having to set the service workers mode.
@@ -5366,8 +5383,8 @@ Issue: Move from "`*`" to "`self`"
check interest group permissions given an [=origin=] |ownerOrigin|, an [=origin=]
-|frameOrigin|, and an enum |joinOrLeave| which is "`join`" or "`leave`":
check interest group permissions given an [=origin=] |ownerOrigin|, an
+[=environment settings object=] |settings|, and an enum |joinOrLeave| which is "`join`" or "`leave`":
1. If |ownerOrigin| is [=same origin=] with |frameOrigin|, then return true.
1. Let |encodedFrameOrigin| be the result of [=string/UTF-8 percent-encoding=] the
[=serialization of an origin|serialized=] |frameOrigin| using [=component percent-encode set=].
@@ -5388,9 +5405,9 @@ To
check interest group permissions given an [=origin=] |ownerOrigin|
: [=request/header list=]
:: «`Accept`: `application/json`»
: [=request/client=]
- :: `null`
+ :: |settings|
: [=request/origin=]
- :: |frameOrigin|
+ :: "`client`"
: [=request/mode=]
:: "`cors`"
: [=request/referrer=]
@@ -5399,9 +5416,11 @@ To
check interest group permissions given an [=origin=] |ownerOrigin|
:: "`omit`"
: [=request/redirect mode=]
:: "`error`"
+ : [=request/service-workers mode=]
+ :: `none`
+ : [=request/policy container=]
+ :: "`client`"
- Issue: One of the side-effects of a `null` client for this subresource request is it neuters all
- service worker interceptions, despite not having to set the service workers mode.
1. Let |resource| be null.
1. [=Fetch=] |request| with [=fetch/useParallelQueue=] set to true, and
[=fetch/processResponseConsumeBody=] set to the following steps given a [=response=] |response|
@@ -6367,12 +6386,13 @@ headers. It's a [=struct=] with the following [=struct/items=]:
-To create a new script fetcher given a [=URL=] |url| and an [=origin=] |frameOrigin|:
+To create a new script fetcher given a [=URL=] |url| and an [=environment settings object=]
1. Let |fetcher| be a new [=script fetcher=].
1. Let |queue| be the result of [=starting a new parallel queue=].
1. [=parallel queue/enqueue steps|Enqueue the following steps=] to |queue|:
- 1. [=Fetch script=] given |url|, |frameOrigin| and |fetcher|.
+ 1. [=Fetch script=] given |url|, |settings| and |fetcher|.
1. Return |fetcher|.
@@ -6387,7 +6407,7 @@ To
wait for script body from a fetcher given a [=script fetcher=] |fe
wait for cross origin trusted scoring signals authorization from a fetcher given a
[=script fetcher=] |fetcher|:
- 1. Wait until |fetcher|'s [=script fetcher/origins authorized for cross origin trusted signals=].
+ 1. Wait until |fetcher|'s [=script fetcher/origins authorized for cross origin trusted signals=]
is not null.
1. Return |fetcher|'s [=script fetcher/origins authorized for cross origin trusted signals=].
@@ -6412,8 +6432,8 @@ To
parse allowed trusted scoring signals origins given a [=header lis
-To fetch script given a [=URL=] |url|, an [=origin=] |frameOrigin|, and a
-[=script fetcher=] |fetcher|:
+To fetch script given a [=URL=] |url|, an [=environment settings object=] |settings|, and
+a [=script fetcher=] |fetcher|:
1. Let |request| be a new [=request=] with the following properties:
: [=request/URL=]
:: |url|
@@ -6422,7 +6442,7 @@ To fetch script given a [=URL=] |url|, an [=origin=] |frameOrigin|, a
: [=request/client=]
:: `null`
: [=request/origin=]
- :: |frameOrigin|
+ :: |settings|'s [=environment settings object/origin=]
: [=request/mode=]
:: "`no-cors`"
: [=request/referrer=]
@@ -6431,6 +6451,9 @@ To fetch script given a [=URL=] |url|, an [=origin=] |frameOrigin|, a
:: "`omit`"
: [=request/redirect mode=]
:: "`error`"
+ : [=request/policy container=]
+ :: A new [=policy container=] whose [=policy container/IP address space=] is |settings|'s
+ [=environment settings object/policy container=]'s [=policy container/IP address space=]
Issue: One of the side-effects of a `null` client for this subresource request is it neuters all
service worker interceptions, despite not having to set the service workers mode.
@@ -6455,10 +6478,10 @@ To fetch script given a [=URL=] |url|, an [=origin=] |frameOrigin|, a
1. If [=validate fetching response mime and body=] with |response|, |responseBody| and
"`text/javascript`" returns false, set |fetcher|'s [=script fetcher/script body=] to
- 1. Otherwise, set set |fetcher|'s [=script fetcher/script body=] to |responseBody|.
+ 1. Otherwise, set |fetcher|'s [=script fetcher/script body=] to |responseBody|.
1. Let |failureSteps| be a set of steps that take an [=exception=] e, and
perform the following:
- 1. Set set |fetcher|'s [=script fetcher/script body=] to failure.
+ 1. Set |fetcher|'s [=script fetcher/script body=] to failure.
1. [=ReadableStreamDefaultReader/Read all bytes=] from |bodyReader|, given |successSteps|
and |failureSteps|.
@@ -6533,8 +6556,8 @@ To
append to a bidding signals per-interest group data map given an [
fetch the current outstanding trusted signals batch given a
[=trusted bidding signals batcher=] |trustedBiddingSignalsBatcher|, a [=URL=] |signalsUrl|,
-an [=origin=] |scriptOrigin|, an {{unsigned short}}-or-null |experimentGroupId|,
-an [=origin=] |topLevelOrigin|, and a [=string=] |slotSizeQueryParam|:
+an [=origin=] |scriptOrigin|, an {{unsigned short}}-or-null |experimentGroupId|, an [=origin=]
+|topLevelOrigin|, a [=string=] |slotSizeQueryParam|, and a [=policy container=] |policyContainer|:
1. If |signalsUrl| is null, return.
1. Let |biddingSignalsUrl| be the result of [=building trusted bidding signals url=] with
@@ -6542,7 +6565,8 @@ an [=origin=] |topLevelOrigin|, and a [=string=] |slotSizeQueryParam|:
|trustedBiddingSignalsBatcher|'s [=trusted bidding signals batcher/ig names=],
|experimentGroupId|, |topLevelOrigin|, and |slotSizeQueryParam|.
1. Let « |partialTrustedBiddingSignals|, |partialPerInterestGroupData|, |dataVersion| » be the
- result of [=fetching trusted signals=] with |biddingSignalsUrl|, |scriptOrigin|, and true.
+ result of [=fetching trusted signals=] with |biddingSignalsUrl|, |scriptOrigin|,
+ |policyContainer| and true.
1. If |partialTrustedBiddingSignals| is not null:
1. [=map/For each=] |key| → |value| in |partialTrustedBiddingSignals|, [=map/set=]
|trustedBiddingSignalsBatcher|'s [=trusted bidding signals batcher/all trusted bidding
@@ -6563,9 +6587,9 @@ an [=origin=] |topLevelOrigin|, and a [=string=] |slotSizeQueryParam|:
To batch or fetch trusted bidding signals given a [=trusted bidding signals batcher=]
-|trustedBiddingSignalsBatcher|, [=interest group=] |ig|, a [=URL=] |signalsUrl|,
-an [=origin=] |scriptOrigin| an {{unsigned short}}-or-null |experimentGroupId|,
-an [=origin=] |topLevelOrigin|, and a [=string=] |slotSizeQueryParam|:
+|trustedBiddingSignalsBatcher|, [=interest group=] |ig|, a [=URL=] |signalsUrl|, an [=origin=]
+|scriptOrigin|, an {{unsigned short}}-or-null |experimentGroupId|, an [=origin=] |topLevelOrigin|, a
+[=string=] |slotSizeQueryParam|, and a [=policy container=] |policyContainer|:
1. Let |igName| be |ig|'s [=interest group/name=].
1. If |signalsUrl| is null:
@@ -6604,7 +6628,8 @@ an [=origin=] |topLevelOrigin|, and a [=string=] |slotSizeQueryParam|:
1. Otherwise:
1. [=Fetch the current outstanding trusted signals batch=] given |trustedBiddingSignalsBatcher|,
- |signalsUrl|, |scriptOrigin|, |experimentGroupId|, |topLevelOrigin|, |slotSizeQueryParam|.
+ |signalsUrl|, |scriptOrigin|, |experimentGroupId|, |topLevelOrigin|, |slotSizeQueryParam|, and
+ |policyContainer|.
1. If |ig|'s [=interest group/trusted bidding signals keys=] is not null, set
|trustedBiddingSignalsBatcher|'s [=trusted bidding signals batcher/keys=] to a
[=list/clone=] of |ig|'s [=interest group/trusted bidding signals keys=].