diff --git a/spec.bs b/spec.bs
index 08ddabc42..081eef514 100644
--- a/spec.bs
+++ b/spec.bs
@@ -1779,14 +1779,20 @@ following steps. They return a failure if failing to fetch the script or wasm, o
1. Let |prevWinElement| be the [=sequence=]<{{PreviousWinElement}}>
«|timeDelta|, |prevWinAdIDL|».
1. [=list/Append=] |prevWinElement| to |prevWins|.
1. [=map/Set=] |browserSignals|["{{BiddingBrowserSignals/prevWinsMs}}"] to |prevWins|.
+ 1. Let |metrics| be the result of [=access per-participant metrics=] given |reportingContext|,
+ |ig|'s [=interest group/owner=], [=worklet function/generate-bid=].
1. Let |biddingScriptFetcher| be the result of [=creating a new script fetcher=] with
|ig|'s [=interest group/bidding url=], and |settings|.
1. Let |biddingScript| be the result of [=waiting for script body from a fetcher=] given
+ 1. [=Add a sample to an averager=] |metrics|'s [=per participant metrics/average code fetch time=]
+ saying how long this took, in milliseconds (TODO: how?).
1. If |biddingScript| is failure, return failure.
1. If |ig|'s [=interest group/bidding wasm helper url=] is not null:
1. Let |wasmModuleObject| be the result of [=fetching WebAssembly=] with |ig|'s
[=interest group/bidding wasm helper url=] and |settings|.
+ 1. [=Add a sample to an averager=] |metrics|'s [=per participant metrics/average code fetch
+ time=] saying how long this took, in milliseconds (TODO: how?).
1. If |wasmModuleObject| is not failure, then [=map/set=]
|browserSignals|["{{BiddingBrowserSignals/wasmHelper}}"] to |wasmModuleObject|.
1. Otherwise, return failure.
@@ -1981,6 +1987,10 @@ and a [=real time reporting contributions map=] |realTimeContributionsMap|:
1. [=map/For each=] slotSizeQueryParam → |perSignalsUrlGenerator| of |perSlotSizeQueryParam|:
1. [=map/For each=] joiningOrigin → |groups| of |perSignalsUrlGenerator|:
1. [=list/Remove=] from |groups| any [=interest group=] [=list/contained=] in |igs|.
+ 1. Let |metrics| be the result of [=accessing per-participant metrics] for |reportingContext|,
+ |buyer|, [=worket function/generated-bid].
+ 1. Set |metrics|'s [=per participant metrics/participating interest group count=] to the
+ [=list/size=] of |groups|.
1. Let |perBuyerSignals| be null.
1. If |auctionConfig|'s [=auction config/per buyer signals=] is not null and
[=auction config/per buyer signals=][|buyer|] [=map/exists=], then set |perBuyerSignals| to
@@ -2309,6 +2319,8 @@ a {{DirectFromSellerSignalsForSeller}} |directFromSellerSignalsForSeller|, an {{
or "component-auction", a [=currency tag=] |componentAuctionExpectedCurrency|, an [=origin=]
|topLevelOrigin|, and a [=real time reporting contributions map=] |realTimeContributionsMap|:
+1. Let |metrics| be the result of [=access per-participant metrics=] given |reportingContext|,
+ |auctionConfig|'s [=auction config/seller=], [=worklet function/score-ad=].
1. Let «|trustedScoringSignalsAreCrossOrigin|, |sameOriginTrustedScoringSignals|,
|crossOriginTrustedScoringSignals|, |scoringDataVersion|» be the result of [=fetch and
decode trusted scoring signals=] given |trustedScoringSignalsBatcher|, |auctionConfig|,
@@ -2349,6 +2361,8 @@ or "component-auction", a [=currency tag=] |componentAuctionExpectedCurrency|, a
1. Let |decisionLogicScript| be the result of [=wait for script body from a fetcher=] given
+1. [=Add a sample to an averager=] |metrics|'s [=per participant metrics/average code fetch time=]
+ saying how long the fetch |decisionLogicFetcher| performed took, in milliseconds.
1. If |decisionLogicScript| is failure, then:
1. If |auctionConfig|'s [=auction config/seller real time reporting config=] is
"`default-local-reporting`", then [=add a platform contribution=] with
@@ -2365,10 +2379,11 @@ or "component-auction", a [=currency tag=] |componentAuctionExpectedCurrency|, a
contributions, and some special handling of private aggregation requests involving reject-reason);
as it would be problematic to report a winner that didn't actually win.
- 1. If |reportingContext|'s [=reporting context/debug reporting info=][|generatedBid|'s [=generated
- bid/reporting id=]] does not [=map/exist=], set it to a new [=bid debug reporting info=].
+ 1. Let |reportingId| be |generatedBid|'s [=generated bid/reporting id=].
+ 1. If |reportingContext|'s [=reporting context/debug reporting info=][|reportingId|] does not
+ [=map/exist=], set it to a new [=bid debug reporting info=].
1. Let |bidDebugReportInfo| be |reportingContext|'s [=reporting context/debug reporting info=]
- [|generatedBid|'s [=generated bid/reporting id=]].
+ [|reportingId|].
1. If |auctionLevel| is "top-level-auction":
1. Set |bidDebugReportInfo|'s [=bid debug reporting info/top level seller debug loss report
url=] to |debugLossReportUrl|.
@@ -2384,8 +2399,10 @@ or "component-auction", a [=currency tag=] |componentAuctionExpectedCurrency|, a
1. If |auctionConfig|'s [=auction config/seller real time reporting config=] is
"`default-local-reporting`", then [=insert entries to map=] given |realTimeContributionsMap|,
|seller|, and |realTimeContributions|.
- 1. [=Commit private aggregation contributions=] given |paContributions|, |generatedBid|'s
- [=generated bid/reporting id=] and |reportingContext|.
+ 1. [=set/Insert=] |reportingId| into |reportingContext|'s [=reporting context/bidder
+ participants=].
+ 1. [=Commit private aggregation contributions=] given |paContributions|, |reportingId|, and
+ |reportingContext|.
1. Let |scoreAdOutput| be result of [=processing scoreAd output=] with |scoreAdResult|.
1. Return if any of the following conditions hold:
* |scoreAdOutput| is failure;
@@ -2890,15 +2907,19 @@ and a [=global object=] |global|:
[=generated bid/interest group=], |igAd|, and null is true:
1. If |igAd|'s [=interest group ad/buyer and seller reporting ID=] is not null, [=map/set=]
|browserSignals|["{{ReportingBrowserSignals/buyerAndSellerReportingId}}"] to it.
+ 1. Let |metrics| be the result of [=access per-participant metrics=] given |reportingContext|,
+ |config|'s [=auction config/seller=], [=worklet function/report-result=].
1. Let |sellerReportingScriptFetcher| be the result of [=creating a new script fetcher=] with
|config|'s [=auction config/decision logic url=] and |global|'s [=relevant settings object=].
1. Let |sellerReportingScript| be the result of [=waiting for script body from a fetcher=] given
+ 1. [=Add a sample to an averager=] |metrics|'s [=per participant metrics/average code fetch time=]
+ saying how long the fetch |sellerReportingScriptFetcher| performed took, in milliseconds.
1. Let « |sellerSignals|, |reportUrl|, |reportingBeaconMap|, ignored, |paContributions| » be the
- result of [=evaluating a reporting script=] with |sellerReportingScript|, "`reportResult`",
- |reportingContext|, |config|'s [=auction config/seller=], |config|'s [=auction config/seller
- Private Aggregation coordinator=], |config|'s [=auction config/config idl=]'s
- {{AuctionAdConfig/reportingTimeout}}, and
+ result of [=evaluating a reporting script=] with |sellerReportingScript|, [=worklet function/
+ report-result=], |reportingContext|, |config|'s [=auction config/seller=], |config|'s
+ [=auction config/seller Private Aggregation coordinator=], |config|'s [=auction config/
+ config idl=]'s {{AuctionAdConfig/reportingTimeout}}, and
« |config|'s [=auction config/config idl=], |browserSignals|, |directFromSellerSignals| ».
1. Let |reportingResult| be a [=reporting result=] with the following [=struct/items=]:
: [=reporting result/report url=]
@@ -2955,6 +2976,8 @@ a {{ReportingBrowserSignals}} |browserSignals|, a [=direct from seller signals=]
(TODO: noise and bucket this signal)
1. Let |ig| be |winner|'s [=generated bid/interest group=].
+ 1. Let |metrics| be the result of [=access per-participant metrics=] given |reportingContext|,
+ |ig|'s [=interest group/owner=], [=worklet function/report-win=].
1. Let |igAd| be the [=interest group ad=] from ig's [=interest group/ads=] whose
[=interest group ad/render url=] is |winner|'s
[=generated bid/ad descriptor=]'s [=ad descriptor/url=].
@@ -2990,14 +3013,16 @@ a {{ReportingBrowserSignals}} |browserSignals|, a [=direct from seller signals=]
|winner|'s [=generated bid/interest group=]'s [=interest group/bidding url=] and |settings|.
1. Let |buyerReportingScript| be the result of [=waiting for script body from a fetcher=] given
+ 1. [=Add a sample to an averager=] |metrics|'s [=per participant metrics/average code fetch time=]
+ saying how long the fetch |buyerReportingScriptFetcher| performed took, in milliseconds.
1. Let |reportFunctionName| be "`reportWin`".
1. If |winner|'s [=generated bid/provided as additional bid=] is true:
1. Set |reportFunctionName| be "`reportAdditionalBidWin`".
1. Let « ignored, |resultUrl|, |reportingBeaconMap|, |reportingMacroMap|, |paContributions| » be
- the result of [=evaluating a reporting script=] with |buyerReportingScript|, "`reportWin`",
- |reportingContext|, |ig|'s [=interest group/owner=], |ig|'s [=interest group/Private Aggregation
- coordinator=], |leadingBidInfo|'s [=leading bid info/auction config=]'s [=auction config/config
- idl=]'s {{AuctionAdConfig/reportingTimeout}}, and
+ the result of [=evaluating a reporting script=] with |buyerReportingScript|, [=worklet function/
+ report-win=], |reportingContext|, |ig|'s [=interest group/owner=], |ig|'s [=interest group/
+ Private Aggregation coordinator=], |leadingBidInfo|'s [=leading bid info/auction config=]'s
+ [=auction config/config idl=]'s {{AuctionAdConfig/reportingTimeout}}, and
« |leadingBidInfo|'s [=leading bid info/auction config=]'s [=auction config/config idl=]'s
{{AuctionAdConfig/auctionSignals}}, |perBuyerSignalsForBuyer|, |sellerSignals|,
|reportWinBrowserSignals|, |directFromSellerSignals| ».
@@ -3626,8 +3651,30 @@ A reporting context is a [=struct=] with the following [=struct/items
:: A [=reporting bid key=] or null, initially null. This can be null even if [=reporting context/
local leader info=] has a leader set, in case this context is for a component auction that lost
at top-level.
+ : bidder participants
+ :: A [=set=] of [=reporting bid keys=], representing interest groups that got a chance to generate
+ bids for the auction. This will be empty in top-level auctions, as the relevant state will be
+ in the component auctions.
+ : seller participants
+ :: A [=set=] of [=reporting bid keys=], representing various `scoreAd()` executions. Note that
+ some of these may be based on bids that started as additional bids or from component auctions
+ run by Bidding and Auction services, and not interest groups, so this list may be quite
+ different from [=reporting context/bidder participants=].
+ : participant metrics
+ :: A [=map=] from a pair ([=origin=], [=worklet function=]) to [=per participant metrics=].
+To access per-participant metrics given a [=reporting context=] |reportingContext|,
+an [=origin=] |origin| and [=worklet function=] |workletFunction|:
+1. Let |key| be (|origin|, |workletFunction|).
+1. If |reportingContext|'s [=reporting context/participant metrics=][|key|] does not [=map/exist=],
+ set |reportingContext|'s [=reporting context/participant metrics=][|key|] to a new [=per participant
+ metrics=].
+1. Return |reportingContext|'s [=reporting context/participant metrics=][|key|].
A reporting context map is a [=map=] from [=auction config=] to [=reporting context=].
Here the keys are configurations for auctions that actually produce bids (e.g. not the top-level
auction in a multi-party auction).
@@ -3665,6 +3712,7 @@ auction in a multi-party auction).
:: |ig|'s [=interest group/name=]
1. [=map/Set=] |reportingContext|'s [=reporting context/debug reporting info=][|id|] to
+ 1. [=set/Insert=] |id| into |reportingContext|'s [=reporting context/bidder participants=].
1. [=Commit private aggregation contributions=] given |paContributions|, |id| and
1. [=list/For each=] |generatedBid| of |generatedBids|:
@@ -4061,6 +4109,13 @@ A signal base value is one of the following:
Note: this mapping to an integer is defined in [=determine a signal's
numeric value=].
+: "average-code-fetch-time
+:: The numeric value is the average time it took to fetch code resources (JavaScript or WebAssembly)
+ for this particular worklet function, for this participant.
+: "participating-ig-count
+:: The numeric value is the number of interest groups for the buyer actually participating in the
+ auction, after considering prioritization and capabilities.
On event contribution entry
@@ -4074,6 +4129,10 @@ An on event contribution entry is a [=struct=] with the following items:
:: A [=debug scope=]
: debug details
:: A [=debug details=] or null (default null)
+: worklet function
+:: A [=worklet function=].
+: origin
+:: The [=origin=] of the script that contributed the entry.
@@ -4091,6 +4150,55 @@ A worklet function is one of the following:
find corresponding bid and score phase function given a [=worklet function=] |fn|:
+ 1.Switch on on |fn|:
+ : [=worklet function/generate-bid=]
+ :: Return [=worklet function/generate-bid=].
+ : [=worklet function/score-ad=]
+ :: Return [=worklet function/score-ad=].
+ : [=worklet function/report-result=]
+ :: Return [=worklet function/score-ad=].
+ : [=worklet function/report-win=]
+ :: Return [=worklet function/generate-bid=].
+### Averager ### {#private-aggregation-averager}
+An averager is a a [=struct=] with the following [=struct/items=]:
+ : count
+ :: A {{long}}, initially 0.
+ : sum
+ :: A {{double}}, initially 0.
+To add a sample to an averager given an [=averager=] |averager|, a {{double}} |sample|:
+1. Set |averager|'s [=averager/count=] to |averager|'s [=averager/count=] + 1.
+1. Set |averager|'s [=averager/sum=] to |averager|'s [=averager/sum=] + |sample|.
+To get the value to report from an averager given an [=averager=] |averager|:
+1. If |averager|'s [=averager/count=] = 0, return 0.
+1. Return |averager|'s [=averager/sum=] / [=averager/count=].
+### Per-participant metrics ### {#private-aggregation-per-participant-metrics}
+A per participant metrics is a [=struct=] with the following [=struct/items=]:
+ : participating interest group count
+ :: A {{long}}, initially 0.
+ : average code fetch time
+ :: An [=averager=].
Private Aggregation contributions
Private Aggregation contributions is a [=map=] from [=string=] to a [=list=] of [=on event
contribution entries=].
@@ -4099,9 +4207,11 @@ contribution entries=].
prepare for private aggregation given a
-{{InterestGroupScriptRunnerGlobalScope}} |global|, a [=reporting context=] |reportingContext|,
-and [=origins=] |origin| and |aggregationCoordinator|:
+{{InterestGroupScriptRunnerGlobalScope}} |global|, a [=worklet function=] |workletFunction|,
+a [=reporting context=] |reportingContext|, and [=origins=] |origin| and |aggregationCoordinator|:
1. Let |debugScope| be a new [=debug scope=].
+1. Set |global|'s [=InterestGroupScriptRunnerGlobalScope/worklet function=] to |workletFunction|.
+1. Set |global|'s [=InterestGroupScriptRunnerGlobalScope/origin=] to |origin|.
1. Set |global|'s [=InterestGroupScriptRunnerGlobalScope/private aggregation=] to a new
[=PrivateAggregation=] with the following [=struct/items=]:
allowed to use
@@ -4191,14 +4301,26 @@ an [=auction config=] |auctionConfig| and a [=reporting context=] |reportingCont
1. If |auctionConfig|'s [=auction config/aborted=] is true, return.
1. Let |winnerId| be |reportingContext|'s [=reporting context/winner reporting id=]
1. Let |leadingBidInfo| be |reportingContext|'s [=reporting context/local leader info=].
+1. Let |bidderOnceRep| be null.
+1. If |reportingContext|'s [=reporting context/bidder participants=] [=set/is not empty=],
+ set |bidderOnceRep| to a random member of [=reporting context/bidder participants=].
+1. Let |sellerOnceRep| be null.
+1. If |reportingContext|'s [=reporting context/seller participants=] [=set/is not empty=],
+ set |sellerOnceRep| to a random member of [=reporting context/seller participants=].
1. [=map/For each=] (|bidId|, |event|) → |contributions| of
|reportingContext|'s [=reporting context/private aggregation on event contributions=]:
1. If |event| is "`reserved.win`" or does not [=string/start with=] "`reserved.`":
1. If |bidId| is not |winnerId|, [=iteration/continue=].
1. If |event| is "`reserved.loss`" and |bidId| is |winnerId|, [=iteration/continue=].
1. [=list/For each=] |onEventEntry| of |contributions|:
+ 1. If |event| is "`reserved.once`":
+ 1. If |onEventEntry|'s [=on event contribution entry/worklet function=] is [=worklet function/
+ generate-bid=]:
+ 1. If |bidId| ≠ |bidderOnceRep|, [=iteration/continue=].
+ 1. Otherwise:
+ 1. If |bidId| ≠ |sellerOnceRep|, [=iteration/continue=].
1. Let |filledInContribution| be the result of [=filling in the contribution=] given
- |onEventEntry|'s [=on event contribution entry/contribution=] and |leadingBidInfo|.
+ |reportingContext|, |onEventEntry| and |leadingBidInfo|.
Issue: Once
is resolved, align 'filling in' logic with `forDebuggingOnly`.
@@ -4310,15 +4432,18 @@ an [=auction config=] |auctionConfig| and a [=reporting context=] |reportingCont
-To fill in the contribution given a {{PAExtendedHistogramContribution}} |contribution|
-and a [=leading bid info=] |leadingBidInfo|, perform the following steps. They return a
+To fill in the contribution given a [=reporting context=] |reportingContext|,
+an [=on event contribution entry=] |onEventEntry| and a [=leading bid info=] |leadingBidInfo|,
+perform the following steps. They return a {{PAHistogramContribution}}:
+1. Let |contribution| be |onEventEntry|'s [=on event contribution entry/contribution=].
1. Let |bucket| be |contribution|["{{PAExtendedHistogramContribution/bucket}}"].
1. If |bucket| is a {{PASignalValue}}, set |bucket| to the result of [=filling
- in the signal value=] given |bucket|, 2128−1 and |leadingBidInfo|.
+ in the signal value=] given |reportingContext|, |onEventEntry|, |bucket|, 2128−1
+ and |leadingBidInfo|.
1. Let |value| be |contribution|["{{PAExtendedHistogramContribution/value}}"].
1. If |value| is a {{PASignalValue}}, set |value| to the result of [=filling in
- the signal value=] given |value|, 231−1 and |leadingBidInfo|.
+ the signal value=] given |reportingContext|, |onEventEntry|, |value|, 231−1 and
+ |leadingBidInfo|.
1. Let |filledInContribution| be a new {{PAHistogramContribution}} with the
: {{PAHistogramContribution/bucket}}
@@ -4332,13 +4457,15 @@ and a [=leading bid info=] |leadingBidInfo|, perform the following steps. They r
fill in the signal value given a {{PASignalValue}} |value|, an
fill in the signal value given a [=reporting context=] |reportingContext|,
+an [=on event contribution entry=] |onEventEntry|, a {{PASignalValue}} |value|, an
integer |maxAllowed| and a [=leading bid info=] |leadingBidInfo|, perform the following steps.
They return an integer.
1. [=Assert=]: |value|["{{PASignalValue/baseValue}}"] is a valid [=signal base
1. Let |returnValue| be the result of [=determining a signal's numeric value=]
- given |value|["{{PASignalValue/baseValue}}"] and |leadingBidInfo|.
+ given |reportingContext|, |onEventEntry|, |value|["{{PASignalValue/baseValue}}"] and
+ |leadingBidInfo|.
1. If |value|["{{PASignalValue/scale}}"] [=map/exists=], set |returnValue| to
the result of multiplying |value|["{{PASignalValue/scale}}"] with
@@ -4353,9 +4480,17 @@ They return an integer.
-To determine a signal's numeric value given a [=signal base value=]
+To determine a signal's numeric value given a [=reporting context=] |reportingContext|,
+an [=on event contribution entry=] |onEventEntry|, a [=signal base value=]
|signalBaseValue| and a [=leading bid info=] |leadingBidInfo|, perform the following steps.
They return a {{double}}.
+1. Let |metrics| be the result of [=access per-participant metrics=] given |reportingContext|,
+ |onEventEntry|'s [=on event contribution entry/origin=], [=on event contribution entry/
+ worklet function=].
+1. Let |bidAndScoreMetrics| be the result of [=access per-participant metrics=] given
+ |reportingContext|, |onEventEntry|'s [=on event contribution entry/origin=], and the result of
+ [=find corresponding bid and score phase function=] given [=on event contribution entry/worklet
+ function=].
1. If |signalBaseValue| is "[=signal base value/winning-bid=]
1. If |leadingBidInfo|'s [=leading bid info/leading bid=] is null, return 0.
1. Otherwise, return |leadingBidInfo|'s [=leading bid info/leading bid=]'s [=generated bid/bid=].
@@ -4418,6 +4553,11 @@ They return a {{double}}.
Issue: Verify handling when the bid was not rejected.
+1. If |signalBaseValue| is "[=signal base value/average-code-fetch-time=]
+ 1. Return the result of [=getting the value to report from an averager=] given |metrics|'s [=per
+ participant metrics/average code fetch time=].
+1. If |signalBaseValue| is "[=signal base value/participating-ig-count=]
+ 1. Return |bidAndScoreMetrics|'s [=per participant metrics/participating interest group count=].
@@ -5318,8 +5458,9 @@ of the following global objects:
[=InterestGroupBiddingScriptRunnerGlobalScope/group has ad components=] to true if |ig|'s
[=interest group/ad components=] is not null, or false otherwise.
1. Set |global|'s [=InterestGroupBiddingScriptRunnerGlobalScope/expected currency=] to |expectedCurrency|.
- 1. [=Prepare for private aggregation=] given |global|, |reportingContext|, |ig|'s [=interest
- group/owner=] and |ig|'s [=interest group/Private Aggregation coordinator=].
+ 1. [=Prepare for private aggregation=] given |global|, [=worklet function/generate-bid=],
+ |reportingContext|, |ig|'s [=interest group/owner=] and |ig|'s [=interest group/Private
+ Aggregation coordinator=].
1. Let |isComponentAuction| be true if |browserSignals|["{{BiddingBrowserSignals/topLevelSeller}}"] is not null, or
false otherwise.
1. Set |global|'s [=InterestGroupBiddingScriptRunnerGlobalScope/is component auction=] to
@@ -5410,9 +5551,9 @@ of the following global objects:
1. Let |global| be |realm|'s [=realm/global object=].
1. Let |settings| be |realm|'s [=realm/settings object=].
- 1. [=Prepare for private aggregation=] given |global|, |reportingContext|, |auctionConfig|'s
- [=auction config/seller=] and |auctionConfig|'s [=auction config/seller Private Aggregation
- coordinator=].
+ 1. [=Prepare for private aggregation=] given |global|, [=worklet function/score-ad=],
+ |reportingContext|, |auctionConfig|'s [=auction config/seller=] and |auctionConfig|'s
+ [=auction config/seller Private Aggregation coordinator=].
1. Let |browserSignalsJS| be |browserSignals| [=converted to ECMAScript values=].
1. Let |auctionConfigJS| be |auctionConfig|'s [=auction config/config idl=] [=converted to
ECMAScript values=].
@@ -5449,16 +5590,18 @@ of the following global objects:
- To
evaluate a reporting script given a [=string=] |script|, a [=string=]
- |functionName|, a [=reporting context=] |reportingContext|, an [=origin=] |origin|, an
- [=origin=] |privateAggregationCoordinator|, an integer millisecond [=duration=] |timeout|,
- and a [=list=] of arguments |arguments|:
+ To
evaluate a reporting script given a [=string=] |script|, a [=worklet function=]
+ |function|, a [=reporting context=] |reportingContext|, an [=origin=] |origin|, an [=origin=]
+ |privateAggregationCoordinator|, an integer millisecond [=duration=] |timeout|, and a [=list=]
+ of arguments |arguments|:
1. Let |realm| be the result of [=creating a new script runner realm=] given
1. Let |global| be |realm|'s [=realm/global object=].
- 1. [=Prepare for private aggregation=] given |global|, |reportingContext|, |origin|, and
- |privateAggregationCoordinator|.
+ 1. Let |functionName| be `"reportWin"`.
+ 1. If |function| is [=worklet function/report-result=], set |functionName| to `"reportResult"`.
+ 1. [=Prepare for private aggregation=] given |global|, |function|, |reportingContext|, |origin|,
+ and |privateAggregationCoordinator|.
1. Let |argumentsJS| be the result of [=converting a Web IDL arguments list to an ECMAScript
arguments list|converting=] |arguments| to an ECMAScript arguments list. If this
[=exception/throws=] an exception, return « "null", null, null, null ».
@@ -5576,6 +5719,12 @@ Each {{InterestGroupScriptRunnerGlobalScope}} has a
:: Null, or a [=PrivateAggregation=]. Initially null.
on event contribution map
:: A [=map=] from [=string=] to a [=list=] of [=on event contribution entries=].
+ :
worklet function
+ :: A [=worklet function=]. Affects some
+ [Private Aggregation API](https://github.com/patcg-individual-drafts/private-aggregation-api)
+ functionality.
+ :
+ :: The [=origin=] of the script being executed.
@@ -5589,16 +5738,21 @@ The
event, PAExtendedHistogramContribution contribution) method steps are:
+1. Let |global| be [=this=]'s [=relevant global object=].
+1. Let |function| be |global|'s [=InterestGroupScriptRunnerGlobalScope/worklet function=].
+1. Let |origin| be |global|'s [=InterestGroupScriptRunnerGlobalScope/origin=].
1. If [=this=]'s
allowed to use is false, [=exception/throw=] a {{TypeError}}.
1. Let |scopingDetails| be [=this=]'s
scoping details
1. If |event| [=string/starts with=] "`reserved.`" and « "`reserved.always`",
- "`reserved.loss`", "`reserved.win`" » does not [=list/contain=] |event|,
+ "`reserved.loss`", "`reserved.win`", "`reserved.once`" » does not [=list/contain=] |event|,
Note: No error is thrown to allow forward compatibility if additional
reserved event types are added later.
+1. If |event| is "`reserved.once`" and |function| is [=worklet function/report-result=] or
+ [=worklet function/report-win=], [=exception/throw=] a {{TypeError}}.
1. Let |bucket| be |contribution|["{{PAExtendedHistogramContribution/bucket}}"].
1. If |bucket| is a {{PASignalValue}}:
1. If |bucket|["{{PASignalValue/baseValue}}"] is not a valid [=signal base
@@ -5644,8 +5798,10 @@ event, PAExtendedHistogramContribution contribution) method steps are:
: [=on event contribution entry/debug scope=]
:: The result of running |scopingDetails|'
get debug scope steps.
-1. Let |global| be [=this=]'s [=relevant global object=].
+ : [=on event contribution entry/worklet function=]
+ :: |function|
+ : [=on event contribution entry/origin=]
+ :: |origin|
1. Let |onEventContributionMap| be |global|'s
[=InterestGroupScriptRunnerGlobalScope/on event contribution map=].
1. If |onEventContributionMap|[|event|] does not [=map/exist=], set