Relevant files are
, and relevant functions are InteractiveMaster.handleCommand
and Grammar.readInducedGrammar
was used to handle converting objects into JSON strings and vice versa, particularly the functions readValueHard
and writeValueAsStringHard
The list of induced rules is stored in int-output/grammar.log.json
. The file is read by Grammar.readInducedGrammar
and a list of JSON lines is returned by the function.
The function is called from Dictionary.compileDictionary
, and each JSON string is parsed into a rule, and the necessary information is filtered to create a DictionaryEntry.
A list of DictionaryEntries is generated and converted into a JSON string by the function Dictionary.jsonDictionary
The communication with the front end is handled by InteractiveMaster.handleCommand
(case command.equals(":dictionary")).
Dictionary.jsonDictionaryis called and the returned String is put in the response that is sent back to front end (using
stats.putdefined in`).
We will allow the user to delete a rule they have defined themselves.
Relevant files are
. Relevant functions are InteractiveMaster.handleCommand
and InteractiveUtils.removeRuleInteractive
After parsing the query in InteractiveMaster.handleCommand
(case command.equals(":delete")), the grammar log is read and inconsistent results, such as the index of the rule to be deleted being higher than the number of rules in the file, or the session being unable to write grammar, stop the function.
The relevant JSon line is retrieved and parsed into a rule (using Grammar.ruleFromJson
It is then deleted from the list of lines, and the grammar log is overwritten by the resulting list of lines, effectively deleting the rule from the induced rules.
The grammar is not read each time a command is parsed, but rather stored by the parser for faster computation, so we need to delete the rule from the parser (Parser.removeRule
The parser that is used by InteractiveMaster
is InteractiveBeamParser
where the grammar is stored in an ArrayList for cat-unary rules and in a Trie for non cat-unary rules, and Parser.removeRule
is overriden in
calls InteractiveUtils.removeRuleInteractive
from where InteractiveBeamParser.removeRule
is called or an Exception is thrown if the Parser used is not of the subclass InteractiveBeamParser
. (similar to addRuleinteractive
The function Trie.remove
handles the removal of a rule from a Trie and the clean up that follows, and is used when deleting a non cat-unary rule.
Read more about implementing Dictionary in the front end here