Psychohistorian delves into the events depicted in Space Jam from the point of view of the medical staff treating the NBA players whose talents are stolen by the Nerdlucks/Monstars, first-hand accounts of the attendees of the Minor League Baseball team Birmingham Barons game in which Michael Jordan enters via cartoon spaceship, Jordan's estranged wife Juanita Vanoy, and Bill Murray.
Hypermedia: interlinked vingettes that include graphics (e.g., basketball stat cards), data visualizations, generative visuals, audio. This would all give the illusion that the Psychohistorian has created an entire website in order to tackle this subject. This will also make allusions to the original (and still available) Space Jam website by adapting its look and feel.
Psychohistorian, hard-boiled detetive in real-life, obsessive autodidact, and acclaimed author of But Who Really Got Mail?, Dashiell Sawyer (D.S.) Miles is against all odds, once again, digs up the true truths they don't want you to find.