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682 lines (412 loc) · 25.9 KB

File metadata and controls

682 lines (412 loc) · 25.9 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.



  • Messaging: Added a new Conversation.isLocalOnly boolean to indicate local conversations that haven't been sent to the server yet (because they haven't had any message yet).


  • Core: Allow minor version updates from Sentry version 8.1. Run pod update Sentry to resolve any version conflict.
  • VideoCall: Bumped the Livekit dependency to 1.0.13 to address breaking change introduced in their library.


[1.1.4] - 2023-05-30



  • Messaging UI: Users can tap any where on the conversation screen to close the keyboard.


[1.1.3] - 2023-05-17



  • Core: Calling NablaClient.setCurrentUser(userId:) when the app starts is no longer required when NablaClient.currentUserId returns a non-null value.
  • Core: The SessionTokenProvider might be called immediately after NablaClient.initialize() is called.


  • Core: Improve live updates stability. Under bad network conditions, some websocket subscription would not reconnect as expected.
  • Core: Fixed watchers emitting new values when the observed object don't change.

[1.1.2] - 2023-05-10




  • Core: Reverted Apollo library to version 0.51.2. Fixes cache issue preventing the loading of older conversation messages.

[1.1.1] - 2023-04-24




  • Messaging core: Fix a race condition where auto replies would break websocket connection and prevent new events to be handled live.

[1.1.0] - 2023-04-18


  • Global: Added portuguese localization.
  • Messaging core: Added new lastMessage property on Conversation that gives access to the whole message and not just its preview.



[1.0.0] - 2023-03-16



  • Global: Views will display an error if visible on screen when clearCurrentUserData() is called.
  • MessagingCore: watchConversations(), watchConversation(withId:) and watchItems(ofConversationWithId:) will send some UserIdNotSetError if they are active when clearCurrentUserData() is called.
  • MessagingUI: NablaClient.shared.messaging.views is NOT marked @MainActor.
  • Scheduling: Rename Appointment.State.upcoming to Appointment.State.scheduled


  • MessagingUI: Fixed an issue in items date grouping where some date separators where missing.

[1.0.0-alpha34] - 2023-03-13



  • Core: NablaTheme is marked @MainActor.
  • MessagingUI: Methods of InboxDelegate and ConversationViewControllerDelegate are marked @MainActor.
  • MessagingUI: NablaClient.shared.messaging.views is marked @MainActor (Reverted in 1.0.0-alpha35).
  • Scheduling: Methods of AppointmentDetailsDelegate, AppointmentListDelegate and ScheduleAppointmentDelegate are marked @MainActor.

Any @MainActor member should only be accessed from the MainActor. Apple marked UIView and UIViewController as @MainActor so you should not have any change to make to your code. If you are not calling those methods from a UIView, a UIViewController or SwiftUI, we encourage you to visit the official documentation to update your app.


  • Core: Fixed an issue preventing the same current user to log in after a log out.

[1.0.0-alpha33] - 2023-03-06


  • Scheduling: support for registering a payment step. See doc for details/instructions.
  • Scheduling: Replace NablaSchedulingViewFactory.presentScheduleAppointmentNavigationController(from:delegate:) with NablaSchedulingViewFactory.createScheduleAppointmentNavigationController(delegate:).


  • Core: NablaClient.authenticate is replaced by NablaClient.setCurrentUser and NablaClient.clearCurrentUser. SessionTokenProvider is set during NablaClient.initialize.
  • Core: Moved the SessionTokenProvider from Configuration to NablaClient.initialize arguments. Also changed the arguments order of NablaClient.initialize.
  • MessagingCore: Renamed ConversationActivity.Activity to ConversationActivity.Content.
  • Scheduling: Removed Location.RemoteLocation.unknown case.


  • Fixed typos

[1.0.0-alpha32] - 2023-02-14


  • Core: Added a new watchEventsConnectionState method on NablaClient which allows you to monitor the current state of the network connection used to receive live events.
  • Messaging Core: Added a new Response object returned by watchers. It contains metadata about the freshness of the data returned, allowing the caller to know if the data comes from cache or is fresh and if a background refresh is in progress.
  • VideoCall: Disabled screen idling during video calls.
  • VideoCall: Handle and open external video call urls when specified on appointments.


  • Messaging Core: watchConversation(withId:) now returns a AnyPublisher<Response<Conversation>, NablaError>.
  • Messaging Core: watchItems(ofConversationWithId:) now returns a AnyPublisher<Response<PaginatedList<ConversationItem>>, NablaError>.
  • Messaging Core: watchConversations() now returns a AnyPublisher<Response<PaginatedList<Conversation>>, NablaError>.
  • Messaging UI: After sending a message in a conversation, the view will automatically scroll to it.
  • Messaging UI: Increased the composer default font size.


  • Scheduling: Months are no longer capitalized when using the french locale.
  • VideoCall: Prevent a scenario where the video call screen would appear after the user hangs up.

[1.0.0-alpha31] - 2023-02-03




  • Scheduling: Improved the loading indicators in the new appointment flow.
  • Scheduling: Fixed appointment scheduling consents not being updated when they are already present in the cache.
  • VideoCall: Fixed a bug preventing video call request messages from being displayed in the chat.

[1.0.0-alpha30] - 2023-01-19


  • Added an extra step in the "schedule appointment" flow to choose between remote and physical appointments.
  • Added an appointment detail view accessible from the list of appointments. For physical appointments, this view displays the address of the appointment.
  • You can now register your own UniversalLinkGenerator on NablaClient.shared.scheduling.universalLinkGenerators to let users open addresses in other apps installed on their phone.


  • Avatar view will now display a default icon image when no picture or initials are available.
  • Avatar view is now exposing more customizable theme properties.
    • NablaTheme.AvatarView.backgroundColor: used for the background color when someone doesn't have a profile picture.
    • NablaTheme.AvatarView.tintColor: used to tint the initials or the default icon of someone who doesn't have a profile picture.
    • NablaTheme.AvatarView.defaultIcon: displayed when we don't have the profile picture nor the initials
  • Core: The Logger interface now has an nullable error property for each log level. If you implemented your own custom logger you'll have to change the methods signature to migrate.
  • Removed the default navigation from NablaScheduling views. Exposed AppointmentListDelegate and AppointmentDetailsDelegate instead so you can build the most adequate navigation for your app.


  • Fixes a crash when opening a conversation with a video call interactive message while NablaVideoCallModule is not set up.
  • Messaging UI: Fixed load more items animation in the conversation list view.

[1.0.0-alpha29] - 2022-12-21


  • Enable cache persistence on disk for network calls in Messaging and Scheduling modules.
  • Added NablaTheme PrimaryButtonTheme.cornerRadius property.
  • Added NablaTheme AppointmentListViewTheme.CellTheme.cornerRadius property.
  • Added NablaTheme CategoryPickerViewTheme.CellTheme.cornerRadius property.
  • Added NablaTheme TimeSlotPickerViewTheme.CellTheme.cornerRadius property.
  • Added NablaTheme TimeSlotPickerViewTheme.CellTheme.insets property.
  • Added NablaTheme TimeSlotPickerViewTheme.CellTheme.ButtonTheme.cornerRadius property.
  • Added NablaTheme AppointmentConfirmationTheme.headerCornerRadius property.
  • Added NablaTheme AppointmentConfirmationTheme.captionShape property.
  • Added NablaTheme Conversation.videoCallActionRequestIcon property.


  • Changed spacings between cards in the appointment list, appointment category list and time slot list.


  • Fixed some UI layout issues in the Conversation screen composer and in the Scheduling confirmation screen.
  • Fixed the color of the chat's content appearing below the composer in Messaging UI module.
  • Fixed a bug where some view controllers would override the global UINavigationBar.appearance().
  • All spinners now use the NablaTheme.Shared.loadingViewIndicatorTintColor color.
  • Better support for screen sharing during video calls.

[1.0.0-alpha28] - 2022-12-13



  • Messaging Core: Renamed createDraftConversation to startConversation. It keeps the behavior of creating the conversation lazily when the patient sends the first message.
  • Messaging Core: createConversation now has a required withMessage argument and should be used to start a conversation on behalf of the patient with a first message from them.


[1.0.0-alpha27] - 2022-12-05



  • Removed Cancellable and ResultHandler from client interfaces.
    • watchers now return some AnyPublisher from the Combine framework.
    • other methods return only once, and leverage the new async/await feature from Swift.

⚠️ Here is an example to migrate watchers:

// Before

private var watcher: Cancellable?

private func startWatching() {
    watcher = client.watchConversations(handler: { [weak self] result in
        // Do something with result

// After
import Combine

private var watcher: AnyCancellable?

private func startWatching() {
    watcher = client.watchConversations()
        .sink(receiveValue: { conversations in
            // Do something with conversations

You can use sink(receiveCompletion:receiveValue:) to catch errors. See for more details.

⚠️ Here is an example to migrate to async/await:

// Before
NablaMessagingClient.shared.markConversationAsSeen(handler: { [weak self] result in
    // Do something with result

// After
Task(priority: .userInitiated) {
    do {
        try await NablaMessagingClient.shared.markConversationAsSeen(conversationId)
    } catch {
        // Do something with error

To learn more about async, await and Task:


  • Fixed an issue preventing the watchers from automatically fetching new data after connectivity is restored.

[1.0.0-alpha26] - 2022-11-25




  • Fixed a bug causing the conversation list to be visible under the tab bar and the navigation bar.
  • Fixed a crash that could happen if an emoji is used in appointment consents in Scheduling module.

[1.0.0-alpha25] - 2022-11-24


  • Added an empty state when the conversation list is empty. You can customize this text appearance using Theme.ConversationPreview.EmptyView attributes.


  • Added a "play" indicator on videos on iOS 16 since the default one has been removed by the system update.
  • The full screen image and document viewers in conversation screen are now presented modally with customizable theming.


  • Fixed an infinite loop that could happen when SessionTokenProvider was returning badly formatted tokens.
  • Fixed a layout issue in the conversation screen that happens when a conversation is unlocked while displayed on screen.

[1.0.0-alpha24] - 2022-11-17




  • Fixed NablaTheme.Colors being immutable.

[1.0.0-alpha23] - 2022-11-16


  • Reporting: Add an ErrorReporter to report anonymous events to nabla servers to help debug some features like video calls.


  • Removed the showComposer parameter from createConversationViewController method and relied on Conversation isLocked property to hide the composer.
    ⚠️ If you were using the showComposer parameter of NablaClient.shared.messaging.views.createConversationViewController, it is not available anymore and you should migrate to using lock conversation from the Console.


  • Fixed an issue in video calls where the Provider's video could sometime not be displayed.

[1.0.0-alpha22] - 2022-11-14


  • Support for dynamic consents in Scheduling module that you can customize from the console.


  • The NablaClient.initialize method now takes a Configuration struct instead of multiple params. ⚠️ This change is breaking and you will need to update all NablaClient initialize and init calls.

  • NablaTheme colors have been reworked to better support dark mode. The new colors can be found in NablaTheme.Colors.

  • NablaTheme fonts have been reworked for better consistency. The new fonts can be found in NablaTheme.Fonts.

To know more about NablaTheme, please visit our documentation:


[1.0.0-alpha21] - 2022-11-03


  • Added the option to scan a document in conversation screen.
  • Added missing NablaTheme properties to customize the video calls action requests in MessagingUI.
  • Introduced ConversationViewControllerDelegate to control taps on the conversation screen's title view.
  • A new ConversationMessageSender.patient(Patient) was introduced for conversations with multiple patients.
  • New attributes (messageOtherBackgroundColor, textMessageOtherTextColor, documentMessageOtherTitleColor, audioMessageOtherTitleColor, replyToOtherSeparatorColor) have been added to customize how other patient and system messages appear in the conversation on our Messaging UI module.


  • Updated the cell layout for ended video calls action requests in MessagingUI.
  • ConversationMessageSender.patient was renamed to
  • Improved the appearance of the "send message" button.


  • Fix an issue that could lead to messages having the wrong size in the conversation screen of the Messaging UI module
  • Fix an issue where the spinner when loading more messages in the conversation screen of the Messaging UI module would not be at the correct position
  • Remove any color under the avatar picture of a Provider in case the picture has transparency

[1.0.0-alpha20] - 2022-10-18



  • Example app has been renamed to Messaging Sample App to better reflect what it showcases.
  • The media message input in NablaMessagingClient.sendMessage now supports sending Data in addition to a file URL.

⚠️ This change is breaking and you will need to update all Media concrete types instantiations by replacing the fileURL: URL with content: MediaContent.


  • Fixed the type of the duration in keyboardAnimationDurationUserInfoKey in the keyboardWillChangeFrameNotification notification (could cause an issue if other classes are listening and expecting a double value).

[1.0.0-alpha19] - 2022-10-07


  • Enabled images and documents sharing in conversation screen.


  • The Conversation screen's navigation does not use large titles anymore (navigationItem.largeTitleDisplayMode defaults to .never).
  • The Conversation screen's hidesBottomBarWhenPushed defaults to true.


  • Fixed the original message preview layout in messaging cells.
  • Fixed the composer text alignment in the conversation screen.

[1.0.0-alpha18] - 2022-09-21


  • Added presentScheduleAppointmentViewController to NablaScheduling views.


  • Messaging Core VideoCallActionRequest struct has been renamed to VideoCallRoomInteractiveMessage.
  • Renamed NablaSchedulingViewFactory.presentScheduleAppointmentViewController to NablaSchedulingViewFactory.presentScheduleAppointmentNavigationController.


[1.0.0-alpha17] - 2022-09-14


  • Introduced NablaScheduling SDK to schedule video call appointments using NablaVideoCall.


  • Updated LiveKit pod dependency in NablaVideoCall podspec.


[1.0.0-alpha16] - 2022-09-07


  • It is now possible to change the title and titleView of NablaMessagingUI view controllers.


  • On simulator: disabled using the camera to send a new photo/video.
  • On simulator: disabled joining video calls.
  • View controllers no longer enforce preferLargeTitles on their UINavigationController.
  • NablaVideoCallClient.views.createVideoCallRoomViewController(url:token:) was removed in favor of NablaVideoCallClient.openVideoCallRoom(url:token:from:). You no longer need to check for the currentVideoCall before using this method.


  • Prevents a crash on iOS 15.6

[1.0.0-alpha15] - 2022-08-19


  • Introduced NablaVideoCall SDK and video call requests from NablaMessagingCore.


  • Changed ConversationItems.items in NablaMessagingClient.watchItems(ofConversationWithId:) output ordering to be descending.
  • Removed NablaUtils target.
  • A new modules parameter is now required when calling NablaClient.initialize():
    apiKey = "Your API Key",
    modules = [
  • The NablaViewFactory has been removed. You can now create the views from NablaMessagingUI SDK from NablaClient.shared.messaging.views instead.


  • Fixed a crash when opening the "add media" action sheet on iPad.

[1.0.0-alpha14] - 2022-08-08




  • Fixed an issue when sending documents from iCloud files.
  • Fixed an issue where new conversations would appear twice in the list.

[1.0.0-alpha13] - 2022-08-05




  • Fixed MessagingUI and MessagingCore pods resource_bundles

[1.0.0-alpha12] - 2022-08-05




  • Fixed NablaMessaginCore pod resources by adding missing spec.resource_bundles.
  • Prevents websocket disconnects when keeping the app in foreground but inactive for a long time.

[1.0.0-alpha11] - 2022-08-04


  • Introduced NablaMessagingClient.createDraftConversation to create a conversation locally that does not exist yet server side.
  • Adds some initialMessage argument to createConversation to pre-populate conversations.
  • Server-made i18n will now follow user's device language.


  • NablaClient.authenticate now takes a String rather than a UUID to identify the user. This ID should be uniquely representing your current app user and will be passed to the SessionTokenProvider when a call to your backend is needed to get fresh authentication tokens.


  • Fixes an issue where creating multiple watchers would cause some to stop receiving updates after one of them is deallocated.
  • Fixed a bug preventing conversation from appearing "seen" the first time you tap on them.

[1.0.0-alpha10] - 2022-07-26


  • You can now tap on links and phone numbers in text messages.



  • Make some NablaTheme property public instead of internal.
  • A NetworkError will now be returned in case of a network error instead of a ServerError before.
  • Fix an issue where date separators would be incorrectly ordered in the chat.

[1.0.0-alpha09] - 2022-07-13



  • Conversations in watchConversations() are now correctly sorted by their lastModified date.
  • Tokens has been renamed to AuthTokens for more clarity.


  • Fix for watchConversations() that would return the same Conversation multiple times under certain conditions.

[1.0.0-alpha08] - 2022-07-04


  • Methods like watchConversations(), watchConverversation() or watchItems(ofConversationWithId:) now return a Watcher.
  • Using NablaMessagingUI will automatically register some NotificationRefetchTrigger for UIApplication.willEnterForegroundNotification.


  • Configuration has been renamed to NetworkConfiguration. This should not have an impact on an existing app as this is supposed to be for internal tests only.
  • Added a new showComposer parameter to NablaViewFactory.createConversationViewController that can be set to false to hide the message composer for the patient.
  • PaginatedWatcher now returns proper NablaError in case of error instead of the basic Error.
  • Extract NablaClient from NablaMessagingCore to a new NablaCore library.
  • Replaced providerIdToAssign by a list a providerIds in NablaMessagingClient.createConversation.


[1.0.0-alpha07] - 2022-06-24


  • Added headerTitleFont, headerSubtitleFont, headerTitleColor and headerSubtitleColor to NablaTheme.Conversation to customize the look of the ConversationViewController header


  • Remove the description field from Conversation and replace it by a subtitle that is displayed by the ConversationViewController
  • NablaTheme.Conversation.textSeparatorFont & NablaTheme.Conversation.textSeparatorColor have been split into dateSeparator & conversationActivity items to allow for customization of the 2 elements differently


  • Add default title and providerIdToAssign arguments to createConversation() endpoint. Fixes #1.

[1.0.0-alpha06] - 2022-06-21


  • Added the handle of replies to message, Core & UI.
  • Added video messages, Core & UI.
  • NablaViewFactory can create an InboxViewController that adds the button to create conversation and create them.
  • Added optional title and providerIdToAssign arguments to NablaMessagingClient.createConversation.


  • ConversationViewController can be used without a UINavigationController
  • NablaMessagingClient.sendMessage now takes an optional parameter replyToMessageId of type UUID? which correspond to the message the patient replies to.
  • MimeType is now split in different types (image, video, audio, document) and fallback on wildcard when receiving an unknown value.
  • NablaClient.initialise now logs a warning log in case of multiple calls instead of a failure.


  • ConversationsListView and ConversationViewController now use the device locale to format dates.

[1.0.0-alpha05] - 2022-06-13


  • Enable use of NablaViewFactory.createConversationViewController with the conversation's UUID only.
  • It is possible to inject a Logger into NablaClient.initialize to intercept the SDK's logs.


  • Used spec.resource_bundles instead of spec.resources for NablaMessaginUI podspec.


  • New ConversationActivity items are now correctly handled when the chat is open.

[1.0.0-alpha04] - 2022-06-01



  • Automatically refreshes expired accessToken returned by SessionTokenProvider.provideTokens.


[1.0.0-alpha03] - 2022-06-01


  • ConversationActivity in conversations. A message is displayed when a provider joins a conversation.
  • ConversationViewController now displays system messages, with the right name and avatar.
  • The creation of audio messages is now supported. To make it work, you should fill your info.plist with the key NSMicrophoneUsageDescription with the desired description.


  • ConversationMessageSender.sender now exposes a SystemProvider parameter which contains the name of the organization and the avatar url.
  • ConversationMessageSender.system now exposes a SystemProvider parameter which contains the name of the organization and the avatar url.
  • ConversationMessageSender now exposes a new .unknown case for sender types that are not handled by this version of the SDK.
  • NablaTheme simplified it's internal naming.


[1.0-alpha02] - 2022-05-19


  • This CHANGELOG file
  • NablaMessagingUI conversation screen now separates older messages from newer with a date separator
  • NablaMessagingUI avatar component now displays Provider initials when no avatar picture is available
  • NablaMessagingUI conversation screen now has an option to copy any text message in the conversation
  • Public APIs are now documented in the code, making it available for developers in Xcode
  • Started Cocoapods support for SDK integration


  • NablaClient messaging APIs are now a part of NablaMessagingClient. Only initialization and authentication are provided by NablaClient
  • NablaAuthenticationProvider has been renamed SessionTokenProvider
  • watchConversationList has been renamed watchConversations
  • You can now pass your own instance of NablaMessagingClient to any UI component of NablaMessagingUI
  • NablaClient.authenticate now requires a userId in addition to the SessionTokenProvider, this id should be stable if the authenticated user doesn't change
  • Some NablaMessagingUI strings have been updated
  • Conversation struct has been revamped and now contains the providers with a proper ProviderInConversation struct
  • NablaMessagingClient.watchConversationItems now returns a ConversationItems struct which only contains the messages themselves. Details of the conversation and its participants should now be watched using NablaMessagingClient.watchConversation
  • Used explicit errors for NablaMessagingClient methods


  • NablaMessagingClient now correctly triggers watchConversationItems watcher when a Provider is not typing anymore
  • NablaMessagingUI conversation screen now correctly adds an image message in the conversation optimistically while sending it to the server
  • NablaMessagingUI conversation screen now correctly provides an image picker to upload an image from the library on iOS 13

[1.0-alpha01] - 2022-05-02


  • First public version of the SDK