Our documentation does not include any guidance or examples for the header and footer. We should add this to the Explorer-1 storybook, as users have been requesting this guidance, and it's also one of the final pieces to providing a full site template.
Some notes to consider to help determine scope:
- Do we want to add both internal and external header/footer? Based on user requests, the external header/footer should be prioritized if we don't have time for both.
- What is our goal with providing the site header and footer? Is it to provide templates for building an external site with its own site navigation? Or is it to provide templates for building an external site that mimics a WWW sub site, such as: ? Note that in the sub-site, the header and footer are unchanged. Only the secondary navigation is custom.
- If the goal is to allow users to create WWW sub-sites, then we will also need to add guidance on secondary navigation and how it interacts with heroes on the page (scope increase)
- If the goal is to provide a customizable header and footer, note that in the external header:
- There are no guidelines on where to put a site title since the header was originally designed for a single site: Do we want to provide an alternative that includes a site title? We will need design guidance if so.
- There is no "home" button or a way for users to navigate to the homepage. This wasn't an issue for JPL, as the tribrand logo was the "home" button. A simple solution, if design approves, is to add "Home" as the first item in the navigation. We could alternatively link the site title, if it gets added.
- How does this affect applications that only need the header and footer? Should we provide a separate resource for that?