Releases: nasa-jpl/fastcat
Releases · nasa-jpl/fastcat
EL2809 and EL1008 Driver Accommodation
This new release of fastcat includes software to utilize the EL2809 (24V digital output) and EL1008 (digital input) drivers.
Fixes and enhancements related to Elmo Platinum's driver
- Fixes the inability to reset a fault in the Platinum's driver.
- Adds the capability to use the Platinum's driver on drives with and without Functional Safety capabilities. Since the corresponding firmware types support the basic functionality provided by this driver, the driver has been modified to allow its execution across drives with those firmware types.
Bring in JSD fixes for Elmo motor controllers' drivers
Update the JSD version used by Fastcat to bring in:
- Fix to enable EtherCAT communication in networks that contain Platinum drives along other devices.
- Fix to the indexing of the digital output set command in the drivers of the Elmo motor controllers.
v0.12.4: Merge pull request #101 from nasa-jpl/kwehage-trap-debug
v0.12.3 - Add Three Node Thermal Model Device
What's Changed
- feature/add three node motor thermal model by @brysonjones in #98
New Contributors
- @brysonjones made their first contribution in #98
Full Changelog: v0.12.2...v0.12.3
Add support for external time
What's Changed
- Add external_time optional argument to Process by @JosephBowkett in #89
Full Changelog: v0.12.1...v0.12.2