I was able to successfully implement Scotts original and everything works fine. I stumbled across your fork which solved the issue of controlling the on/off state of the LED strip and visualizations. Thank you kindly for that! Very handy feature. I'm having a problem however with getting the visualization('s) to execute via the URL. Everything works as intended using the command line arguments to change the visualization. I do have Apache2 and PHP installed. I did test a couple simple "hello world" and print date PHP index files to insure that Apache could run PHP scripts, which were successful. The http://ip-address/control.php?on=spectrum
returns nothing on the page (expected) but does not start the visualization (unexpected). http://ip-address/control.php?off=1
reutrns sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specifiednada
, not sure why... Any suggestions? Thanks!