Preliminary Checks
- This issue is not a question, feature request, RFC, or anything other than a bug report. Please post those things in GitHub Discussions:
The VSCode git extension works but there are some nuances about using it within Nebari that may be helpful to know.
Cloning a git repository
If you've never been to VSCode on Nebari before, you'll get the "Welcome Screen". This is the view of the welcome screen on a first login after clicking the git extension on the left sidebar":
From here, you can "Clone Respository" either through the extension panel on the left OR through the Welcome Screen UI on the right.
Its worth noting that the above workflow is only available on first login since Nebari will remember your previous workspace and will open it instead of the Welcome Screen. You can either get a clean workspace by going to "File" -> "New Window", or try the alternative below.
The other alternative is to go "View" menu -> "Command Pallette" and search for the "Git: Clone" option.
This will allow you to clone an external git repository:
After cloning the repositories will appear in the extension UI on the left:
GitHub login
If you select the option to "Clone from GitHub" you'll be given an opportunity to authenticate to GitHub which will allow you to pull private repos. I was able to go through that process succesfully.
GPG keys
The documentation on the git extension indicates that GPG keys can be used, but I ran into errors with that process. That will need more investigation.
Steps to Resolve this Issue
Todo 📬