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Releases: netbox-community/ansible_modules


21 Apr 01:51
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Breaking Changes

  • #139 - Change ip-addresses key in netbox inventory plugin to ip_addresses.

Bug Fixes

  • #45 - Allow integers to be passed in via Jinja string to properly convert back to integer
  • #158 - Removed choices within argument_spec for mode in netbox_device_interface and netbox_vm_interface. This allows the API to return any error if an invalid choice is selected for mode.
  • #151 - Fixed dict iteration error for Python3.8
  • #167 - Updated rack width choices for latest NetBox version
  • #166 - Properly find LAG if defined just as a string rather than dictionary with the relevant data
  • #174 - Allow services to be created with a different protocol


  • #136 - Added raw_output option to netbox lookup plugin to return the exact output from the API with no doctoring
  • #105 - Added update_vc_child option to netbox_device_interface to allow child interfaces to be updated if device specified is the master device within the virtual chassis
  • #143 - Added services option to the netbox inventory to allow users to toggle whether services are included or not
  • #138 - Added group_names_raw option to the netbox inventory to allow users have the group names be the slug rather than prepending the group name with the type
  • #170 - Add custom_fields to netbox_virtual_machine
  • #140 - Add device_query_filters and vm_query_filters to allow users to specify query filters for the specific type
  • #183 - Remove token from being required for nb_lookup as some NetBox setups don't require authorization for GET functions
  • #177 - Remove token from being required for nb_inventory as some NetBox setups don't require authorization for GET functions

Ansible Core Related Changes

  • #124 - Added netbox_interface from Ansible core, but the module is deprecated in favor of netbox_device_interface and netbox_vm_interface

Thanks for the following contributors!


05 Mar 23:23
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Bug Fixes

  • #129 - Updated inventory plugin name from netbox.netbox.netbox to netbox.netbox.nb_inventory

Thanks to the following contributors!



29 Feb 16:30
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This version has a few breaking changes due to new namespace and collection name. I felt it necessary to change the name of the lookup plugin and inventory plugin just not to have a non descriptive namespace call to use them. Below is an example:
netbox.netbox.netbox would be used for both inventory plugin and lookup plugin, but in different contexts so no collision will arise, but confusion will.

I renamed the lookup plugin to nb_lookup so it will be used with the FQCN netbox.netbox.nb_lookup.

The inventory plugin will now be called within an inventory file by netbox.netbox.nb_inventory

Bug Fixes

  • #120 - Update netbox_tenant and netbox_tenant_group to use slugs for searching (available since NetBox 2.6). Added slug options to netbox_site, netbox_tenant, netbox_tenant_group


25 Feb 15:08
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Bug Fixes

  • #114 - If interface existed already, caused traceback and crashed playbook


22 Feb 18:25
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New Features

#58 - Added fetching services for devices in Netbox Inventory Plugin
#62 - Change lookups to property for subclassing of inventory plugin
#60 - Added option for interfaces and IP addresses of interfaces to be fetched via inventory plugin

Bug Fixes

#95 - Updated _to_slug to follow same constructs NetBox uses
#105 - Properly create interface on correct device when in a VC
#106 - Assigning to parent log now finds LAG interface type dynamically rather than set statically in code
#107 - Create device with empty string to assign the device a UUID
#63 - If query_filters supplied are not allowed for either device or VM lookups, or no valid query filters, it will not attempt to fetch from devices or VMs. This should prevent devices or VMs from being fetched that do not meet the query_filters specified.

Thanks to following contributors!



12 Feb 19:05
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New Features

  • #84 - Add dns_name to netbox_ip_address
  • #83 - Add region and region_id to query_filter for Netbox Inventory plugin

Bug Fixes

  • #85 - Fixed vlan searching with vlan_group for netbox_prefix
  • #67 - Removed static choices from netbox_utils and now pulls the choices for each endpoint from the Netbox API at call time

Thanks to following contributors!



08 Feb 17:21
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Bug Fixes

  • #68 - Add argument specs for every module to validate data passed in (Fixes some idempotency issues)(POSSIBLE BREAKING CHANGE)
  • #76 - Allow name updates to manufacturers
  • #77 - Builds slug for netbox_device_type from model which is now required and slug is optional. Model will be slugified if slug is not provided (BREAKING CHANGE)
  • #78 - netbox_ip_address: If no address has no CIDR notation, it will convert it into a /32 and pass to Netbox. (Fixes idempotency cidr notation is not provided)
  • #80 - Fail module with proper exception when connection to Netbox API cannot be established
  • #81 - netbox_device_interface: Lag no longer has to be a dictionary and the value of the key can be the name of the LAG

New Modules / Plugins

  • #70 - netbox_service
  • #54 - Netbox Inventory Plugin

Thanks to following contributors!



17 Dec 06:45
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Bug Fixes

  • #52 - Add error handling for invalid key_file for lookup plugin


  • #51 - Update lookup plugin documentation for decryption of secrets


16 Dec 16:09
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Bug Fixes

  • #47 - Allow endpoint choices to be an integer of the choice rather than attempting to dynamically determine the choice ID


03 Dec 16:42
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Bug Fixes

  • #40 - Fixed issue with netbox_vm_interface where it would fail if different virtual machine had the same interface name
  • #40 - Updated netbox_ip_address to find interfaces on virtual machines correctly