It seems that the pre-commit hooks aren't enforcing linting consistently, as some code style changes were missed, even though the pre-commit checks passed.
Specifically, the following function in init:
def __init__(
was not flagged for formatting, but it should have been a one-liner. The relevant pre-commit hooks (black, ruff, etc.) passed successfully despite this inconsistency.
Steps to Reproduce
Make a formatting change like the above.
Run the following pre-commit command:
pre-commit run --all-files --show-diff-on-failure --color always
Observe that the hooks pass, even though the code style is not consistent.
Expected Behavior
The pre-commit hook should have failed, flagging the multi-line formatting in the init function and enforcing a consistent code style.
Actual Behavior
The pre-commit hook passed without flagging the inconsistent formatting.
Pre-commit configuration:
blacken-docs: Passed
prettier: Passed
ruff: Passed
ruff-format: Passed
IDE: Possible IDE-related changes may also be contributing to this issue, but pre-commit should catch and enforce the linting regardless.
Proposed Fix
We may want to:
Review and refine the pre-commit configuration to ensure consistent enforcement of linting, especially with formatting rules.
Align the current repo's pre-commit hooks with the ones used in the nx-parallel package for uniformity across all repositories.
Update the versions of both ruff and black in the .pre-commit-config.yaml file, as they are currently outdated:
Upgrade ruff to at least v0.5.1 (currently using v0.1.8).
Upgrade black to at least v24.3.0 (to ensure up-to-date formatting standards).
Confirm that the pre-commit checks properly catch multi-line issues like this in the future, and make necessary adjustments to hook configurations.
Other considerations
We might consider also adding:
Fixing end-of-file issues (end-of-file-fixer
Fixing trailing whitespaces (trailing-whitespace
This would look as follows:
- repo:
rev: v4.3.0
- id: check-yaml
- id: end-of-file-fixer
- id: trailing-whitespace