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NewRelic attempts to set headers after output when max_file_uploads is exceeded #687




Referencing this report:

The customer reported that against PHP, but believe it's caused by the NewRelic extension. When disabled, the issue disappears.

It seems that it has to do with the NewRelic extension attempting to set some headers.

When PHP's max_file_uploads is exceeded, that (under certain conditions) causes a warning to be printed, which in turn causes the HTTP headers to be sent.

That happens before the script execution and that is entirely expected.

Then the NewRelic extension attempts to set some header(s), and that causes an error because output has already started.

Customer believes that the NewRelic extension should either (A) set the header (whatever header its attempting to set) earlier, so as to make sure that it's always set before headers are sent, even in edge cases, or (B) before it does set the header, check that it can do so, that is. that output hasn't started already; if that is not t he case, don't set the header; or maybe (C) (if at all possible and appropriate) when setting the header, suppress any warnings (again, assuming that's something that you can do within whatever API is between you and PHP).

Environment details for reproduction:

Php version is 7.4.11

Newrelic version is ("goldenrod" - "30f9fca2e3e7")

Phpinfo and other details are in the github linked github issue




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