Devise and implement an automated system, probably leveraging the Gabbi code base, that will review all public methods that are available for a given core technology release. These methods will be compared to the known information for the previous release using a stored manifest that will also need to be defined.
Eventually we might get into leveraging a proper Ruby source code ripper/parser, but for now we need to maintain a list of the following:
- Class name and method name combinations we instrument
- Inputs for the methods we instrument
- Class name and method name combinations we are aware of but deliberately don't instrument
Each new release will automatically drive an update to our list of known information. Every time a new public class name and method name combination is released, it should be presented for human verification to see if it needs to be instrumented or not. Every time an existing public class name and method combination has its inputs altered or is itself entirely removed, it should be presented for the humans to update the instrumentation accordingly.