The Errors Inbox team would like the Ruby agent's configuration document to include the following:
## Errors inbox configuration [#errors-inbox-configuration]
Setting one of the following environment variables will help you identify which versions of your software are producing the errors.
* `NEW_RELIC_METADATA_SERVICE_VERSION` will create tags.service.version on event data containing the version of your code that is deployed, in many cases a semantic version such as 1.2.3, but not always.
* `NEW_RELIC_METADATA_RELEASE_TAG ` will create tags.releaseTag on event data containing the release tag (such as v0.1.209 or release-209).
* `NEW_RELIC_METADATA_COMMIT` will create tags.commit on event data containing the commit sha. The entire sha can be used or just the first seven characters (e.g., 734713b).
[Errors inbox]( will automatically track which versions of your software are producing errors. Any version data will also be displayed in [CodeStream](/docs/codestream/how-use-codestream/performance-monitoring/#buildsha).
These features have been verified to work on a Rails 7 application: (permalink/internal)
This documentation was manually added to our configuration doc, and overridden by our generator.
Our current generator uses the configs defined in our lib/new_relic/agent/configuration/default_source.rb
file to generate sections. These configs are not defined in our default_source.rb
file. Consider whether we want to add them to default_source.rb
or add this section in another way.