Overall intent is to ensure the Node Agent HTTP instrumentation works properly with the HTTP 2 protocol.
As part of this research spike:
[ ] Catalog all the instrumentation related to libraries/frameworks that use the HTTP protocol. This will represent the full population of instrumentation that will need further evaluation
[ ] Identify an appropriate testing strategy to determine whether the identified instrumentation modules work as expected when HTTP 2 is used or not
[ ] When breakage to an instrumentation module is detected, create subsequent GitHub issues to track that work as needed
Acceptance Criteria
When this spike is completed, we should have a full listing of which agent instrumentation modules support the HTTP protocol and whether or not those instrumentation modules work properly with HTTP 2 or not.
Design Consideration/Limitations
Some instrumentation modules may be supporting legacy HTTP libraries/framework versions that don't support HTTP 2. Where that occurs, it should be noted in the catalog in some way
If there's a synergistic benefit in considering the HTTP 3 protocol at the same time, that can be done. However, if it otherwise increases the complexity/effort, this scope should be limited to HTTP 2