Resource newrelic_nrql_alert_condition
: Terraform list in NRQL queries #2786
Can we have the ability to supply a terraform list in NRQL queries? That way we can use a splat expression to specify several IDs in queries.
Depending on the resource (e.g. alert conditions), the alternative could be to create several queries.
For example:
resource "newrelic_synthetics_monitor" "monitor-cust-website" {
count = length(var.monitor_websites)
status = "ENABLED"
name = var.monitor_websites[count.index].name
period = "EVERY_MINUTE"
uri = var.monitor_websites[count.index].uri
type = "SIMPLE"
locations_public = var.monitor_websites[count.index].location
resource "newrelic_nrql_alert_condition" "ping-alert-condition" {
nrql {
query = "SELECT filter(count(*), WHERE result = 'FAILED') AS 'Failures' FROM SyntheticCheck WHERE entityGuid IN (${newrelic_synthetics_monitor.monitor-customer-website[*].id}) AND NOT isMuted FACET monitorName"
This gives an error saying I'm providing a tuple where a string is required.