Share file to Nextcloud results in a Connection error #14414
⚠️ Before posting ⚠️
- This is a bug, not a question or an enhancement.
- I've searched for similar issues and didn't find a duplicate.
- I've written a clear and descriptive title for this issue, not just "Bug" or "Crash".
- I agree to follow Nextcloud's Code of Conduct.
Steps to reproduce
- Use the "Share" button on a file in any app, for instance on a picture in the Gallery
- Click "Nextcloud"
- Select the root or any folder
- Try to upload
Expected behaviour
Uploading a file using the "Share" button should work without the need to go into the app and retry the upload every time
Actual behaviour
File upload fails immediately with the notification "Upload failed - Could not upload FILE_NAME.EXTENSION". Navigating to the Uploads tab in the app shows "Connection error". Clicking the file in this tab makes Nextcloud try to upload again and it succeeds. This behavior is 100% consistent.
Android version
Device brand and model
Samsung S21+ 5G
Stock or custom OS?
Nextcloud android app version
Nextcloud server version
Using a reverse proxy?
Android logs
01-15 15:43:27.319 26679 26799 D UploadsStorageManager: QUERY: status==0 AND account_name== ? ROWID: -1
01-15 15:43:27.327 26679 26799 D FileUploadWorker: Total upload size: 1
01-15 15:43:27.327 26679 26799 D FileUploadWorker: Handling 1 uploads for account [email protected]
--------- beginning of system
01-15 15:43:27.335 26679 26799 I NotificationManager: com.nextcloud.client: notify(411, null, Notification(channel=NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_DOWNLOAD shortcut=null contentView=null vibrate=null sound=null tick defaults=0x0 flags=0x0 color=0xff96ccff actions=1 vis=PRIVATE semFlags=0x0 semPriority=0 semMissedCount=0)) as user
01-15 15:43:27.342 26679 26799 D UploadsStorageManager: Retrieve job for id 30
01-15 15:43:27.342 26679 26799 V UploadsStorageManager: Updating /storage/emulated/0/Android/media/com.nextcloud.client/nextcloud/tmp/[email protected]/Talk/IMG-20250115-WA0015.jpg with status=UPLOAD_IN_PROGRESS
01-15 15:43:27.344 26679 26799 D UploadsStorageManager: updateUpload returns with: 1 for file: /storage/emulated/0/Android/media/com.nextcloud.client/nextcloud/tmp/[email protected]/Talk/IMG-20250115-WA0015.jpg
01-15 15:43:27.344 26679 26799 D UploadsStorageManager: notifyObserversNow
01-15 15:43:27.347 26679 26799 D UploadFileOperation: normal upload
01-15 15:43:27.351 26679 26799 E UploadFileOperation: Upload of /storage/emulated/0/Android/media/com.nextcloud.client/nextcloud/tmp/[email protected]/Talk/IMG-20250115-WA0015.jpg to /Talk/IMG-20250115-WA0015.jpg: No network connection
01-15 15:43:27.352 26679 26799 D UploadsStorageManager: updateDatabaseUploadResult uploadResult: RemoteOperationResult{mSuccess=false, mHttpCode=-1, mHttpPhrase='null', mException=null, mCode=NO_NETWORK_CONNECTION, message='null', getLogMessage='No network connection'} upload:
01-15 15:43:27.356 26679 26799 V UploadsStorageManager: Updating /storage/emulated/0/Android/media/com.nextcloud.client/nextcloud/tmp/[email protected]/Talk/IMG-20250115-WA0015.jpg with status:UPLOAD_FAILED and result:NETWORK_CONNECTION (old:/storage/emulated/0/Android/media/com.nextcloud.client/nextcloud/tmp/[email protected]/Talk/IMG-20250115-WA0015.jpg status:UPLOAD_IN_PROGRESS result:-1)
01-15 15:43:27.356 26679 26799 V UploadsStorageManager: Updating /storage/emulated/0/Android/media/com.nextcloud.client/nextcloud/tmp/[email protected]/Talk/IMG-20250115-WA0015.jpg with status=UPLOAD_FAILED
01-15 15:43:27.358 26679 26799 D UploadsStorageManager: updateUpload returns with: 1 for file: /storage/emulated/0/Android/media/com.nextcloud.client/nextcloud/tmp/[email protected]/Talk/IMG-20250115-WA0015.jpg
01-15 15:43:27.358 26679 26799 D UploadsStorageManager: notifyObserversNow
01-15 15:43:27.358 26679 26799 D FileUploadWorker: NotifyUploadResult with resultCode: NO_NETWORK_CONNECTION
01-15 15:43:27.360 26679 26799 I NotificationManager: com.nextcloud.client: notify(413, /Talk/IMG-20250115-WA0015.jpg/storage/emulated/0/Android/media/com.nextcloud.client/nextcloud/tmp/[email protected]/Talk/IMG-20250115-WA0015.jpg, Notification(channel=NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_DOWNLOAD shortcut=null contentView=null vibrate=null sound=null tick defaults=0x0 flags=0x0 color=0xff96ccff vis=PRIVATE semFlags=0x0 semPriority=0 semMissedCount=0)) as user
01-15 15:43:27.363 26679 26799 D UploadsStorageManager: QUERY: (status==0 AND account_name== ?) AND _id > ? ROWID: 30
01-15 15:43:27.367 26679 26799 D FileUploadWorker: No more pending uploads for account [email protected], stopping work
01-15 15:43:27.382 26679 26738 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [ id=a8221592-2c5c-47f5-9f38-158a790195d4, tags={, *, name:files_upload [email protected], timestamp:1736952207237, class:FileUploadWorker, user:[email protected], [email protected] } ]
01-15 15:43:27.654 26679 26679 I ViewRootImpl@72b4441[ReceiveExternalFilesActivity]: handleAppVisibility mAppVisible = true visible = false
01-15 15:43:27.661 26679 26679 I ViewRootImpl@72b4441[ReceiveExternalFilesActivity]: destroyHardwareResources: Callers=android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals:3932 android.view.ViewRootImpl.doTraversal:3288 android.view.ViewRootImpl$ android.view.Choreographer$ android.view.Choreographer$ android.view.Choreographer.doCallbacks:1153 android.view.Choreographer.doFrame:1079 android.view.Choreographer$ android.os.Handler.handleCallback:958 android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage:99
01-15 15:43:27.670 26679 26679 I InsetsController: onStateChanged: host=com.nextcloud.client/, from=android.view.ViewRootImpl.relayoutWindow:10072, state=InsetsState: {mDisplayFrame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2400), mDisplayCutout=DisplayCutout{insets=Rect(0, 75 - 0, 0) waterfall=Insets{left=0, top=0, right=0, bottom=0} boundingRect={Bounds=[Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(512, 0 - 569, 75), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)]} cutoutPathParserInfo={CutoutPathParserInfo{displayWidth=1080 displayHeight=2400 physicalDisplayWidth=1080 physicalDisplayHeight=2400 density={2.8125} cutoutSpec={M 0, 0 H -10.13333333333333 V 26.66666666666667 H 10.13333333333333 V 0 H 0 Z @dp} rotation={0} scale={1.0} physicalPixelDisplaySizeRatio={1.0}}}}, mRoundedCorners=RoundedCorners{[RoundedCorner{position=TopLeft, radius=90, center=Point(90, 90)}, RoundedCorner{position=TopRight, radius=90, center=Point(990, 90)}, RoundedCorner{position=BottomRight, radius=90, center=Point(990, 2310)}, RoundedCorner{position=BottomLeft, radius=90, center=Point(90, 2310)}]} mRoundedCornerFrame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2400), mPrivacyIndicatorBounds=PrivacyIndicatorBounds {static bounds=Rect(964, 0 - 1080, 75) rotation=0}, mDisplayShape=DisplayShape{ spec=-311912193 displayWidth=1080 displayHeight=2400 physicalPixelDisplaySizeRatio=1.0 rotation=0 offsetX=0 offsetY=0 scale=1.0}, mSources= { InsetsSource: {be090000 mType=statusBars mFrame=[0,0][1080,75] mVisible=true mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {be090005 mType=mandatorySystemGestures mFrame=[0,0][1080,107] mVisible=true mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {be090006 mType=tappableElement mFrame=[0,0][1080,75] mVisible=true mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {3 mType=ime mFrame=[0,0][0,0] mVisible=false mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {27 mType=displayCutout mFrame=[0,0][1080,75] mVisible=true mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {5d0001 mType=navigationBars mFrame=[0,2274][1080,2400] mVisible=true mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {5d0004 mType=systemGestures mFrame=[0,0][0,0] mVisible=true mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {5d0005 mType=mandatorySystemGestures mFrame=[0,2274][1080,2400] mVisible=true mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {5d0006 mType=tappableElement mFrame=[0,2274][1080,2400] mVisible=true mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {5d0024 mType=systemGestures mFrame=[0,0][0,0] mVisible=true mFlags=[]} }
01-15 15:43:27.672 26679 26679 I ViewRootImpl@72b4441[ReceiveExternalFilesActivity]: Relayout returned: old=(120,1027,960,1321) new=(120,1027,960,1321) relayoutAsync=false req=(840,294)8 dur=7 res=0x402 s={false 0x0} ch=true seqId=0
01-15 15:43:27.672 26679 26741 D OpenGLRenderer: CacheManager::trimMemory(40)
01-15 15:43:27.672 26679 26679 I ViewRootImpl@7e01ee7[ReceiveExternalFilesActivity]: handleAppVisibility mAppVisible = true visible = false
01-15 15:43:27.673 26679 26679 I ViewRootImpl@72b4441[ReceiveExternalFilesActivity]: stopped(true) old = false
01-15 15:43:27.673 26679 26679 D ViewRootImpl@72b4441[ReceiveExternalFilesActivity]: WindowStopped on com.nextcloud.client/ set to true
01-15 15:43:27.686 26679 26741 D OpenGLRenderer: RenderThread::destroyRenderingContext()
01-15 15:43:27.695 26679 26679 I ViewRootImpl@7e01ee7[ReceiveExternalFilesActivity]: stopped(true) old = false
01-15 15:43:27.696 26679 26679 D ViewRootImpl@7e01ee7[ReceiveExternalFilesActivity]: WindowStopped on com.nextcloud.client/ set to true
01-15 15:43:27.696 26679 26679 D ReceiveExternalFilesActivity: onStop() ending
01-15 15:43:27.709 26679 26679 D ReceiveExternalFilesActivity: onDestroy() ending
01-15 15:43:27.711 26679 26679 I WindowManager: WindowManagerGlobal#removeView, ty=2, view=DecorView@92a3f28[ReceiveExternalFilesActivity], caller=android.view.WindowManagerGlobal.removeView:628 android.view.WindowManagerImpl.removeViewImmediate:208
01-15 15:43:27.712 26679 26679 W WindowOnBackDispatcher: sendCancelIfRunning: isInProgress=falsecallback=android.view.ViewRootImpl$$ExternalSyntheticLambda19@2ffc258
01-15 15:43:27.713 26679 26679 I ViewRootImpl@72b4441[ReceiveExternalFilesActivity]: dispatchDetachedFromWindow
01-15 15:43:27.715 26679 26679 D InputTransport: Input channel destroyed: '6ec4106', fd=176
01-15 15:43:27.716 26679 26679 W WindowOnBackDispatcher: sendCancelIfRunning: isInProgress=falsecallback=android.view.ViewRootImpl$$ExternalSyntheticLambda19@c46bad
01-15 15:43:27.717 26679 26679 D AutofillManager: view not autofillable - not passing ime action check
01-15 15:43:27.720 26679 26679 I ViewRootImpl@7e01ee7[ReceiveExternalFilesActivity]: dispatchDetachedFromWindow
01-15 15:43:27.722 26679 26679 D InputTransport: Input channel destroyed: 'dda21c ', fd=137
01-15 15:43:27.723 26679 26679 V OperationsService: Destroying service
01-15 15:43:27.933 26679 26679 D MainApp : APP IN BACKGROUND
01-15 15:43:31.563 26679 26828 D ProfileInstaller: Skipping profile installation for com.nextcloud.client
01-15 15:43:36.354 26679 26754 E GoogleApiManager: Failed to get service from broker.
01-15 15:43:36.354 26679 26754 E GoogleApiManager: java.lang.SecurityException: Unknown calling package name ''.
01-15 15:43:36.354 26679 26754 E GoogleApiManager: at android.os.Parcel.createExceptionOrNull(
01-15 15:43:36.354 26679 26754 E GoogleApiManager: at android.os.Parcel.createException(
01-15 15:43:36.354 26679 26754 E GoogleApiManager: at android.os.Parcel.readException(
01-15 15:43:36.354 26679 26754 E GoogleApiManager: at android.os.Parcel.readException(
01-15 15:43:36.354 26679 26754 E GoogleApiManager: at apef.a([email protected] (190400-713002902):36)
01-15 15:43:36.354 26679 26754 E GoogleApiManager: at apcm.z([email protected] (190400-713002902):143)
01-15 15:43:36.354 26679 26754 E GoogleApiManager: at[email protected] (190400-713002902):54)
01-15 15:43:36.354 26679 26754 E GoogleApiManager: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
01-15 15:43:36.354 26679 26754 E GoogleApiManager: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
01-15 15:43:36.354 26679 26754 E GoogleApiManager: at[email protected] (190400-713002902):1)
01-15 15:43:36.354 26679 26754 E GoogleApiManager: at bvmf.dispatchMessage([email protected] (190400-713002902):5)
01-15 15:43:36.354 26679 26754 E GoogleApiManager: at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(
01-15 15:43:36.354 26679 26754 E GoogleApiManager: at android.os.Looper.loop(
01-15 15:43:36.354 26679 26754 E GoogleApiManager: at
01-15 15:43:36.490 26679 26690 W extcloud.client: Cleared Reference was only reachable from finalizer (only reported once)
01-15 15:43:36.534 26679 26692 W System : A resource failed to call AbstractCursor.close.
01-15 15:43:36.534 26679 26692 W System : A resource failed to call CursorWrapperInner.close.
01-15 15:43:37.277 26679 26837 D ContentObserverWork: File-sync Content Observer detected files change
01-15 15:43:37.443 26679 26838 D MediaProvider: Reading images for ... (censored)
01-15 15:43:38.306 26679 26722 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [ id=eae58242-d7ab-4a6a-8fc3-4c219a283f40, tags={, *, name:immediate_media_folder_detection, timestamp:1736952217280, class:MediaFoldersDetectionWork } ]
01-15 15:43:38.328 26679 26679 D Choreographer: CoreRune.SYSPERF_ACTIVE_APP_BBA_ENABLE : stop animation in background states
01-15 15:43:46.525 26679 26741 D OpenGLRenderer: RenderThread::destroyRenderingContext()
Server error logs - pg [15/Jan/2025:15:10:26 +0100] "PROPFIND /remote.php/dav/files/pg/Documents/ HTTP/1.1" 207 1726 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Android) Nextcloud-android/3.30.7" - pg [15/Jan/2025:15:10:26 +0100] "GET /ocs/v2.php/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/shares?path=%2FDocuments%2F&reshares=true&subfiles=true HTTP/1.1" 200 829 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Android) Nextcloud-android/3.30.7"
Additional information
Nextcloud is running in a Kubernetes cluster behind:
- a Traefik ingress controller with this Ingress config:
kind: Ingress
name: nextcloud
annotations: traefik nextcloud-hsts@kubernetescrd https-external "true"
- host: ""
- path: /
pathType: Prefix
name: nextcloud
number: 8080
- and HAProxy (external to the cluster) with this config:
# Global settings
log stdout syslog notice
stats socket /var/run/haproxy.sock mode 600 level admin
lua-load /etc/haproxy/lib/cors.lua
lua-prepend-path /usr/lib/crowdsec/lua/haproxy/?.lua
lua-load /usr/lib/crowdsec/lua/haproxy/crowdsec.lua # path to crowdsec.lua
setenv CROWDSEC_CONFIG /etc/crowdsec/bouncers/crowdsec-haproxy-bouncer.conf
httpclient.ssl.verify none cloudflare
# Common defaults that all the 'listen' and 'backend' sections will
# use if not designated in their block
log global
timeout client 300s
timeout server 300s
timeout connect 5s
timeout http-request 5s
default-server resolvers host-dns
# Resolvers
resolvers host-dns
hold valid 120s
resolve_retries 3
timeout resolve 1s
timeout retry 1s
# External frontends
frontend external-https
bind INTERNAL_IP0:80
bind INTERNAL_IP0:443 ssl crt /etc/haproxy/certs
log stdout local0 info
mode http
option httplog
option forwardfor
... lines related to captcha verification for Crowdsec ...
# HTTP to HTTPS redirect, HSTS
http-request redirect scheme https code 301 unless { ssl_fc }
http-response set-header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=16000000; includeSubDomains; preload;"
option forwardfor header X-Real-IP
http-request set-header X-Real-IP %[src]
default_backend external-kube-https
# External backends
backend external-kube-https
mode http
server kube-node-0 INTERNAL_IP1:PORT ssl verify none check port PORT inter 5s rise 2 fall 2
server kube-node-1 INTERNAL_IP2:PORT ssl verify none check port PORT inter 5s rise 2 fall 2