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[Bug]: Legacy Desktop Client crashes and doesn't sync files on MacOS Big Sur 11.7.10 #6179




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Bug description

I updated Nextcloud Client on my Mac OS, but it happens that the new Nextcloud version is not compatible with my OS (which is Big Sur 11.7.10, and I am not able to download a newer OS as my mac is from 2013 and considered obsolete by Apple). So I downloaded and installed the Legacy version of Nextcloud Client for older Mac OS, but it is not working. The app opens for like 5 seconds, and then crashes. It just shows a grey NC icon in the top bar which turns into the green check mark and then disappears. Nothing is being synced on the nextcloud server during these few seconds. I had just enough time to copy a few logs before the app crash, see below.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Download Legacy NC Client for Mac OS (make sure your Mac OS is Big Sur 11)
  2. Change Mac security settings to allow the installation of the package as it is consider unsafe by Apple.
  3. Install the Client
  4. Go in Application and open Nextcloud app
  5. Notice that it crashes after a few seconds

Expected behavior

When opening NC client, it should remain open, with the icon active in the top bar, and I should be able to access its settings to configure the server.

Which files are affected by this bug

Documents and Notes

Operating system

Mac OS

Which version of the operating system you are running.




Nextcloud Server version


Nextcloud Desktop Client version

Is this bug present after an update or on a fresh install?

Updated to a major version (ex. 3.3.6 to 3.4.0)

Are you using the Nextcloud Server Encryption module?

Encryption is Disabled

Are you using an external user-backend?

  • Default internal user-backend
  • LDAP/ Active Directory
  • SSO - SAML
  • Other

Nextcloud Server logs

2023-10-29 00:26:51:909 [ info nextcloud.gui.socketapi ]:	Sending SocketAPI message --> "UPDATE_VIEW:/Users/apple/Nextcloud" to SocketApiSocket(0x600001add400)
2023-10-29 00:26:51:937 [ info nextcloud.gui.application ]:	Sync state changed for folder  "" :  "SyncPrepare"
2023-10-29 00:26:51:938 [ info nextcloud.gui.folder ]:	*** Start syncing  ""  - client version 2.6.5legacy (build 20200710)
2023-10-29 00:26:51:943 [ info nextcloud.gui.folder ]:	Forbidding local discovery to read from the database
2023-10-29 00:26:51:944 [ info nextcloud.gui.folder.manager ]:	>========== Sync started for folder [Nextcloud] of account [[email protected]] with remote []
2023-10-29 00:26:51:945 [ info nextcloud.sync.credentials.webflow ]:	request finished
2023-10-29 00:26:51:946 [ info nextcloud.sync.networkjob.jsonapi ]:	JsonApiJob of QUrl("") FINISHED WITH STATUS "OK"
2023-10-29 00:26:51:946 [ warning nextcloud.sync.networkjob.jsonapi ]:	Nothing changed so nothing to retrieve - status code:  304
2023-10-29 00:26:51:946 [ warning nextcloud.gui.servernotification ]:	Status code  304  Not Modified - No new notifications.
2023-10-29 00:26:51:947 [ info nextcloud.sync.credentials.webflow ]:	request finished
2023-10-29 00:26:51:947 [ info nextcloud.sync.networkjob.jsonapi ]:	JsonApiJob of QUrl("") FINISHED WITH STATUS "OK"
2023-10-29 00:26:51:949 [ info nextcloud.sync.engine ]:	There are 9125515264 bytes available at "/Users/apple/Nextcloud/"
2023-10-29 00:26:51:949 [ info nextcloud.sync.engine ]:	Sync with existing sync journal
2023-10-29 00:26:51:950 [ info nextcloud.sync.engine ]:	"Using Qt 5.9.2 SSL library OpenSSL 1.0.2t  10 Sep 2019 on macOS 10.16"
2023-10-29 00:26:51:950 [ info nextcloud.sync.engine ]:	NOT Using Selective Sync
2023-10-29 00:26:51:951 [ info nextcloud.sync.engine ]:	#### Discovery start ####################################################
2023-10-29 00:26:51:951 [ info nextcloud.sync.engine ]:	Server "" 
2023-10-29 00:26:51:952 [ info nextcloud.sync.csync.csync ]:	## Starting local discovery ##
2023-10-29 00:26:51:952 [ info nextcloud.sync.csync.updater ]:	.sync_6e39d39ff66f.db-shm excluded  (1)
2023-10-29 00:26:51:953 [ info nextcloud.sync.csync.updater ]:	Database entry found for Recettes, compare: 1697655570 <-> 1697655547, etag:  <-> 65302afb14aa8, inode: 12891945539 <-> 12891945539, size: 608 <-> 0, perms: 0 <-> fd, checksum:  <->  , ignore: 0,  e2e: 
2023-10-29 00:26:51:953 [ info nextcloud.sync.csync.updater ]:	file: Recettes, instruction: INSTRUCTION_EVAL <<=
2023-10-29 00:26:51:954 [ info nextcloud.sync.csync.updater ]:	Recettes/.DS_Store excluded  (2)
2023-10-29 00:26:51:954 [ info nextcloud.sync.csync.updater ]:	Database entry found for Recettes/Foccacia, compare: 1696303601 <-> 1696303591, etag:  <-> 651b89e790f98, inode: 12912187304 <-> 12912187304, size: 224 <-> 0, perms: 0 <-> fd, checksum:  <->  , ignore: 0,  e2e: 
2023-10-29 00:26:51:954 [ info nextcloud.sync.csync.updater ]:	file: Recettes/Foccacia, instruction: INSTRUCTION_EVAL <<=
2023-10-29 00:26:51:954 [ info nextcloud.sync.csync.updater ]:	Database entry found for Recettes/Foccacia/recipe.json, compare: 1696303591 <-> 1696303591, etag:  <-> abe4c1fab2f9c9b1bd149e2c693d406d, inode: 12912199844 <-> 12912199844, size: 684 <-> 684, perms: 0 <-> 9f, checksum:  <-> SHA1:a84afdfdb9e7ae9ee33feda4648d67f47da68970 , ignore: 0,  e2e: 
2023-10-29 00:26:51:954 [ info nextcloud.sync.csync.updater ]:	file: Recettes/Foccacia/recipe.json, instruction: INSTRUCTION_NONE <<=
2023-10-29 00:26:51:955 [ info nextcloud.sync.csync.updater ]:	Database entry found for Recettes/Foccacia/thumb16.jpg, compare: 1696303591 <-> 1696303591, etag:  <-> 779fc111094c2f75c86d836d76d5c647, inode: 12912199846 <-> 12912199846, size: 702 <-> 702, perms: 0 <-> 9f, checksum:  <-> SHA1:9576fb5fca24684ddc5b93fe5e7a6b0618eb02d3 , ignore: 0,  e2e: 
2023-10-29 00:26:51:955 [ info nextcloud.sync.csync.updater ]:	file: Recettes/Foccacia/thumb16.jpg, instruction: INSTRUCTION_NONE <<=
2023-10-29 00:26:51:955 [ info nextcloud.sync.csync.updater ]:	Database entry found for Recettes/Foccacia/.nomedia, compare: 1696271402 <-> 1696271402, etag:  <-> 6b1c33f85057322f1d06bc81ffd5aad4, inode: 12912187305 <-> 12912187305, size: 0 <-> 0, perms: 0 <-> 9f, checksum:  <-> SHA1:da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709 , ignore: 0,  e2e: 
2023-10-29 00:26:51:955 [ info nextcloud.sync.csync.updater ]:	file: Recettes/Foccacia/.nomedia, instruction: INSTRUCTION_NONE <<=
2023-10-29 00:26:51:955 [ info nextcloud.sync.csync.updater ]:	Database entry found for Recettes/Foccacia/full.jpg, compare: 1696303591 <-> 1696303591, etag:  <-> 3c1d76d1b563f16630f6317f527b7209, inode: 12912199843 <-> 12912199843, size: 511490 <-> 511490, perms: 0 <-> 9f, checksum:  <-> SHA1:1de9f287c2bec3805f7271d85d184410cd987a39 , ignore: 0,  e2e: 
2023-10-29 00:26:51:955 [ info nextcloud.sync.csync.updater ]:	file: Recettes/Foccacia/full.jpg, instruction: INSTRUCTION_NONE <<=
2023-10-29 00:26:51:955 [ info nextcloud.sync.csync.updater ]:	Database entry found for Recettes/Foccacia/thumb.jpg, compare: 1696303591 <-> 1696303591, etag:  <-> d1b7e823fd038d99c5ce3bad65757783, inode: 12912199845 <-> 12912199845, size: 9344 <-> 9344, perms: 0 <-> 9f, checksum:  <-> SHA1:e66658745082f0faab11d1a08c86105a1aac6936 , ignore: 0,  e2e: 
2023-10-29 00:26:51:955 [ info nextcloud.sync.csync.updater ]:	file: Recettes/Foccacia/thumb.jpg, instruction: INSTRUCTION_NONE <<=
2023-10-29 00:26:51:955 [ info nextcloud.sync.csync.updater ]:	 <= Closing walk for /Users/apple/Nextcloud/Recettes/Foccacia with read_from_db 0
2023-10-29 00:26:51:955 [ info nextcloud.sync.csync.updater ]:	Database entry found for Recettes/Pate à tartes à l_huile, compare: 1696354348 <-> 1696354298, etag:  <-> 651c4ffa4da3b, inode: 12891945555 <-> 12891945555, size: 224 <-> 0, perms: 0 <-> fd, checksum:  <->  , ignore: 0,  e2e: 
2023-10-29 00:26:51:955 [ info nextcloud.sync.csync.updater ]:	file: Recettes/Pate à tartes à l_huile, instruction: INSTRUCTION_EVAL <<=
2023-10-29 00:26:51:956 [ info nextcloud.sync.csync.updater ]:	Database entry found for Recettes/Pate à tartes à l_huile/recipe.json, compare: 1696354298 <-> 1696354298, etag:  <-> 5754a1a084cc766fe4714f1fd3273b8e, inode: 12912209378 <-> 12912209378, size: 922 <-> 922, perms: 0 <-> 9f, checksum:  <-> SHA1:27239dda76bc584227292b34fd49bb29bacbcad5 , ignore: 0,  e2e: 
2023-10-29 00:26:51:956 [ info nextcloud.sync.csync.updater ]:	file: Recettes/Pate à tartes à l_huile/recipe.json, instruction: INSTRUCTION_NONE <<=
2023-10-29 00:26:51:956 [ info nextcloud.sync.csync.updater ]:	Database entry found for Recettes/Pate à tartes à l_huile/thumb16.jpg, compare: 1696354298 <-> 1696354298, etag:  <-> dc4704e0806da6a4a948ab5246debcd0, inode: 12912209380 <-> 12912209380, size: 680 <-> 680, perms: 0 <-> 9f, checksum:  <-> SHA1:593431a1848e4fc373e8f32747ecf54222bc0218 , ignore: 0,  e2e: 
2023-10-29 00:26:51:956 [ info nextcloud.sync.csync.updater ]:	file: Recettes/Pate à tartes à l_huile/thumb16.jpg, instruction: INSTRUCTION_NONE <<=
2023-10-29 00:26:51:956 [ info nextcloud.sync.csync.updater ]:	Database entry found for Recettes/Pate à tartes à l_huile/.nomedia, compare: 1622923354 <-> 1622923354, etag:  <-> d609f0989729d3bc5fc4856765c5fcf5, inode: 12891945556 <-> 12891945556, size: 0 <-> 0, perms: 0 <-> 9f, checksum:  <-> SHA1:da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709 , ignore: 0,  e2e: 
2023-10-29 00:26:51:956 [ info nextcloud.sync.csync.updater ]:	file: Recettes/Pate à tartes à l_huile/.nomedia, instruction: INSTRUCTION_NONE <<=

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