In this post, I’d like to provide some background on the recent releases of the desktop client.
With the latest release, we’ve introduced a further feature version bump due to significant changes. Additionally, an error in the user agent header in version 3.14 made this update necessary.
What this means for the version roadmap:
- 3.16: 🟢 latest version
- 3.15: 🟡 limited availability
- 3.14: 🛑 deprecated
- 3.13: 🟡 limited availability (pre-UI-redesign) | last macOS legacy 10.10 version
- < 3.12: 🛑 deprecated
For enterprise customers, the corresponding update channel for the client will be activated soon.
Key changes in 3.16:
- More UI alignments
- Enforcing Windows compatible file names (auto-rename for invalid characters)
- Trashbin for macOS Virtual File System
- Performance: Chunked Uploads in line with server settings
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