Feature request
User type: Logged-in or public user
User level: Beginners, intermediate or advanced
My photo collection is taken care of with digikam, a really powerful foto managment tool.
In digikam you can give stars to images and use tagging to mark subjects, context or people in the images.
nextcloud gallery Features requested:
- tags album: clicking on a Tag shows an album with all images with that Tag.
- gallery should show Tags and Stars from Images when single Image is used.
- Logged in Users can add tags, which are then being written into the fille (and or filename.xmp file - this would be lighter on syncing changes in metadata) There is a few php exif libraries available to do so.
EXIF is the standard that stores metadata in image files.
The actual values are stored in a format defined by IPTC and XMP
Benefit / value
Better usability, Easier to keep in control of the floods of images that are synced.
Before owncloud we had a straight forward Foto Workflow e.g. from digital camera -> import folder, editing -> image library -> sharing with friends.
Nowadays Images pour in from different peoples smartphones/cameras/ other synced devices and adding tags only makes sense if this is can be done by anyone who is sharing those images.
Risk / caveats
Displaying images in Tag based albums would require some thought about which folders or subfolders are beeing scanned for images.
Some users might have been used gallery 3, phtagr, or other image galleries, which use some kind of database or caching of Image Tag information.
Are you a developer willing to implement this feature?: no
Can you sponsor the development of this feature or do you know someone who can?: yes
We could at least to some extent sponsor work on that feature.
Originally posted by @epe in nextcloud/gallery#204