If NextcloudServer1 user "jon" [email protected] opens document via other server running Collabora, then a different guy named "jon" on NextcloudServer2 [email protected] opens a document, the Collabora admin panel counts these both as 1 user in the "Users online" tab. It says correctly in large letters, that there are 2 users, but the "Users online" Collabora Admin tab @loleaflet/dist/admin/admin.html combines any users with the same name even though they are different people.
I'm wondering if there's anyway to include the domain in the username that gets sent to collabora server or if this has another workaround, or is this a Collabora bug or perhaps there's a loolwsd admin setting I can't find. I deem this NOT good for the purpose of monitoring usage for 2 NextCloud instances sharing a Collabora server.