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Commit 03d4e80

Browse files
Fix(l10n): Update translations from Transifex
Signed-off-by: Nextcloud bot <[email protected]>
1 parent 3a5f955 commit 03d4e80

14 files changed

lines changed


Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change
@@ -820,6 +820,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Error: Server seems to be a Signaling server" : "خطأ: يبدو أن الخادوم هو خادوم إشارة Signaling server",
"Error: Server did not respond with proper JSON" : "خطأ: الخادم لم يجب جيدا JSON",
"Error: Certificate expired" : "خطأ: انتهت صلاحية الشهادة",
"Error: System times of Nextcloud server and Recording backend server are out of sync. Please make sure that both servers are connected to a time-server or manually synchronize their time." : "خطأ: أوقات النظام لخادوم نكست كلاود وخادوم التسجيل الصوتي للمكالمات في الخلفية غير متزامنة. يرجى التأكد من أن كلا الخادومين متصلان بخادوم توقيت موحد أو قم بمزامنة وقتيهما يدوياً.",
"Error: Server responded with: {error}" : "خطأ: الخادم اجاب بـ: {error}",
"Error: Unknown error occurred" : "خطأ: غير معروف",
"Recording backend configuration is only possible with a high-performance backend." : "لا يمكن تسجيل تكوين الواجهة الخلفية إلا من خلال واجهة خلفية عالية الأداء.",
@@ -849,6 +850,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"SIP configuration saved!" : "تم حفظ تكوين SIP!",
"High-performance backend URL" : "رابط خلفية أعلى اداء",
"Warning: Running version: {version}; Server does not support all features of this Talk version, missing features: {features}" : "تحذير: الخادوم في الإصدار الذي تعمل عليه: {version}؛ لا يدعم جميع ميزات هذا الإصدار من تطبيق \"المحادثة\" Talk، و هو يفتقد للميزات: {features}",
"Error: System times of Nextcloud server and High-performance backend server are out of sync. Please make sure that both servers are connected to a time-server or manually synchronize their time." : "خطأ: أوقات النظام لخادوم نكست كلاود وخادوم الأداء العالي High Performance في الخلفية غير متزامنة. يرجى التأكد من أن كلا الخادومين متصلان بخادوم توقيت موحد أو قم بمزامنة وقتيهما يدوياً.",
"Could not get version" : "تعذر الحصول على الإصدار",
"Error: Running version: {version}; Server needs to be updated to be compatible with this version of Talk" : "خطأ: إصدار قيد التشغيل: {version} ؛ يحتاج الخادم إلى التحديث حتى يكون متوافقًا مع هذا الإصدار من تطبيق Talk",
"An external signaling server should optionally be used for larger installations. Leave empty to use the internal signaling server." : "يجب استخدام خادم تشوير خارجي اختياري للتركيبات الكبرى. اتركه فارغًا لاستخدام خادم التشوير الداخلي.",


Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change
@@ -818,6 +818,7 @@
"Error: Server seems to be a Signaling server" : "خطأ: يبدو أن الخادوم هو خادوم إشارة Signaling server",
"Error: Server did not respond with proper JSON" : "خطأ: الخادم لم يجب جيدا JSON",
"Error: Certificate expired" : "خطأ: انتهت صلاحية الشهادة",
"Error: System times of Nextcloud server and Recording backend server are out of sync. Please make sure that both servers are connected to a time-server or manually synchronize their time." : "خطأ: أوقات النظام لخادوم نكست كلاود وخادوم التسجيل الصوتي للمكالمات في الخلفية غير متزامنة. يرجى التأكد من أن كلا الخادومين متصلان بخادوم توقيت موحد أو قم بمزامنة وقتيهما يدوياً.",
"Error: Server responded with: {error}" : "خطأ: الخادم اجاب بـ: {error}",
"Error: Unknown error occurred" : "خطأ: غير معروف",
"Recording backend configuration is only possible with a high-performance backend." : "لا يمكن تسجيل تكوين الواجهة الخلفية إلا من خلال واجهة خلفية عالية الأداء.",
@@ -847,6 +848,7 @@
"SIP configuration saved!" : "تم حفظ تكوين SIP!",
"High-performance backend URL" : "رابط خلفية أعلى اداء",
"Warning: Running version: {version}; Server does not support all features of this Talk version, missing features: {features}" : "تحذير: الخادوم في الإصدار الذي تعمل عليه: {version}؛ لا يدعم جميع ميزات هذا الإصدار من تطبيق \"المحادثة\" Talk، و هو يفتقد للميزات: {features}",
"Error: System times of Nextcloud server and High-performance backend server are out of sync. Please make sure that both servers are connected to a time-server or manually synchronize their time." : "خطأ: أوقات النظام لخادوم نكست كلاود وخادوم الأداء العالي High Performance في الخلفية غير متزامنة. يرجى التأكد من أن كلا الخادومين متصلان بخادوم توقيت موحد أو قم بمزامنة وقتيهما يدوياً.",
"Could not get version" : "تعذر الحصول على الإصدار",
"Error: Running version: {version}; Server needs to be updated to be compatible with this version of Talk" : "خطأ: إصدار قيد التشغيل: {version} ؛ يحتاج الخادم إلى التحديث حتى يكون متوافقًا مع هذا الإصدار من تطبيق Talk",
"An external signaling server should optionally be used for larger installations. Leave empty to use the internal signaling server." : "يجب استخدام خادم تشوير خارجي اختياري للتركيبات الكبرى. اتركه فارغًا لاستخدام خادم التشوير الداخلي.",


Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change
@@ -820,6 +820,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Error: Server seems to be a Signaling server" : "Fehler: Der Server scheint ein Signalisierungsserver zu sein",
"Error: Server did not respond with proper JSON" : "Fehler: Der Server hat nicht mit korrektem JSON geantwortet",
"Error: Certificate expired" : "Fehler: Zertifikat ist abgelaufen",
"Error: System times of Nextcloud server and Recording backend server are out of sync. Please make sure that both servers are connected to a time-server or manually synchronize their time." : "Fehler: Die Systemzeiten des Nextcloud-Servers und des Aufnahme-Backend-Servers sind nicht synchron. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass beide Server mit einem Zeitserver verbunden sind oder synchronisieren Sie ihre Zeit manuell.",
"Error: Server responded with: {error}" : "Fehler: Der Server antwortete mit: {error}",
"Error: Unknown error occurred" : "Es ist ein unbekannter Fehler aufgetreten.",
"Recording backend configuration is only possible with a high-performance backend." : "Die Konfiguration des Aufzeichnungs-Backend ist nur mit dem High-Performance-Backend möglich.",
@@ -849,6 +850,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"SIP configuration saved!" : "SIP-Konfiguration gespeichert!",
"High-performance backend URL" : "Hochleistungs-Backend-URL",
"Warning: Running version: {version}; Server does not support all features of this Talk version, missing features: {features}" : "Achtung: Laufende Version: {version}; Der Server unterstützt nicht alle Funktionen dieser Talk-Version, fehlende Funktionen: {features}",
"Error: System times of Nextcloud server and High-performance backend server are out of sync. Please make sure that both servers are connected to a time-server or manually synchronize their time." : "Fehler: Die Systemzeiten des Nextcloud-Servers und des Hochleistungs-Backend-Servers sind nicht synchron. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass beide Server mit einem Zeitserver verbunden sind oder synchronisieren Sie ihre Zeit manuell.",
"Could not get version" : "Version kann nicht abgerufen werden",
"Error: Running version: {version}; Server needs to be updated to be compatible with this version of Talk" : "Fehler: Aktuelle Version: {version}; Server muss aktualisiert werden, um mit dieser Version von Talk kompatibel zu sein",
"An external signaling server should optionally be used for larger installations. Leave empty to use the internal signaling server." : "Ein externer Signaling-Server sollte optional für größere Installationen verwendet werden. Leer lassen, um den internen Signaling-Server zu verwenden.",


Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change
@@ -818,6 +818,7 @@
"Error: Server seems to be a Signaling server" : "Fehler: Der Server scheint ein Signalisierungsserver zu sein",
"Error: Server did not respond with proper JSON" : "Fehler: Der Server hat nicht mit korrektem JSON geantwortet",
"Error: Certificate expired" : "Fehler: Zertifikat ist abgelaufen",
"Error: System times of Nextcloud server and Recording backend server are out of sync. Please make sure that both servers are connected to a time-server or manually synchronize their time." : "Fehler: Die Systemzeiten des Nextcloud-Servers und des Aufnahme-Backend-Servers sind nicht synchron. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass beide Server mit einem Zeitserver verbunden sind oder synchronisieren Sie ihre Zeit manuell.",
"Error: Server responded with: {error}" : "Fehler: Der Server antwortete mit: {error}",
"Error: Unknown error occurred" : "Es ist ein unbekannter Fehler aufgetreten.",
"Recording backend configuration is only possible with a high-performance backend." : "Die Konfiguration des Aufzeichnungs-Backend ist nur mit dem High-Performance-Backend möglich.",
@@ -847,6 +848,7 @@
"SIP configuration saved!" : "SIP-Konfiguration gespeichert!",
"High-performance backend URL" : "Hochleistungs-Backend-URL",
"Warning: Running version: {version}; Server does not support all features of this Talk version, missing features: {features}" : "Achtung: Laufende Version: {version}; Der Server unterstützt nicht alle Funktionen dieser Talk-Version, fehlende Funktionen: {features}",
"Error: System times of Nextcloud server and High-performance backend server are out of sync. Please make sure that both servers are connected to a time-server or manually synchronize their time." : "Fehler: Die Systemzeiten des Nextcloud-Servers und des Hochleistungs-Backend-Servers sind nicht synchron. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass beide Server mit einem Zeitserver verbunden sind oder synchronisieren Sie ihre Zeit manuell.",
"Could not get version" : "Version kann nicht abgerufen werden",
"Error: Running version: {version}; Server needs to be updated to be compatible with this version of Talk" : "Fehler: Aktuelle Version: {version}; Server muss aktualisiert werden, um mit dieser Version von Talk kompatibel zu sein",
"An external signaling server should optionally be used for larger installations. Leave empty to use the internal signaling server." : "Ein externer Signaling-Server sollte optional für größere Installationen verwendet werden. Leer lassen, um den internen Signaling-Server zu verwenden.",


Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change
@@ -820,6 +820,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Error: Server seems to be a Signaling server" : "Error: Server seems to be a Signaling server",
"Error: Server did not respond with proper JSON" : "Error: Server did not respond with proper JSON",
"Error: Certificate expired" : "Error: Certificate expired",
"Error: System times of Nextcloud server and Recording backend server are out of sync. Please make sure that both servers are connected to a time-server or manually synchronize their time." : "Error: System times of Nextcloud server and Recording backend server are out of sync. Please make sure that both servers are connected to a time-server or manually synchronize their time.",
"Error: Server responded with: {error}" : "Error: Server responded with: {error}",
"Error: Unknown error occurred" : "Error: Unknown error occurred",
"Recording backend configuration is only possible with a high-performance backend." : "Recording backend configuration is only possible with a high-performance backend.",
@@ -849,6 +850,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"SIP configuration saved!" : "SIP configuration saved!",
"High-performance backend URL" : "High-performance backend URL",
"Warning: Running version: {version}; Server does not support all features of this Talk version, missing features: {features}" : "Warning: Running version: {version}; Server does not support all features of this Talk version, missing features: {features}",
"Error: System times of Nextcloud server and High-performance backend server are out of sync. Please make sure that both servers are connected to a time-server or manually synchronize their time." : "Error: System times of Nextcloud server and High-performance backend server are out of sync. Please make sure that both servers are connected to a time-server or manually synchronize their time.",
"Could not get version" : "Could not get version",
"Error: Running version: {version}; Server needs to be updated to be compatible with this version of Talk" : "Error: Running version: {version}; Server needs to be updated to be compatible with this version of Talk",
"An external signaling server should optionally be used for larger installations. Leave empty to use the internal signaling server." : "An external signaling server should optionally be used for larger installations. Leave empty to use the internal signaling server.",


Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change
@@ -818,6 +818,7 @@
"Error: Server seems to be a Signaling server" : "Error: Server seems to be a Signaling server",
"Error: Server did not respond with proper JSON" : "Error: Server did not respond with proper JSON",
"Error: Certificate expired" : "Error: Certificate expired",
"Error: System times of Nextcloud server and Recording backend server are out of sync. Please make sure that both servers are connected to a time-server or manually synchronize their time." : "Error: System times of Nextcloud server and Recording backend server are out of sync. Please make sure that both servers are connected to a time-server or manually synchronize their time.",
"Error: Server responded with: {error}" : "Error: Server responded with: {error}",
"Error: Unknown error occurred" : "Error: Unknown error occurred",
"Recording backend configuration is only possible with a high-performance backend." : "Recording backend configuration is only possible with a high-performance backend.",
@@ -847,6 +848,7 @@
"SIP configuration saved!" : "SIP configuration saved!",
"High-performance backend URL" : "High-performance backend URL",
"Warning: Running version: {version}; Server does not support all features of this Talk version, missing features: {features}" : "Warning: Running version: {version}; Server does not support all features of this Talk version, missing features: {features}",
"Error: System times of Nextcloud server and High-performance backend server are out of sync. Please make sure that both servers are connected to a time-server or manually synchronize their time." : "Error: System times of Nextcloud server and High-performance backend server are out of sync. Please make sure that both servers are connected to a time-server or manually synchronize their time.",
"Could not get version" : "Could not get version",
"Error: Running version: {version}; Server needs to be updated to be compatible with this version of Talk" : "Error: Running version: {version}; Server needs to be updated to be compatible with this version of Talk",
"An external signaling server should optionally be used for larger installations. Leave empty to use the internal signaling server." : "An external signaling server should optionally be used for larger installations. Leave empty to use the internal signaling server.",


Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change
@@ -18,6 +18,12 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"## Welcome to Nextcloud Talk!\nIn this conversation you will be informed about new features available in Nextcloud Talk." : "## Bem-vindo ao Nextcloud Talk!\nNesta conversa será informado sobre as novidades disponíveis no Nextcloud Talk.",
"## New in Talk %s" : "## Novo no Talk %s",
"- Microsoft Edge and Safari can now be used to participate in audio and video calls" : "- O Microsoft Edge e o Safari podem, agora, ser utilizados para participar em chamadas áudio e vídeo.",
"- One-to-one conversations are now persistent and cannot be turned into group conversations by accident anymore. Also when one of the participants leaves the conversation, the conversation is not automatically deleted anymore. Only if both participants leave, the conversation is deleted from the server" : "- Agora as conversas individuais são persistentes e já não podem ser convertidas em conversas de grupo por acidente. Além disso, quando um dos participantes deixa a conversa, esta passa a não ser apagada automaticamente. A conversa só é apagada do servidor se ambos os participantes a deixarem.",
"- You can now notify all participants by posting \"@all\" into the chat" : "- Agora pode notificar todos os participantes ao escrever \"@all\" na conversa",
"- With the \"arrow-up\" key you can repost your last message" : "- Com a tecla \"seta para cima\" você pode repostar sua última mensagem",
"- Talk can now have commands, send \"/help\" as a chat message to see if your administrator configured some" : "- Agora o Talk aceita comandos, envie \"/help\" como mensagem na conversa para ver se o seu administrador configurou algum",
"- With projects you can create quick links between conversations, files and other items" : "- Com projetos pode criar links rápidos entre conversas, ficheiros e outros itens",
"- You can now mention guests in the chat" : "- Agora pode mencionar convidados na conversa",
"Talk updates ✅" : "Atualizações do Falar ✅",
"System created the conversation" : "O sistema criou a conversa",
"Message deleted by author" : "Mensagem apagada pelo autor",


Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change
@@ -16,6 +16,12 @@
"## Welcome to Nextcloud Talk!\nIn this conversation you will be informed about new features available in Nextcloud Talk." : "## Bem-vindo ao Nextcloud Talk!\nNesta conversa será informado sobre as novidades disponíveis no Nextcloud Talk.",
"## New in Talk %s" : "## Novo no Talk %s",
"- Microsoft Edge and Safari can now be used to participate in audio and video calls" : "- O Microsoft Edge e o Safari podem, agora, ser utilizados para participar em chamadas áudio e vídeo.",
"- One-to-one conversations are now persistent and cannot be turned into group conversations by accident anymore. Also when one of the participants leaves the conversation, the conversation is not automatically deleted anymore. Only if both participants leave, the conversation is deleted from the server" : "- Agora as conversas individuais são persistentes e já não podem ser convertidas em conversas de grupo por acidente. Além disso, quando um dos participantes deixa a conversa, esta passa a não ser apagada automaticamente. A conversa só é apagada do servidor se ambos os participantes a deixarem.",
"- You can now notify all participants by posting \"@all\" into the chat" : "- Agora pode notificar todos os participantes ao escrever \"@all\" na conversa",
"- With the \"arrow-up\" key you can repost your last message" : "- Com a tecla \"seta para cima\" você pode repostar sua última mensagem",
"- Talk can now have commands, send \"/help\" as a chat message to see if your administrator configured some" : "- Agora o Talk aceita comandos, envie \"/help\" como mensagem na conversa para ver se o seu administrador configurou algum",
"- With projects you can create quick links between conversations, files and other items" : "- Com projetos pode criar links rápidos entre conversas, ficheiros e outros itens",
"- You can now mention guests in the chat" : "- Agora pode mencionar convidados na conversa",
"Talk updates ✅" : "Atualizações do Falar ✅",
"System created the conversation" : "O sistema criou a conversa",
"Message deleted by author" : "Mensagem apagada pelo autor",

0 commit comments
