I have found this to always happen for live playlists that include a bunch of segments besides the most recent ones.
For example, lives from have an m3u8 that includes all the segments from the start of the livestream (to allow rewinding). When I try to download these type of streams, N_m3u8DL-RE keeps refreshing the playlist forever, even after the livestream has already ended (I can see the playlist has #EXT-X-ENDLIST at the end after the livestream actually ends, so N_m3u8DL-RE should be able to detect that it ended). Instead it stays in this state where it never finishes nor muxes anything.
If I try to download these playlists after the live has ended, then they get downloaded as a VOD (the playlist basically contains all the segments already) and it finishes without a problem. This means I have to do a very hacky workaround where I wait for a livestream to finish before downloading it in order for it to work.