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Releases: nklayman/vue-cli-plugin-electron-builder

1.1.0 - No more legacy builds

28 Feb 23:10
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With this release, only the modern build is run when building for production (requires @vue/cli-service v3.4.1). Previously, both the legacy and the modern build had to be run, even though the legacy build is never used. It also includes a few bug fixes (check the commit log for more details).


10 Feb 23:00
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After closing 163 issues, writing thousands of lines of code across 251 commits, and spending countless hours in front of a computer, 1.0.0 is finally here! We now have 0 open issues (not sure how long that will last 🤔), a pretty good sign of stability 👍. This release includes a few features as well:


  • Mocha tests will be added when plugin is installed (#128, e99bba0)
  • You can now use a custom file protocol with the customFileProtocol configuration option (#183, 3bf42d4)

Thanks to everyone who clicked that ⭐ (we're almost at 500!!!), reported an issue, requested a feature, or made a PR (extra thanks)!

RC 11 - Fix with latest vue-cli, process.env.IS_ELECTRON

06 Feb 02:42
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This release include a fix with the latest version of vue-cli (publicPath and baseUrl), as well as some other fixes and features.


  • Command line args are now passed to electron in electron:serve (#185, 0e2b395)
  • process.env.IS_ELECTRON is now set accordingly (#181, 346701f)

Bug Fixes:

  • Broken vue cli ui pages are now removed (#48, 793805e)
  • electron:build now works properly with vue-cli 3.3.0 (#177, 28b5be0)
  • electron-builder install-app-deps is now run on postuninstall as well as postinstall (#168, f9f8b47)

RC 10 - Small fixes, electron v4

22 Dec 05:39
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With 1.0.0-rc.10, electron ^4.0.0 will be available for use when invoking the generator, and ^3.0.0 will be the default. Internally (for testing), electron v4 is used, along with spectron v5. The background.js no longer relies on process.env.NODE_ENV to determine whether to load from the dev server or from the packaged app (#164).

RC 9 - Fix security vulnerability!

27 Nov 20:40
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This release removes use of flatmap-stream, which contains a major security vulnerability, used in event-stream. Also, make sure you read this message and follow the instructions there!

RC 8 - Bug fixes, automatic testing with Jest

11 Nov 23:38
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  • If your project uses Jest, you will be prompted to set up a Spectron test when adding this plugin (#128, 57895c7)

Bug fixes:

  • The app protocol is used to load index.html, fixes some CORS issues (#129, 8dc5bba)
  • --dashboard is now removed from electron-builder args, so builds started with the CLI UI will work (#48 (comment), d122fe6)

RC 6/7 - Issues with electron v3

26 Oct 17:20
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These releases fix #117, where installVueDevtools() would not return a promise. If you are using electron@^3.0.0, it is recommended that you upgrade. You do not need to re-invoke the generator.

RC 5 - Electron 3 issues on linux, remove need for `<base>` tag

26 Oct 04:33
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This release includes a hotfix for #117, where Electron v3 would only display a blank screen. It also removes the need of the <base> tag in the index.html. After updating, remove that line, and your app will continue to work as normal.

RC 4 - BREAKING CHANGE, new command names, lots of fixes and features

18 Oct 19:18
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Breaking Changes

Yes, I know it is in RC phase, but these needed to happen before the final release.

This release changes the command names!
yarn (serve|build):electron
yarn electron:(serve|build)
This was changed to make it match other Vue CLI Plugins, see #94 for more info.

You MUST re-invoke the generator if you upgrade to this version. To do so, run vue invoke electron-builder. This is caused because:
Previously, your app would be packaged relative to the project's root. Since your built code is placed in dist_electron/bundled, __dirname in a built app would be [path-to-install]/resources/app.asar/dist_electron/bundled/. Now, it is packaged relative to dist_electron/bundled. In a built app, __dirname would be [path-to-install]/resources/app.asar/. __static and process.env.BASE_URL will still function the same.


  • You can now choose your desired Electron version when adding this plugin (ec48369)
  • CLI output is prettier, and errors when bundling the main process are friendlier (#105, 61510e7)
  • Custom electron args are now supported (#93, b45b2ef) thanks @zdevwu
  • The output dir can be set with --dest, and changing it no longer requires you to set the main property of your package.json (7e4afa6)
  • Environment variables prefixed with VUE_APP_ can now be accessed in the main process (#83, 23ff11b)

Bug Fixes

  • Electron is killed gracefully during development (#110, ed0bcb8) Huge thanks to @Desuuuu
  • Entry name is now used as output file. This makes it easier to add files to the main process bundling (#106, dc9940b)
  • The installation process of VueJS devtools now supports a dynamically set userData path (83229ec)

RC 3 - Bug fixes and some new features

08 Sep 17:27
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12 issues have been closed since the last release 🎉! This means a lot of small features/fixes.

A few new features

  • Electron's junk output is now stripped from the terminal (#60, da4033e)
  • --skipBundle only runs electron-builder, skipping all bundling (#70, 368a9e4)
  • --legacy disables modern mode while bundling the renderer process (#71, 368a9e4)
  • Add support for custom node_modules folder path when detecting externals (#75, 4cb6886)

And, the bug fixes

  • Support not having a css folder inside dist_electron/bundled (#64, e3cb7cb)
  • Fixes electron not detecting app's product name (#74, 6c76898)