Would it be possible to add query parameters for sorting and paging when requesting a "globbing" resource?
When presenting a list of items (blog comments, chat entries, pets, whatever), it is very common to let the server do paging and sorting to improve efficiency for browsing through large amounts of data (as compared to loading all N-thousand Turtle statements and throw away 99% of them in order to show the top 1%).
It could work as follows:
A globbing request like "/items/*" normally returns the Turtle content of all resources stored under "/items". Each of theses resources contains a set of Turtle statements.
One URL parameter, like for instance "orderBy", could define a predicate identifier (or multiple) to order the resources by.
Other URL parameters, like for instance "count" and "offset" could define which "slice" of the sorted resources to return.
As a result, only the content of the first "count" resources, from index "offset", when ordering the resources by the value of the predicates in the resources by "orderBy", would be returned.
Example, get the first 10 items ordered by the value of /items/*?
The "orderBy" predicate is only evaluated for statements where the subject is identical to the resource URL.
I kind of assume this suggestion is covered in existing work on linked data.