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Bug Description

When using the requestTls option (specifically rejectUnauthorized) in conjunction with the DNS interceptor (interceptors.dns()), multiple SSL errors are thrown. The behavior changes depending on the configuration:

  • If I remove .compose([interceptors.dns()]), the issue disappears, and everything works fine.
  • If I remove requestTls completely, it also works fine even with .compose([interceptors.dns()]).
  • If I keep requestTls but remove only rejectUnauthorized: true (just { requestTls: {} } ), the error persists when .compose([interceptors.dns()]) is used.

This suggests an interaction between requestTls and the DNS interceptor that causes SSL issues.

Reproducible By

Example 1: (issue)

import { ProxyAgent, Agent, fetch, interceptors } from 'undici'

async function main () {
  await fetch('', {
    dispatcher: new Agent()
  }).then(async x => console.log('My IP:', await x.text()))
  await fetch('', {
    dispatcher: new ProxyAgent({
      uri: 'http://localhost:18080'
  }).then(async x => console.log('Proxy IP:', await x.text()))

  const response = await fetch('', {
    dispatcher: new ProxyAgent({
      uri: 'http://localhost:18080',
      requestTls: {
        rejectUnauthorized: true
  }).then(x => x.text())
  console.log('Ip with rejectUnauthorized: true', response)

main ()


Proxy IP: [REDACTED].111.[REDACTED].50

TypeError: fetch failed
    at fetch (/home/[REDACTED]/undici-altname-ssl-issue/node_modules/undici/index.js:120:13)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
    at async main (file:///home/[REDACTED]/undici-altname-ssl-issue/index.js:16:20) {
  [cause]: [Error: 40C8661E52720000:error:0A000410:SSL routines:ssl3_read_bytes:sslv3 alert handshake failure:../deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/record/rec_layer_s3.c:1590:SSL alert number 40
  ] {
    library: 'SSL routines',
    reason: 'sslv3 alert handshake failure',

Example two: (issue)

import { ProxyAgent, Agent, fetch, interceptors } from 'undici'

async function main () {
  await fetch('', {
    dispatcher: new Agent()
  }).then(async x => console.log('My IP:', await x.text()))
  await fetch('', {
    dispatcher: new ProxyAgent({
      uri: 'http://localhost:18080'
  }).then(async x => console.log('Proxy IP:', await x.text()))

  const response = await fetch('', {
    dispatcher: new ProxyAgent({
      uri: 'http://localhost:18080',
      requestTls: {
        rejectUnauthorized: true
  }).then(x => x.text())

main ()


Click me to show large log
Proxy IP: [REDACTED].111.[REDACTED].50

TypeError: fetch failed
    at fetch (/home/[REDACTED]/undici-altname-ssl-issue/node_modules/undici/index.js:120:13)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
    at async main (file:///home/[REDACTED]/undici-altname-ssl-issue/index.js:16:20) {
  [cause]: Error [ERR_TLS_CERT_ALTNAME_INVALID]: Hostname/IP does not match certificate's altnames: IP: is not in the cert's list: 
      at Object.checkServerIdentity (node:tls:337:12)
      at TLSSocket.onConnectSecure (node:_tls_wrap:1684:27)
      at TLSSocket.emit (node:events:518:28)
      at TLSSocket._finishInit (node:_tls_wrap:1085:8)
      at ssl.onhandshakedone (node:_tls_wrap:871:12) {
    reason: "IP: is not in the cert's list: ",
    host: '',
    cert: {
      subject: [Object: null prototype] {
        C: 'US',
        ST: 'California',
        L: 'San Francisco',
        O: 'Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.',
        CN: '*'
      issuer: [Object: null prototype] {
        C: 'US',
        O: 'DigiCert Inc',
        CN: 'DigiCert TLS Hybrid ECC SHA384 2020 CA1'
      subjectaltname: 'DNS:*,,,,,,,,,,,,,, DNS:*, DNS:*, DNS:*, DNS:*, DNS:*, DNS:*, DNS:*, DNS:*, DNS:*, DNS:*, DNS:*, DNS:*, DNS:*, DNS:*, DNS:*, DNS:*, DNS:*, DNS:*, DNS:*, DNS:*, DNS:*, DNS:*, DNS:*, DNS:*,,, DNS:*',
      infoAccess: [Object: null prototype] {
        'OCSP - URI': [ '' ],
        'CA Issuers - URI': [
      ca: false,
      bits: 256,
      pubkey: Buffer(65) [Uint8Array] [
          4,  41, 254, 247,   2, 121, 201, 130, 181,  38,  68,
        233, 201, 191,   6,  62, 207,  73, 162, 210, 234, 254,
         49,  84, 227,  83, 221, 123, 239,  33, 121,  35, 168,
         32, 215,  30,  57, 116, 191,  92,  15, 133, 107, 161,
        108,  81, 133,  72, 194, 184,  17,  16, 168, 195,  45,
        229,  34,   8, 190, 171,  64, 207,  60,  68,  14
      asn1Curve: 'prime256v1',
      nistCurve: 'P-256',
      valid_from: 'Sep 26 00:00:00 2024 GMT',
      valid_to: 'Oct 17 23:59:59 2025 GMT',
      fingerprint: '0B:3A:AB:D4:5E:55:A4:08:2B:F7:C1:DA:63:37:75:F1:EB:04:6E:A5',
      fingerprint256: '40:62:FB:AE:31:5E:7D:29:B8:24:32:78:9D:DC:4B:99:1D:AB:8B:54:ED:DF:76:C8:12:98:9E:22:F1:BA:FD:59',
      fingerprint512: 'CB:B4:E6:61:67:8C:FC:EB:DE:DD:11:1D:4E:B3:A2:4D:2C:49:3D:16:66:5F:36:F4:17:7A:AA:CA:9B:D7:6B:F3:09:48:7F:1B:1F:67:22:02:2D:4B:7D:A4:FC:A5:E5:4F:1F:60:E3:AB:48:2B:42:CB:E7:45:16:89:E9:A5:DE:64',
      ext_key_usage: [ '', '' ],
      serialNumber: '0C745DCAE53F59103BEDA2477CCCE73A',
      raw: Buffer(2126) [Uint8Array] [
         48, 130,   8,  74,  48, 130,   7, 207, 160,   3,   2,   1,
          2,   2,  16,  12, 116,  93, 202, 229,  63,  89,  16,  59,
        237, 162,  71, 124, 204, 231,  58,  48,  10,   6,   8,  42,
        134,  72, 206,  61,   4,   3,   3,  48,  86,  49,  11,  48,
          9,   6,   3,  85,   4,   6,  19,   2,  85,  83,  49,  21,
         48,  19,   6,   3,  85,   4,  10,  19,  12,  68, 105, 103,
        105,  67, 101, 114, 116,  32,  73, 110,  99,  49,  48,  48,
         46,   6,   3,  85,   4,   3,  19,  39,  68, 105, 103, 105,
         67, 101, 114, 116,
        ... 2026 more items
      issuerCertificate: {
        subject: [Object: null prototype] {
          C: 'US',
          O: 'DigiCert Inc',
          CN: 'DigiCert TLS Hybrid ECC SHA384 2020 CA1'
        issuer: [Object: null prototype] {
          C: 'US',
          O: 'DigiCert Inc',
          OU: '',
          CN: 'DigiCert Global Root CA'
        infoAccess: [Object: null prototype] {
          'OCSP - URI': [ '' ],
          'CA Issuers - URI': [ '' ]
        ca: true,
        bits: 384,
        pubkey: Buffer(97) [Uint8Array] [
            4, 193,  27, 198, 154,  91, 152, 217, 164,  41, 160, 233,
          212,   4, 181, 219, 235, 166, 178, 108,  85, 192, 255, 237,
          152, 198,  73,  47,   6,  39,  81, 203, 191, 112, 193,   5,
          122, 195, 177, 157, 135, 137, 186, 173, 180,  19,  23, 201,
          168, 180, 131, 200, 184, 144, 209, 204, 116,  53,  54,  60,
          131, 114, 176, 181, 208, 247,  34, 105, 200, 241, 128, 196,
          123,  64, 143, 207, 104, 135,  38,  92,  57, 137, 241,  77,
          145,  77, 218, 137, 139, 228,   3, 195,  67, 229, 191,  47,
        asn1Curve: 'secp384r1',
        nistCurve: 'P-384',
        valid_from: 'Apr 14 00:00:00 2021 GMT',
        valid_to: 'Apr 13 23:59:59 2031 GMT',
        fingerprint: 'AE:C1:3C:DD:5E:A6:A3:99:8A:EC:14:AC:33:1A:D9:6B:ED:BB:77:0F',
        fingerprint256: 'F7:A9:A1:B2:FD:96:4A:3F:26:70:BD:66:8D:56:1F:B7:C5:5D:3A:A9:AB:83:91:E7:E1:69:70:2D:B8:A3:DB:CF',
        fingerprint512: 'A9:0D:FF:FB:4B:1C:A3:01:3F:B2:D2:78:3F:AB:A7:B8:03:1E:25:08:08:19:28:63:76:D4:12:EB:97:D3:A5:66:2D:C0:5D:4E:C4:0A:77:29:89:72:0D:F8:2A:7B:67:92:65:56:6D:13:75:F0:0C:85:50:C6:83:03:B8:6A:C0:35',
        ext_key_usage: [ '', '' ],
        serialNumber: '07F2F35C87A877AF7AEFE947993525BD',
        raw: Buffer(1051) [Uint8Array] [
           48, 130,   4,  23,  48, 130,   2, 255, 160,   3,   2,   1,
            2,   2,  16,   7, 242, 243,  92, 135, 168, 119, 175, 122,
          239, 233,  71, 153,  53,  37, 189,  48,  13,   6,   9,  42,
          134,  72, 134, 247,  13,   1,   1,  12,   5,   0,  48,  97,
           49,  11,  48,   9,   6,   3,  85,   4,   6,  19,   2,  85,
           83,  49,  21,  48,  19,   6,   3,  85,   4,  10,  19,  12,
           68, 105, 103, 105,  67, 101, 114, 116,  32,  73, 110,  99,
           49,  25,  48,  23,   6,   3,  85,   4,  11,  19,  16, 119,
          119, 119,  46, 100,
          ... 951 more items
        issuerCertificate: <ref *1> {
          subject: [Object: null prototype] {
            C: 'US',
            O: 'DigiCert Inc',
            OU: '',
            CN: 'DigiCert Global Root CA'
          issuer: [Object: null prototype] {
            C: 'US',
            O: 'DigiCert Inc',
            OU: '',
            CN: 'DigiCert Global Root CA'
          ca: true,
          modulus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
          bits: 2048,
          exponent: '0x10001',
          pubkey: Buffer(294) [Uint8Array] [
             48, 130,   1,  34,  48,  13,   6,   9,  42, 134,  72, 134,
            247,  13,   1,   1,   1,   5,   0,   3, 130,   1,  15,   0,
             48, 130,   1,  10,   2, 130,   1,   1,   0, 226,  59, 225,
             17, 114, 222, 168, 164, 211, 163,  87, 170,  80, 162, 143,
             11, 119, 144, 201, 162, 165, 238,  18, 206, 150,  91,   1,
              9,  32, 204,   1, 147, 167,  78,  48, 183,  83, 247,  67,
            196, 105,   0,  87, 157, 226, 141,  34, 221, 135,   6,  64,
              0, 129,   9, 206, 206,  27, 131, 191, 223, 205,  59, 113,
             70, 226, 214, 102,
            ... 194 more items
          valid_from: 'Nov 10 00:00:00 2006 GMT',
          valid_to: 'Nov 10 00:00:00 2031 GMT',
          fingerprint: 'A8:98:5D:3A:65:E5:E5:C4:B2:D7:D6:6D:40:C6:DD:2F:B1:9C:54:36',
          fingerprint256: '43:48:A0:E9:44:4C:78:CB:26:5E:05:8D:5E:89:44:B4:D8:4F:96:62:BD:26:DB:25:7F:89:34:A4:43:C7:01:61',
          fingerprint512: '53:B4:44:E5:65:18:32:01:A6:1E:EB:46:12:09:B2:DC:30:89:5E:EC:A4:87:23:8D:15:A0:26:73:5F:22:9A:81:9E:5B:19:CB:D7:E2:FA:27:68:AB:2A:64:F6:EB:CD:9D:1E:72:13:41:C9:ED:5D:D0:9F:C0:D5:E4:3D:68:BC:A7',
          serialNumber: '083BE056904246B1A1756AC95991C74A',
          raw: Buffer(947) [Uint8Array] [
             48, 130,   3, 175,  48, 130,   2, 151, 160,  3,   2,   1,
              2,   2,  16,   8,  59, 224,  86, 144,  66, 70, 177, 161,
            117, 106, 201,  89, 145, 199,  74,  48,  13,  6,   9,  42,
            134,  72, 134, 247,  13,   1,   1,   5,   5,  0,  48,  97,
             49,  11,  48,   9,   6,   3,  85,   4,   6, 19,   2,  85,
             83,  49,  21,  48,  19,   6,   3,  85,   4, 10,  19,  12,
             68, 105, 103, 105,  67, 101, 114, 116,  32, 73, 110,  99,
             49,  25,  48,  23,   6,   3,  85,   4,  11, 19,  16, 119,
            119, 119,  46, 100,
            ... 847 more items
          issuerCertificate: [Circular *1]

Expected Behavior

The request should succeed without SSL errors when using requestTls and the DNS interceptor together.


Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS x86_64
undici 7.2.0

Additional context

Maybe regression #3817 #3437

This issue occurs whether requestTls is { rejectUnauthorized: true } or simply {}. It appears the combination of requestTls and interceptors.dns() triggers unexpected behavior.

Dumped connection info using MITMProxy



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