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feature request: and Congrats #271



Your plugins are so cool, congratulations! I am impressed with Enhanced Readibilities, Page properties, Inline links preview. It is difficult to know which one is better.

You are already full of work as I can see... but I am going to share some ideas with you. I want to tell what plugins are missing in VitePress. There are workarounds for them, so they are not urgent though:

  1. Syntax for markdown to embed video from services (youtube, vimeo) iframe. (workaround: HTML syntax)

  2. Plugin to enable Authentication. Login+password or extension to the router. Locking parts of pages is difficult :-/ Inspirations: and

  3. Component to export the current page to .pdf file format. Some plugins export to pdf at build time. However, there is not a plugin to add button in each page. When you click on that button, JavaScript would then convert the page to .pdf and download it in the browser at runtime.

  4. In your website, there is a "mind map" component in each page of your documentation. Are you going to release it for VitePress? It would be so good!

  5. It would be great to have a component for "Excalidraw" mind map editor.

  6. A "Languages dropdown" component. When you click on a language, JavaScript translates the page in runtime. (workaround: offer translated files before the build time).

I hope you appreciate the ideas and that they improve your work. Thank you




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