Clear and concise description of the problem
Pagination module now has bunch of parameters such as paginationDisabledClass, horizontalClass, hiddenClass, etc.
But at the same time there is parameter modifierClass that semantically should be a prefix to all of them.
Suggested solution
So my suggestion is: if modifierClass
is overriden, but the other params isn't, they will substitute modifierClass
as their prefix, like below:
const swiper = new Swiper($slider[0], {
modules: [Pagination],
pagination: {
modifierClass: 'foobar',
And that would do the same as if you call it now as such:
const swiper = new Swiper($slider[0], {
modules: [Pagination],
pagination: {
modifierClass: 'foobar',
hiddenClass: 'foobar-hidden',
paginationDisabledClass: 'foobar-disabled',
verticalClass: 'foobar-vertical'
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- Follow our Code of Conduct
- Read the docs.
- Check that there isn't already an issue that request the same feature to avoid creating a duplicate.
Would you like to open a PR for this feature?
- I'm willing to open a PR