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Bug description
I have a Swiper with 3 columns / 2 rows and grid is filled by rows.
Total number of slides is 12.
My desired fill order is the following:
1..........2..........3 # 7...........8...........9
4..........5..........6 # 10..........11..........12
To obtain this, I've set:
slidesPerView: 3,
slidesPerGroup: 3,
grid: {
rows: 2,
fill: 'row'
If I also enable loop mode (leaving loopAddBlankSlides as default true), the slides' order is wrong after the first loop.
Slides appearance before the loop is:
1..........2..........3 # 7...........8...........9
4..........5..........6 # 10..........11..........12
Slides appearance after the first loop is:
1..........4..........2 # 7..........10..........8
5..........3..........6 # 11..........9..........12
Expected Behavior
I expect the right order of slides after first loop.
Actual Behavior
The slides' order after first loop is wrong.
Swiper version
Platform/Target and Browser Versions
macOS 15.2 - Chrome 132.0.6834.110
- Follow our Code of Conduct
- Read the docs.
- Check that there isn't already an issue that request the same feature to avoid creating a duplicate.
- Make sure this is a Swiper issue and not a framework-specific issue
Would you like to open a PR for this bug?
- I'm willing to open a PR
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