disclaimer: this is for benchmarking
Establish a reliable messaging channel between the Python script and the WebWand Chrome extension.
- Implement the initial setup for the messaging system that allows the Python script to send commands to WebWand.
- Write and test the openSidePanel function(in background/index.js) to ensure that WebWand can receive this message from the Python script, open the side panel accordingly, and confirm by sending a "panelOpened" message back to the Python script.
Once we are sure messaing connection is established, we can:
- Identify and document where each listener should reside based on their functionality. For example, openSidePanel might be in background/index.js, but others like runTask might be in a different part of the extension.
- For each listener identified, develop the specific functionalities they need to execute. For example, storeAPIKey should securely store the received key, runTask should handle task execution, and fetchScreenshot should capture and send back a screenshot.
think about how to deal with the state manament.
sample code:
chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener((message) => { if (message.action === "openSidePanel"){ // code to operate and send message } }
check out the native messaging which enables an extension to exchange messages with a native application, installed on the user's computer. The native messaging serves the extensions without additional accesses over the web.
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