This is the home page of projects ideas of NumFOCUS for Google Summer of Code 2024. Since NumFOCUS is an umbrella organization you will only find links to the ideas page of each organization under the NumFOCUS umbrella at this page.
- aeon
- AiiDA
- ArviZ
- Bambi
- biocommons
- CB-Geo MPM
- conda
- CuPy
- Data Retriever
- FEniCS
- FluxML
- Gridap
- GOSST by NumFOCUS and Google Open Source
- JupyterLab by Jupyter
- matplotlib
- NetworkX
- Open Science Labs
- Optuna
- pvlib
- PyBaMM
- PyMC
- QuTiP
- SciML
- Taskflow
- Zarr
See the README for contact information of each org.