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991 lines (779 loc) · 23.9 KB

File metadata and controls

991 lines (779 loc) · 23.9 KB
title navigation.title description
Blob Storage
Upload, store and serve images, videos, music, documents and other unstructured data in your Nuxt application.

Getting Started

Enable the blob storage in your NuxtHub project by adding the blob property to the hub object in your nuxt.config.ts file.

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  hub: {
    blob: true

::note This option will use Cloudflare platform proxy in development and automatically create a Cloudflare R2 bucket for your project when you deploy it. ::

::tabs ::div{label="Nuxt DevTools"} :nuxt-img{src="/images/landing/nuxt-devtools-blob.png" alt="Nuxt DevTools Blob" width="915" height="515" data-zoom-src="/images/landing/nuxt-devtools-blob.png"} :: ::div{label="NuxtHub Admin"} :nuxt-img{src="/images/landing/nuxthub-admin-blob.png" alt="NuxtHub Admin Blob" width="915" height="515" data-zoom-src="/images/landing/nuxthub-admin-blob.png"} :: ::


Server composable that returns a set of methods to manipulate the blob storage.


Returns a paginated list of blobs (metadata only).

export default eventHandler(async () => {
  const { blobs } = await hubBlob().list({ limit: 10 })

  return blobs


::field-group ::field{name="options" type="Object"} The list options. ::collapsible ::field{name="limit" type="Number"} The maximum number of blobs to return per request. Defaults to 1000. :: ::field{name="prefix" type="String"} Filters the results to only those that begin with the specified prefix. :: ::field{name="cursor" type="String"} The cursor to continue from a previous list operation. :: ::field{name="folded" type="Boolean"} If true, the list will be folded using / separator and list of folders will be returned. :: :: :: ::


Returns BlobListResult.

Return all blobs

To fetch all blobs, you can use a while loop to fetch the next page until the cursor is null.

let blobs = []
let cursor = null

do {
  const res = await hubBlob().list({ cursor })
  cursor = res.cursor
} while (cursor)


Returns a blob's data and sets Content-Type, Content-Length and ETag headers.


export default eventHandler(async (event) => {
  const { pathname } = getRouterParams(event)

  return hubBlob().serve(event, pathname)
  <img src="/images/my-image.jpg">


::important To prevent XSS attacks, make sure to control the Content type of the blob you serve. ::

You can also set a Content-Security-Policy header to add an additional layer of security:

export default eventHandler(async (event) => {
  const { pathname } = getRouterParams(event)

  setHeader(event, 'Content-Security-Policy', 'default-src \'none\';')
  return hubBlob().serve(event, pathname)


::field-group ::field{name="event" type="H3Event"} Handler's event, needed to set headers. :: ::field{name="pathname" type="String"} The name of the blob to serve. :: ::


Returns the blob's raw data and sets Content-Type and Content-Length headers.


Returns a blob's metadata.

const metadata = await hubBlob().head(pathname)


::field-group ::field{name="pathname" type="String"} The name of the blob to serve. :: ::


Returns a BlobObject.


Returns a blob body.

const blob = await hubBlob().get(pathname)


::field-group ::field{name="pathname" type="String"} The name of the blob to serve. :: ::


Returns a Blob or null if not found.


Uploads a blob to the storage.

export default eventHandler(async (event) => {
  const form = await readFormData(event)
  const file = form.get('file') as File

  if (!file || !file.size) {
    throw createError({ statusCode: 400, message: 'No file provided' })

  ensureBlob(file, {
    maxSize: '1MB',
    types: ['image']

  return hubBlob().put(, file, {
    addRandomSuffix: false,
    prefix: 'images'

See an example on the Vue side:

<script setup lang="ts">
async function uploadImage (e: Event) {
  const form = as HTMLFormElement

  await $fetch('/api/files', {
    method: 'POST',
    body: new FormData(form)
  }).catch((err) => alert('Failed to upload image:\n'+


  <form @submit.prevent="uploadImage">
    <label>Upload an image: <input type="file" name="image"></label>
    <button type="submit">


::field-group ::field{name="pathname" type="String"} The name of the blob to serve. :: ::field{name="body" type="String | ReadableStream | ArrayBuffer | ArrayBufferView | Blob"} The blob's data. :: ::field{name="options" type="Object"} The put options. Any other provided field will be stored in the blob's metadata. ::collapsible ::field{name="contentType" type="String"} The content type of the blob. If not given, it will be inferred from the Blob or the file extension. :: ::field{name="contentLength" type="String"} The content length of the blob. :: ::field{name="addRandomSuffix" type="Boolean"} If true, a random suffix will be added to the blob's name. Defaults to false. :: ::field{name="prefix" type="string"} The prefix to use for the blob pathname. :: ::field{name="customMetadata" type="Record<string, string>"} An object with custom metadata to store with the blob. :: :: :: ::


Returns a BlobObject.


Delete a blob with its pathname.

export default eventHandler(async (event) => {
  const { pathname } = getRouterParams(event)

  await hubBlob().del(pathname)

  return sendNoContent(event)

You can also delete multiple blobs at once by providing an array of pathnames:

await hubBlob().del(['images/1.jpg', 'images/2.jpg'])

::note You can also use the delete() method as alias of del(). ::


::field-group ::field{name="pathname" type="String"} The name of the blob to serve. :: ::


Returns nothing.


This is an "all in one" function to validate a Blob by checking its size and type and upload it to the storage.

::note This server util is made to be used with the useUpload() Vue composable. ::

It can be used to handle file uploads in API routes.


export default eventHandler(async (event) => {
  return hubBlob().handleUpload(event, {
    formKey: 'files', // read file or files form the `formKey` field of request body (body should be a `FormData` object)
    multiple: true, // when `true`, the `formKey` field will be an array of `Blob` objects
    ensure: {
      types: ['image/jpeg', 'image/png'], // allowed types of the file
    put: {
      addRandomSuffix: true
<script setup lang="ts">
const upload = useUpload('/api/blob', { method: 'PUT' })

async function onFileSelect(event: Event) {
  const uploadedFiles = await upload( as HTMLInputElement)
  // file uploaded successfully

  <input type="file" name="file" @change="onFileSelect" multiple accept="image/jpeg, image/png" />



::field-group ::field{name="formKey" type="string"} The form key to read the file from. Defaults to 'files'. :: ::field{name="multiple" type="boolean"} When true, the formKey field will be an array of Blob objects. :: ::field{name="ensure" type="BlobEnsureOptions"} See ensureBlob() options for more details. :: ::field{name="put" type="BlobPutOptions"} See put() options for more details. :: ::


Returns a BlobObject or an array of BlobObject if multiple is true.

Throws an error if file doesn't meet the requirements.


Handle the request to support multipart upload.

export default eventHandler(async (event) => {
  return await hubBlob().handleMultipartUpload(event)

::important Make sure your route includes [action] and [...pathname] params. ::

On the client side, you can use the useMultipartUpload() composable to upload a file in parts.

<script setup lang="ts">
async function uploadFile(file: File) {
  const upload = useMultipartUpload('/api/files/multipart')

  const { progress, completed, abort } = upload(file)

::note{to="#usemultipartupload"} See useMultipartUpload() on usage details. ::


::field-group ::field{name="contentType" type="string"} The content type of the blob. :: ::field{name="contentLength" type="string"} The content length of the blob. :: ::field{name="addRandomSuffix" type="boolean"} If true, a random suffix will be added to the blob's name. Defaults to false. :: ::


::note We suggest to use handleMultipartUpload() method to handle the multipart upload request. ::

Start a new multipart upload.

export default eventHandler(async (event) => {
  const { pathname } = getRouterParams(event)

  const mpu = await hubBlob().createMultipartUpload(pathname)

  return {
    uploadId: mpu.uploadId,
    pathname: mpu.pathname,


::field-group ::field{name="pathname" type="String"} The name of the blob to serve. :: ::field{name="options" type="Object"} The put options. Any other provided field will be stored in the blob's metadata. ::collapsible ::field{name="contentType" type="String"} The content type of the blob. If not given, it will be inferred from the Blob or the file extension. :: ::field{name="contentLength" type="String"} The content length of the blob. :: ::field{name="addRandomSuffix" type="Boolean"} If true, a random suffix will be added to the blob's name. Defaults to true. :: :: :: ::


Returns a BlobMultipartUpload


::note We suggest to use handleMultipartUpload() method to handle the multipart upload request. ::

Continue processing of unfinished multipart upload.

To upload a part of the multipart upload, you can use the uploadPart() method:

export default eventHandler(async (event) => {
  const { pathname } = getRouterParams(event)
  const { uploadId, partNumber } = getQuery(event)

  const stream = getRequestWebStream(event)!
  const body = await streamToArrayBuffer(stream, contentLength)

  const mpu = hubBlob().resumeMultipartUpload(pathname, uploadId)
  return await mpu.uploadPart(partNumber, body)

Complete the upload by calling complete() method:

export default eventHandler(async (event) => {
  const { pathname, uploadId } = getQuery(event)
  const parts = await readBody(event)

  const mpu = hubBlob().resumeMultipartUpload(pathname, uploadId)
  return await mpu.complete(parts)

If you want to cancel the upload, you need to call abort() method:

export default eventHandler(async (event) => {
  const { pathname } = getRouterParams(event)
  const { uploadId } = getQuery(event)

  const mpu = hubBlob().resumeMultipartUpload(pathname, uploadId)
  await mpu.abort()

  return sendNoContent(event)

A simple example of multipart upload in client with above routes:

async function uploadLargeFile(file: File) {
  const chunkSize = 10 * 1024 * 1024 // 10MB

  const count = Math.ceil(file.size / chunkSize)
  const { pathname, uploadId } = await $fetch(
    { method: 'POST' },

  const uploaded = []

  for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
    const start = i * chunkSize
    const end = Math.min(start + chunkSize, file.size)
    const partNumber = i + 1
    const chunk = file.slice(start, end)

    const part = await $fetch(
        method: 'PUT',
        query: { uploadId, partNumber },
        body: chunk,


  return await $fetch(
      method: 'POST',
      query: { pathname, uploadId },
      body: { parts: uploaded },


::field-group ::field{name="pathname" type="String"} The name of the blob to serve. :: ::field{name="uploadId" type="String"} The upload ID of the multipart upload. :: ::


Returns a BlobMultipartUpload


::field-group ::field{name="event" type="H3Event" required} The event to handle. :: ::


Creates temporary access credentials that can be optionally scoped to prefixes or objects.

Useful to create presigned URLs to upload files to R2 from client-side (see example).

::note This method is only available in production or in development with --remote flag. ::

// Create credentials with default permission & scope (admin-read-write)
const credentials = await hubBlob().createCredentials()

// Limit the scope to a specific object & permission
const credentials = await hubBlob().createCredentials({
  permission: 'object-read-write',
  pathnames: ['only-this-file.png']

Read more about creating presigned URLs to upload files to R2.


::field-group ::field{name="options" type="Object"} The options to create the credentials. ::collapsible ::field{name="permission" type="string"} The permission of the credentials, defaults to 'admin-read-write'{lang=ts}. ts 'admin-read-write' | 'admin-read-only' | 'object-read-write' | 'object-read-only' :: ::field{name="ttl" type="number"} The ttl of the credentials in seconds, defaults to 900. :: ::field{name="pathnames" type="string[]"} The pathnames to scope the credentials to. :: ::field{name="prefixes" type="string[]"} The prefixes to scope the credentials to. :: :: :: ::


Returns an object with the following properties:

  accountId: string
  bucketName: string
  accessKeyId: string
  secretAccessKey: string
  sessionToken: string


ensureBlob() is a handy util to validate a Blob by checking its size and type:

// Will throw an error if the file is not an image or is larger than 1MB
ensureBlob(file, { maxSize: '1MB', types: ['image']})


::field-group ::field{name="file" type="Blob" required} The file to validate. :: ::field{name="options" type="Object" required} Note that at least maxSize or types should be provided. ::collapsible ::field{name="maxSize" type="BlobSize"} The maximum size of the file, should be: :br (1 | 2 | 4 | 8 | 16 | 32 | 64 | 128 | 256 | 512 | 1024) + (B | KB | MB | GB) :br e.g. '512KB', '1MB', '2GB', etc. :: ::field{name="types" type="BlobType[]"} Allowed types of the file, e.g. ['image/jpeg']. :: :: :: ::


Returns nothing.

Throws an error if file doesn't meet the requirements.

Vue Composables

::note The following composables are meant to be used in the Vue side of your application (not the server/ directory). ::


useUpload is to handle file uploads in your Nuxt application.

<script setup lang="ts">
const upload = useUpload('/api/blob', { method: 'PUT' })

async function onFileSelect({ target }: Event) {
  const uploadedFiles = await upload(target as HTMLInputElement)

  // file uploaded successfully

    accept="image/jpeg, image/png"


::field-group ::field{name="apiBase" type="string" required} The base URL of the upload API. :: ::field{name="options" type="Object" required} Optionally, you can pass Fetch options to the request. Read more about Fetch API here. ::collapsible ::field{name="formKey" type="string"} The key to add the file/files to the request form. Defaults to 'files'. :: ::field{name="multiple" type="boolean"} Whether to allow multiple files to be uploaded. Defaults to true. :: :: :: ::


Return a MultipartUpload function that can be used to upload a file in parts.

const { completed, progress, abort } = upload(file)
const data = await completed


Application composable that creates a multipart upload helper.

export const mpu = useMultipartUpload('/api/files/multipart')


::field-group ::field{name="baseURL" type="string"} The base URL of the multipart upload API handled by handleMultipartUpload(). :: ::field{name="options"} The options for the multipart upload helper. ::collapsible ::field{name="partSize" type="number"} The size of each part of the file to be uploaded. Defaults to 10MB. :: ::field{name="concurrent" type="number"} The maximum number of concurrent uploads. Defaults to 1. :: ::field{name="maxRetry" type="number"} The maximum number of retry attempts for the whole upload. Defaults to 3. :: ::field{name="prefix" type="string"} The prefix to use for the blob pathname. :: ::field{name="fetchOptions" type="Omit<FetchOptions, 'method' | 'baseURL' | 'body' | 'parseResponse' | 'responseType'>"} Override the ofetch options. The query and headers will be merged with the options provided by the uploader. :: :: :: ::


Return a MultipartUpload function that can be used to upload a file in parts.

const { completed, progress, abort } = mpu(file)
const data = await completed



interface BlobObject {
  pathname: string
  contentType: string | undefined
  size: number
  httpEtag: string
  uploadedAt: Date
  httpMetadata: Record<string, string>
  customMetadata: Record<string, string>


export interface BlobMultipartUpload {
  pathname: string
  uploadId: string
    partNumber: number,
    value: string | ReadableStream<any> | ArrayBuffer | ArrayBufferView | Blob
  ): Promise<BlobUploadedPart>
  abort(): Promise<void>
  complete(uploadedParts: BlobUploadedPart[]): Promise<BlobObject>


export interface BlobUploadedPart {
  partNumber: number;
  etag: string;


export type MultipartUploader = (file: File) => {
  completed: Promise<SerializeObject<BlobObject> | undefined>
  progress: Readonly<Ref<number>>
  abort: () => Promise<void>


interface BlobListResult {
  blobs: BlobObject[]
  hasMore: boolean
  cursor?: string
  folders?: string[]


List blobs with pagination


export default eventHandler(async (event) => {
  const { limit, cursor } = await getQuery(event)

  return hubBlob().list({
    limit: limit ? Number.parseInt(limit) : 10,
    cursor: cursor ? cursor : undefined
<script setup lang="ts">
const blobs = ref<BlobObject[]>([])
const hasMore = ref(true)
const cursor = ref()

async function loadMore() {
  if (!hasMore.value) {
  const res = await $fetch('/api/blobs', {
    query: {
      limit: 3,
      cursor: cursor.value
  hasMore.value = res.hasMore
  cursor.value = res.cursor
    <div v-for="blob in blobs" :key="blob.pathname">
      {{ blob.pathname }}
    <button @click="loadMore">
      Load more


Create presigned URLs to upload files to R2

Presigned URLs can be used to upload files to R2 from client-side without using an API key.

:img{src="/images/docs/blob-presigned-urls.png" alt="NuxtHub presigned URLs to upload files to R2" width="915" height="515" class="rounded"}

As we use aws4fetch to sign the request and zod to validate the request, we need to install the packages:

npx nypm i aws4fetch zod

First, we need to create an API route that will return a presigned URL to the client.

import { z } from 'zod'
import { AwsClient } from 'aws4fetch'

export default eventHandler(async (event) => {
  const { pathname } = await getValidatedRouterParams(event, z.object({
    pathname: z.string().min(1)
  // Create credentials with the right permission & scope
  const blob = hubBlob()
  const { accountId, bucketName, ...credentials } = await blob.createCredentials({
    permission: 'object-read-write',
    pathnames: [pathname]
  // Create the presigned URL
  const client = new AwsClient(credentials)
  const endpoint = new URL(
  const { url } = await client.sign(endpoint, {
    method: 'PUT',
    aws: { signQuery: true }
  // Return the presigned URL to the client
  return { url }

::important Make sure to authenticate the request on the server side to avoid letting anyone upload files to your R2 bucket. Checkout nuxt-auth-utils as one of the possible solutions. ::

Next, we need to create the Vue page to upload a file to our R2 bucket using the presigned URL:

<script setup lang="ts">
async function uploadWithPresignedUrl(file: File) {
  const { url } = await $fetch(`/api/blob/sign/${}`)
  await $fetch(url, {
    method: 'PUT',
    body: file

  <input type="file" @change="uploadWithPresignedUrl($[0])">

At this stage, you will get a CORS error because we did not setup the CORS on our R2 bucket.

To setup the CORS on our R2 bucket:

  • Open the project on NuxtHub Admin with npx nuxthub manage
  • Go to the Blob tab (make sure to be on the right environment: production or preview)
  • Click on the Cloudflare icon on the top right corner
  • Once on Cloudflare, Go to the Settings tab of your R2 bucket
  • Scroll to CORS policy
  • Click on Edit CORS policy
  • Update the allowed origins with your origins by following this example:
    "AllowedOrigins": [
    "AllowedMethods": [
    "AllowedHeaders": [
  • Save the changes

That's it! You can now upload files to R2 using the presigned URLs.

::callout Read more about presigned URLs on Cloudflare's official documentation. ::

