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Hey! First off awesome plugin. Thank you for your ample contributions to the community, especially for treesitter/virtual-text/nvim-dap implementations to name a few topics.
My thought is that there are some "native" keymappings that may prove to be useful as fallback implementations for this plugin.
Describe the solution you'd like
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the [d
/ ]d
as well as the [i
and ]i
and their variants provide some what of an archaic version of find_definition
and find_usages
. (see the help for those keymappings for more detail). I think they a fallback key for go to definition and list definition where appropriate would be awesome be a great out of the box improvement for this plugin, as well as neovim.
find_usage_fallback or find all definition_fallback to lsp
or the native vim mappings where it makes sense.
Describe alternatives you've considered
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This may cause some confusion for some people, especially those who aren't familiar with this feature, but I at least wanted to get a dialogue for this
I haven't take a good look at the codebase yet, but I don't imagine this being too difficult. I'd be keen to take on this work with a little help. But if you as the maintainer want to roll with it that's no problem!
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I think the idea of trying to use treesitter to augment the native key mapping where it makes sense. the define
and include
search/jumps are treesitter could implement.
there are other vim bindings like w c_I
that could be utilized as well.
hope this makes sense