What happened?
Currently nvm ls-remote --lts
literally list all the LTS versions, including the ones are no longer in active and/or maintenance status.
What did you expect to happen?
The most common usage of nvm ls-remote
is to check for new versions, which is only relevant for currently supported versions, namely the ones in active and/or maintenance phases.
Therefore it would make sense to allow one to only list the currently supported versions, or to exclude the no longer supported versions.
If the default behavior cannot be changed, it would make sense to introduce certain command line options, such as --supported
or --no-supported
And we can use awk to parse the nodejs release schedule json to find supported versions, with end
date later than the current date, for example:
$ curl -sL |\
awk -vT=$(date +%F) '{if($1~/v[0-9]+/){v=$1;gsub(/[":]/,"",v);while($1!~/end/)getline;
e=$2;gsub(/[",]/,"",e);if(e>=T)print v,e}}'
v18 2025-04-30
v20 2026-04-30
v21 2024-06-01
v22 2027-04-30
v23 2025-06-01
v24 2028-04-30