In the following example :
open Lwt
open LTerm_widget
let main () =
let waiter, wakener = wait () in
let selected = ref 1 in
let vbox = new vbox in
let group_int = new radiogroup in
let callback_int = function
| Some n ->
selected := n
| None -> ()
group_int#on_state_change callback_int;
let button = new button "exit" in
button#on_click (wakeup wakener);
vbox#add ~expand:false button;
vbox#add ~expand:false (new hline);
let button = object
inherit button "reset radiobuttons"
(* The button should be selectable only when the group_box value is set to 1 *)
method! can_focus = !selected = 1
end in
let reset = fun () ->
group_int#switch_to 1;
button#on_click reset;
vbox#add ~expand:false button;
vbox#add ~expand:false (new hline);
let group_box = new vbox in
let radio_1 = new radiobutton group_int "Allow reset" 1 in
group_box#add radio_1;
group_box#add (new radiobutton group_int "Disable reset" 2);
(* Disable thoses lines to get the malfunctionning *)
radio_1#set_focus LTerm_geom.({
left = None;
right = None;
up = Some (button :> LTerm_widget.t);
down = None
vbox#add group_box;
let frame = new frame in
frame#set vbox;
Lazy.force LTerm.stdout >>= fun term ->
LTerm.enable_mouse term >>= fun () ->
(fun () -> run term frame waiter)
(fun () -> LTerm.disable_mouse term)
let () = (main ())
The button "reset" as overriden the method get_focus
for being disabled when the second radio button is selected.
But if you uncomment the lines 46-53 which define the focus rules for one radio button, the button becomes always enabled. The method can_focus
is not evaluated at all.
No labels