opengitops meeting youtube recordings have not been uploaded for quite a while
the team member who volunteered to do this was pulled into other things and stepped down
- grant youtube channel access to members of @open-gitops/media team. requested support
[ ] save shared youtube channel credentials to 1password.NO LONGER blocked by unlock team 1password #178- Not needed since this is a brand account. OpenGitOps maintainers will be brand account owners, and any other member of the marketing teams will be brand account managers. All can manage videos for the channel
- plan who on media team will help with uploading the videos
- upload most recent OpenGitOps meeting recording (some valuable steps forward we want to point people to online)
- upload past meetings that haven't been added yet
follow up
- document youtube channel login/upload process
- add "remove from youtube channel access" to an offboarding checklist when members of @open-gitops/media team step down