I've tried spinning up a "test" cluster in AWS via ACM. It's a cluster of 1 master node and 3 worker nodes. Just a small one. The provisioning failed, because I was deploying it to a region where the Elastic IPs quota was set to default=5.
failed to fetch Cluster: failed to fetch dependency of \"Cluster\": failed to generate asset \"Platform Quota Check\": error(MissingQuota): ec2/L-0263D0A3 is not available in us-east-1 because The required number of resources (6) is more than the limit of 5
Later on we discovered that we have another region in our account with this quota set to 10 so we redo the provisioning to that different region with the same cluster settings. The cluster deployed successfully, though there are only 3 allocated Elastic IPs.
Why it requires the quota to be 6 if it allocates only 3 Elastic IPs?
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