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Commit 08092d3
chore(release): 1.10.0-alpha.1 [skip ci]
# @labelbee/lb-components [1.10.0-alpha.1](https://github.com/open-mmlab/labelbee/compare/@labelbee/[email protected]...@labelbee/[email protected]) (2023-05-04)
### Bug Fixes
* Adding shortcut keys to cuboid ([9fda70b](9fda70b))
* **copy-result:** AsyncData needs to determine if it exists ([17dc99a](17dc99a))
* **hotkey:** Support more status ([afa5b95](afa5b95))
* **i18n:** PointCloud NoData Page Adaptation ([23bd63e](23bd63e))
* **lint:** Lint problems ([c76b2a8](c76b2a8))
* **pointcloud:** Clear pointCloud highlighting after ClearResult ([ab48dee](ab48dee))
* **pointcloud:** Error when inner point is empty ([6faad5b](6faad5b))
* **pointcloud:** Fix attribute list hide attr fail ([7d4d28d](7d4d28d))
* **pointcloud:** Fix comments ([f958163](f958163))
* **pointcloud:** Fix conflicts ([c838753](c838753))
* **pointcloud:** Fix pointCloud polygon data problem ([03e9deb](03e9deb))
* **pointcloud:** Fix size changed and init point cloud result ([f940e42](f940e42))
* **pointcloud:** Fix submit error ([6616017](6616017))
* **pointcloud:** Fix the calculation of redo & undo ([d24909c](d24909c))
* **pointcloud:** Fix the feature of COPY_BACKWARD_RESULT ([26b3062](26b3062))
* **pointcloud:** Fix the highlighting problem ([abd6de2](abd6de2))
* **pointcloud:** Fix the PCD Loading Error ([d28fae9](d28fae9))
* **pointcloud:** Fix to comments ([d294bc7](d294bc7))
* **pointcloud:** Init hideAttr while imgIndex changed ([99e5642](99e5642))
* **pointcloud:** Need to highlight pointCloud after initData ([f5d6902](f5d6902))
* **pointcloud:** PointCloud keydown filter the input ([27aebd4](27aebd4))
* **pointcloud:** Polygon Data is not saved after change ([0bf1622](0bf1622))
* **pointcloud:** Prevent default event on ctrl + a ([cf2d147](cf2d147))
* **pointcloud:** Repeated updates of pointCloudBackView ([bfe634a](bfe634a))
* **pointcloud:** Replacement translation ([a724c66](a724c66))
* **pointcloud:** SyncTopview doesn't need to update camera ([634ca61](634ca61))
* **pointcloud:** Update attr list style ([d26691e](d26691e))
* **pointcloud:** Update polygonList after resizing ([252e3a4](252e3a4))
* **pointcloud:** Update polygonList after setDefaultAttribute ([e80bc46](e80bc46))
* **pointcloud:** Update the init data in pointCloud History ([abb038a](abb038a))
* **style:** Update the defaultStyle ([892bb93](892bb93))
* **tool-schuduler:** Multi-Layer needs to unified setAttribute ([24c6f41](24c6f41))
* Update the function of getCuboidFromPointCloudBox ([6fe8af4](6fe8af4))
### Features
* **annotation-view:** Support Box3d Rendering ([eb0e927](eb0e927))
* Based on the current box id as the end of the prediction range ([dca7b07](dca7b07))
* Extract "FooterPopover" component and uses in annotatedList ([753a7b2](753a7b2))
* Fix unresolved code ([1433b3f](1433b3f))
* **footer-tips:** Support shortCut render by ReactNode ([2e64135](2e64135))
* **footer:** Support PointCloud PageNumber ([794847c](794847c))
* **hotkey:** Exposure more information(ToolHotKeyCom & shortCutTable) ([84c7ae7](84c7ae7))
* **lb-annotation:** Add a new AnnotationTool - CuboidTool ([ade3991](ade3991))
* **lb-components:** Add initState action after unmount ([73bfb1d](73bfb1d))
* **lb—components:** Forbid keydown if checkMode === true ([fd6bb0d](fd6bb0d))
* **line tool:** 逻辑修改 ([8f0bc46](8f0bc46))
* **line:** 实现lineTool功能 ([5c61ce7](5c61ce7))
* **line:** 撤销重做 ([51cf573](51cf573))
* **line:** 数据保存 ([5e4589d](5e4589d))
* Optimize code ([4c0f732](4c0f732))
* **pointcloud-sidebar:** Update the style ([33c28d5](33c28d5))
* **pointcloud-view:** Support custom configuration of bgColor and ortho ([40a4ad6](40a4ad6))
* **pointcloud:** 3Dview sync the direction with topview after selected ([7ed2855](7ed2855))
* **pointcloud:** Add batch update ImgList by predict result ([102d706](102d706))
* **pointcloud:** Add box color ([1e72cac](1e72cac))
* **pointcloud:** Add comments ([980a526](980a526))
* **pointcloud:** Add drawLayerSlot to PointCloudTopView ([bd56cb0](bd56cb0))
* **pointcloud:** Add hotkey in different pattern ([caf294c](caf294c))
* **pointcloud:** Add i18n on trackID-view ([baee67e](baee67e))
* **pointcloud:** Add intelligent fit ([8dd1912](8dd1912))
* **pointcloud:** Add intelligent fit switch ([1137127](1137127))
* **pointcloud:** Add ModalConfirm after copying same trackID ([358085f](358085f))
* **pointcloud:** Add more default operation(like setForbidOperation) ([72f54eb](72f54eb))
* **pointcloud:** Add predict tracking actions and reducers ([df3d850](df3d850))
* **pointcloud:** Add predict tracking features and styles ([0be69d7](0be69d7))
* **pointcloud:** Add redo & undo ([d8316f9](d8316f9))
* **pointcloud:** Add redo & undo icon in toolHeader ([bf09f1b](bf09f1b))
* **pointcloud:** Add the feature of updating TrackID ([932760f](932760f))
* **pointcloud:** Add the notification after batchUpdateTracking ([cf52566](cf52566))
* **pointcloud:** Adding component for selecting boxes by attribute ([5e6b648](5e6b648))
* **pointcloud:** adding the logic of switching annotation tools in pointcloud ([6da4153](6da4153))
* **pointcloud:** Annotated-Attributes-Panel supports fixed layout ([f698cf1](f698cf1))
* **pointcloud:** BatchUpdate provides more params ([47a9047](47a9047))
* **pointcloud:** Change 3DView camera from perspective to orthographic ([6be1167](6be1167))
* **pointcloud:** CheckMode needs to forbid keydown function ([e9c22fb](e9c22fb))
* **pointcloud:** Clear result after setting the invalid page ([cefc164](cefc164))
* **pointcloud:** Confirm before deleteGraphByAttr ([e8759ac](e8759ac))
* **pointcloud:** Export the polygon coordinates after fitting ([a6fbe77](a6fbe77))
* **pointcloud:** Finish previewing the results and apply ([9e17045](9e17045))
* **pointcloud:** Follow top add tooltip ([f0c360e](f0c360e))
* **pointcloud:** Hide the operation in checkmode(side&backView) ([a12901e](a12901e))
* **pointcloud:** Highlighing pointCloud after change in side&back view ([d45362b](d45362b))
* **pointcloud:** Highlighing pointCLoud by the attribute ([1f7ac06](1f7ac06))
* **pointcloud:** Limit pointCloud syncAttribute in checkMode ([1f80161](1f80161))
* **pointcloud:** MainView support to follow top view ([81fba17](81fba17))
* **pointcloud:** Polygon mode alse supports the validUpdate ([d93d8da](d93d8da))
* **pointcloud:** ReRender 3dbox aftering changing attributes ([f75d169](f75d169))
* **pointcloud:** support adding point annotation in pointcloud view ([82d4a0a](82d4a0a))
* **pointcloud:** Support messageInfo showing ([ea318d6](ea318d6))
* **pointcloud:** Support more dataShowing in checkMode ([4db92f6](4db92f6))
* **pointcloud:** Support point operation in pointcloud annotation ([feb27bf](feb27bf))
* **pointcloud:** Support select spec attribute boxes ([05228c5](05228c5))
* **pointcloud:** Support selecting polygons by attributes ([b0b4a43](b0b4a43))
* **pointcloud:** Support switching attributes in pointTool ([767bf0b](767bf0b))
* **pointcloud:** Support the configurable of track ([168d785](168d785))
* **pointcloud:** Support the invalid color of pointCloud ([10195d5](10195d5))
* **pointcloud:** Support Unifying Params ([8079b42](8079b42))
* **pointcloud:** Support updating position by keydown events ([12e6d68](12e6d68))
* **pointcloud:** Supports moving multiple selected rects ([dbfa665](dbfa665))
* **pointcloud:** Supports rendering after moving multi-boxes ([4228988](4228988))
* **pointcloud:** Sync defaultAttribute after selecting new box by mouse ([17e4220](17e4220))
* **pointcloud:** TrackID is incremented for the current page ([2920cd3](2920cd3))
* **pointcloud:** Update defaultAttribute after the change of config ([b685df1](b685df1))
* **pointcloud:** Update defaultAttribute by keyboard ([de95c7a](de95c7a))
* **pointcloud:** Update defaultAttribute without selecting box ([a0b31de](a0b31de))
* **pointcloud:** Update pointCloud Hotkey ([c500cb5](c500cb5))
* **pointcloud:** Update PointCloud Polygon Result KeyName ([90993d1](90993d1))
* **pointcloud:** Update the batchUpdateModal from updateImgList to composeResult ([8bf127a](8bf127a))
* **pointcloud:** Update the form style && tips ([b61a1f3](b61a1f3))
* **remark:** PointCloud support the checkMode ([9c35600](9c35600))
* **semantic-release:** 增加自动发布actions,修改依赖 ([ac7efab](ac7efab))
* Tool custom colours ([e10b302](e10b302))
* UnidyParamsModal add initialValue page ([43f9ba5](43f9ba5))
* View mode of Cuboid ([30ea6b3](30ea6b3))
* **标注工具:** 线功能开发 ([d941102](d941102))
* **标注工具:** 线条 ([2966ed7](2966ed7))
* **点云工具:** 添加线条 ([8e193c9](8e193c9))
* **点云:** 线工具 ([8490ee1](8490ee1))
* **点云:** 线工具 ([b12b07e](b12b07e))
* **点云:** 线条显示信息 ([ab97303](ab97303))
* 线条工具 ([4a359f3](4a359f3))
### Performance Improvements
* **annotation-view:** Extraction of types ([6a03caa](6a03caa))
* Improve code compatibility ([7e54917](7e54917))
* **pointcloud:** 3DView's zoom synchronizes with topView's zoom ([5ef5d76](5ef5d76))
* **pointcloud:** Forbid tab defaultOperation ([4362fd2](4362fd2))
* **pointcloud:** Optimize pointCloud structure ([cec64ad](cec64ad))
* **pointcloud:** Optimize the storage of defaultAttribute ([abfa768](abfa768))
### Reverts
* Revert "refactor(pointcloud): UseSingleBox rename to usePointCloudBoxes" ([1ab1959](1ab1959))
### Dependencies
* **@labelbee/lb-annotation:** upgraded to 1.14.0-alpha.1
* **@labelbee/lb-utils:** upgraded to 1.7.0-alpha.11 parent f6c1cf9 commit 08092d3Copy full SHA for 08092d3
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