It would be nice to have a cheap, efficient rule-level tracer that could be enabled in more situations than the current tracing implementation allows. The current tracing implementation operates at the expression level and requires that the evaluator to plug all of in-scope variables to produce values for the trace consumer. While this gives users complete visibility into the execution of the policy, in many cases it's more information than needed. The plug operation in particular is very expensive and means that the tracer cannot be used in latency-sensitive use cases.
A rule level tracer that simply reported the rules that exited and failed to exit would provide a decent starting place. For each rule that exited or failed to exit, the report would include the AST location. An even higher-level report would simply be the names of the virtual documents that were defined or undefined during evaluation.
Importantly, this kind of tracer should have minimal impact on policy execution performance. It should be possible for users to configure OPA to always generate these reports. This could help greatly with providing explanations about why the policy allowed or denied access.
Nice To Have