Short description
I am wondering if there is an easy way to cache the graphql schema AST that is generated by graphql.parse
function call. I have been working on integrating OPA for our graphql layer and, unfortunately, am running into performance issues due how long it takes to generate the AST from a raw query.
Our graphQL schema does not change between each authorization decisions and therefore it makes sense to generate thes chema AST once and re-use it for each authorization query.
I am running OPA embedded into Go mode. This is running locally from my laptop.
Steps To Reproduce
Nothing really interesting here. Rego looks like:
package graphql
import future.keywords
query_ast := graphql.parse(input.query, input.schema)[0]
The only difference is having farily large input.query
and input.schema
Expected behavior
I would like to find a way to cache my graphql schema AST between authorization decisions.