Short description
OPA 1.0.0 get document API is broken when path contains backslash character.
curl -XGET 'http://localhost:8181/v1/data/some/path/pa%5Cpa/test2' # backslash character URL encoded to %5C
"code": "internal_error",
"message": "2 errors occurred:\n1:19: rego_parse_error: illegal escape sequence\n\tdata[\"some\"].path[\"pa\\pa\"].test2\n\t ^\n1:19: rego_parse_error: illegal token\n\tdata[\"some\"].path[\"pa\\pa\"].test2\n\t ^"
Steps To Reproduce
# Running OPA 1.0.0
./opa_darwin_arm64_static_1.0.0 run -s 2>> opa.log &
# Put a document where the path contains backslash character (backslash character URL encoded to %5C)
curl -XPUT 'http://localhost:8181/v1/data/some/path/pa%5Cpa/test2' -d'{"key": "value"}'
# Getting the inserted document
curl -XGET 'http://localhost:8181/v1/data/some/path/pa%5Cpa/test2'
"code": "internal_error",
"message": "2 errors occurred:\n1:19: rego_parse_error: illegal escape sequence\n\tdata[\"some\"].path[\"pa\\pa\"].test2\n\t ^\n1:19: rego_parse_error: illegal token\n\tdata[\"some\"].path[\"pa\\pa\"].test2\n\t ^"
Expected behavior
This behaves as expected in OPA 0.70.0
# Running OPA 0.70.0
./opa_darwin_arm64_static_0.70.0 run -s 2>> opa.log &
# Put a document where the path contains backslash character (backslash character URL encoded to %5C)
curl -XPUT 'http://localhost:8181/v1/data/some/path/pa%5Cpa/test2' -d'{"key": "value"}'
# Getting the inserted document
curl -XGET 'http://localhost:8181/v1/data/some/path/pa%5Cpa/test2'
Additional context
Looks like in 1.0.0 GET API is expecting the path to be quoted in JSON, whereas the PUT is working as before.
# Running OPA 1.0.0
./opa_darwin_arm64_static_1.0.0 run -s 2>> opa.log &
# Put a document where the path contains backslash character (backslash character URL encoded to %5C)
curl -XPUT 'http://localhost:8181/v1/data/some/path/pa%5Cpa/test2' -d'{"key": "value"}'
# Getting the inserted document (NOTE the double backslashes URL encoded as %5C%5C)
curl -XGET 'http://localhost:8181/v1/data/some/path/pa%5C%5Cpa/test2'