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[processors/batch] Size calculations inconsistent, causing unbounded batch size in bytes #3262




Describe the bug
The batch processor is not limiting batch size by bytes, but rather by item count. I believe this is due to confusing nomenclature, let me try to explain...

In config.go we define SendBatchSize and SendBatchMaxSize, neither of which specify the unit being counted, i.e whether the size is counting bytes or items.

In batch_processor.go size() explicitly refers to bytes, and itemCount() is explicitly the number of items based on the documentation.

The problem begins in processItem() where the line for bp.batch.itemCount() >= bp.sendBatchSize begins to mix definitions of count and size and compares the number of items to the configured batch size.

When we later sendItems() we have two metrics statBatchSendSize and statBatchSendSizeBytes which are properly counted using itemCount() and size() respectively.

In the export() functions we double down on the mix up with if sendBatchMaxSize > 0 && bl.logCount > sendBatchMaxSize again mixing count and size terms when the config and function documentation shows that they are distinct values.

In split_logs.go the comparison conflates count and size once again.

The tests for this appear to be misleading, because they are explicitly counting bytes for the size, but then use a logsPerRequest variable when calculating the expected number of batches.

This causes logs/metrics/traces to be batched based on item count rather than byte size, which means we have no way to account for payload size limits when using the otlphttpexporter or any other exporter that can be payload size sensitive.

Steps to reproduce
Any configuration will reproduce this issue.

What did you expect to see?
I expected setting send_batch_size would limit the size of a batch in bytes, not by item count. I would even go as far to point out that the default of 8192 being a common memory power of 2 multiple (8 KiB, 8 MiB, 8 GiB depending on units) creates a super misleading experience.

What did you see instead?
The batch processor batches by item count, which causes us to hit payload size limits in common reverse proxies or frameworks with no way to set a custom payload size limit as we have no way to restrict the batch size.

What version did you use?
Version: main branch

What config did you use?



    loglevel: debug
    endpoint: https://redacted
      authorization: Basic redacted

      receivers: [fluentforward]
      processors: [batch]
      exporters: [otlphttp, logging]

OS: otel/opentelemetry-collector-contrib:0.27.0 on AWS EKS
Compiler(if manually compiled): N/A, Docker image

Additional context
I was considering putting together a PR for this, but decided that given the pervasiveness of the problem (affects logs, traces, metrics, and processor telemetry) it would be better to open an issue first to discuss the desired state.

I consider this a pretty big issue, potentially even a blocker for 1.0, as it's a common configuration (payload size limits) that can cause undeliverable batches that are unrecoverable.

I would propose that we deprecate the configurations send_batch_size and send_batch_max_size and replace them with two new values, send_batch_min_size_bytes and send_batch_max_size_bytes, and temporarily map the old names to the new names internally with a warning log so we don't break anything. Then we will need to update all code to look at size() rather than itemCount() when determining whether or not to split the batch. This serves two purposes, it clarifies the difference between the two configuration variables, and it clarifies the units and purpose of the variables.

I can take a stab at this if the maintainers agree with my proposed approach, but am new to Go so it may take some time to do and given the implications it may be wiser to have someone more familiar take this on.




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