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Upgrade to OpenTelemetry JS SDK 2.x

In late February 2025, the OpenTelemetry JavaScript project released the first versions of "JS SDK 2.x" packages, which include a number of breaking changes. This document shows how to migrate to the new 2.x. For the most part, this document only covers breaking changes. Refer to the full changelogs for these releases here:

Per OpenTelemetry guidelines, the 1.x versions of stable SDK packages will be supported for one year from the 2.0.0 release.

If you have any questions about the 2.x changes, please ask! You can reach the OTel JS community on the #otel-js channel of the CNCF Slack, open a Discussion issue on the repository, or join the weekly OTel JS SIG zoom call.

What is JS SDK 2.x?

"JS SDK 2.x" encompasses new releases of the @opentelemetry/* JavaScript packages published from the opentelemetry-js.git repository, except the API and semantic-conventions packages β€” categories 3 and 4 in the groupings below. The package versions for this new major will be >=2.0.0 for the stable and >=0.200.0 for the unstable packages. (The jump to 0.200.x was intentional, to hopefully help signal that these packages are in the "2.x generation".)

If your usage of OpenTelemetry does not directly use these packages, then you most likely will not need to change your code to migrate. You still need to be aware of the new minimum versions of Node.js, TypeScript, and ES that are supported.

Categories of OpenTelemetry JS packages

The OpenTelemetry JS SIG is responsible for numerous packages, all published to npm under the @opentelemetry/ org, and developed in two git repositories: opentelemetry-js.git (sometimes called the "core" repo) and opentelemetry-js-contrib.git (the "contrib" repo). For the sake of this document, these packages can be grouped into these categories:

  1. The API (@opentelemetry/api). The API is versioned independently of all other packages. Its version is not being changed as part of "JS SDK 2.x".
  2. The Semantic Conventions (@opentelemetry/semantic-conventions). This package follows the versioning of the language-independent Semantic Conventions. It is not being changed as part of "JS SDK 2.x".
  3. Stable packages from opentelemetry-js.git. These are packages that have reached "1.x". These packages are all versioned together, and are at version "1.30.0" at the time of writing.
  4. Unstable packages from opentelemetry-js.git. These are packages deemed still experimental. They are all at "0.x" versions. These packages are all versioned together, and are at version "0.57.0" at the time of writing.
  5. All packages from opentelemetry-js-contrib.git. These packages are all versioned independently. These packages are not considered part of the "JS SDK 2.0" release. However, eventually they will update to use JS SDK 2.x releases.

"JS SDK 2.x" refers to categories 3 and 4.

The full set of "JS SDK 2.x" packages
Package Version
@opentelemetry/context-async-hooks 2.0.0
@opentelemetry/context-zone 2.0.0
@opentelemetry/context-zone-peer-dep 2.0.0
@opentelemetry/core 2.0.0
@opentelemetry/exporter-jaeger 2.0.0
@opentelemetry/exporter-zipkin 2.0.0
@opentelemetry/propagator-b3 2.0.0
@opentelemetry/propagator-jaeger 2.0.0
@opentelemetry/resources 2.0.0
@opentelemetry/sdk-metrics 2.0.0
@opentelemetry/sdk-trace-base 2.0.0
@opentelemetry/sdk-trace-node 2.0.0
@opentelemetry/sdk-trace-web 2.0.0
@opentelemetry/shim-opentracing 2.0.0
@opentelemetry/api-events 0.200.0
@opentelemetry/api-logs 0.200.0
@opentelemetry/exporter-logs-otlp-grpc 0.200.0
@opentelemetry/exporter-logs-otlp-http 0.200.0
@opentelemetry/exporter-logs-otlp-proto 0.200.0
@opentelemetry/exporter-metrics-otlp-grpc 0.200.0
@opentelemetry/exporter-metrics-otlp-http 0.200.0
@opentelemetry/exporter-metrics-otlp-proto 0.200.0
@opentelemetry/exporter-prometheus 0.200.0
@opentelemetry/exporter-trace-otlp-grpc 0.200.0
@opentelemetry/exporter-trace-otlp-http 0.200.0
@opentelemetry/exporter-trace-otlp-proto 0.200.0
@opentelemetry/instrumentation 0.200.0
@opentelemetry/instrumentation-fetch 0.200.0
@opentelemetry/instrumentation-grpc 0.200.0
@opentelemetry/instrumentation-http 0.200.0
@opentelemetry/instrumentation-xml-http-request 0.200.0
@opentelemetry/opentelemetry-browser-detector 0.200.0
@opentelemetry/otlp-exporter-base 0.200.0
@opentelemetry/otlp-grpc-exporter-base 0.200.0
@opentelemetry/otlp-transformer 0.200.0
@opentelemetry/sampler-jaeger-remote 0.200.0
@opentelemetry/sdk-events 0.200.0
@opentelemetry/sdk-logs 0.200.0
@opentelemetry/sdk-node 0.200.0
@opentelemetry/shim-opencensus 0.200.0
@opentelemetry/web-common 0.200.0

πŸ’₯ Node.js supported versions

The minimum supported Node.js has been raised to ^18.19.0 || >=20.6.0. This means that support for Node.js 14 and 16 has been dropped.


  • The minimum supported Node.js versions for @opentelemetry/api (Node.js v8) and @opentelemetry/semantic-conventions (Node.js v14) are not changing as part of "JS SDK 2.x".
  • The particular minimum minor versions of Node.js 18 and 20 were selected to include support for Node.js's --import flag and module.register() API. It is expected that this will provide a smoother experience for improved automatic ES module instrumentation.

Related issues and PRs: #5395

πŸ’₯ TypeScript supported versions

The minimum supported TypeScript version has been raised to 5.0.4.

As well, going forward all packages published from this repository will drop support for old versions of typescript in minor releases. We will only drop support for versions that are older than 2 years.

Important: Both of these changes ([email protected], dropping old TypeScript versions in minor releases) also apply to the @opentelemetry/api and @opentelemetry/semantic-conventions packages, even though those two packages aren't otherwise considered part of the "JS SDK 2.x" update.


Related issues and PRs: #5145

πŸ’₯ ES2022 compilation target

The compilation target for transpiled TypeScript has been raised to ES2022 (from ES2017) for all packages (except @opentelemetry/api, @opentelemetry/api-logs, @opentelemetry/api-events, and @opentelemetry/semantic-conventions).

For Browser usage, this drops support for any browser versions that do not support ES2022 features. For Node.js usage, this already follows from the new minimum supported Node.js versions mentioned above.


Related issues and PRs: #5393 #5456

πŸ’₯ Drop window.OTEL_* support in browsers

For browser users, support for window.OTEL_* environment variable configuration (previous handled by the envDetector) has been dropped. OpenTelemetry bootstrap code for the browser should be configured via code.


Related issues and PRs: #5217 #5455 #5472 #5465 #5473

πŸ’₯ @opentelemetry/resources API changes

Perhaps the most likely API change you will need to update for is from the @opentelemetry/resources package.

The Resource class is no longer exported; instead use new utility functions.

  • Creating a resource: new Resource(...) -> resourceFromAttributes(...)
  • Getting the default resource: Resource.default() -> defaultResource()
  • Getting an empty resource: Resource.empty() or Resource.EMPTY -> emptyResource()
  • TypeScript interface for a resource: IResource -> Resource
// Before
import { Resource } from '@opentelemetry/resources';
new Resource({ ... });  // Create a resource
Resource.default();     // Get a resource with the default attributes
Resource.empty();       // Get an empty resource

// After
import { resourceFromAttributes, defaultResource, emptyResource } from '@opentelemetry/resources';
resourceFromAttributes({ ... });

"Sync" and async resource detectors have been unified. For example, where before there were both hostDetector and hostDetectorSync, now there is only hostDetector which may be used in all cases.

  • envDetectorSync -> envDetector
  • hostDetectorSync -> hostDetector
  • osDetectorSync -> osDetector
  • processDetectorSync -> processDetector
  • serviceInstanceIdDetectorSync -> serviceInstanceIdDetector
  • detectResourcesSync -> detectResources

The browserDetector and browserDetectorSync exports were dropped. This resource detector was long ago replaced by the (semantic-conventions-compliant) browser detector in the separate @opentelemetry/opentelemetry-browser-detector package.

  • browserDetector or browserDetectorSync -> import { browserDetector } from '@opentelemetry/opentelemetry-browser-detector'

As mentioned above, support for window.OTEL_* environment variable configuration in browsers has been dropped. This means that the envDetector in browsers is now a no-op.

  • envDetector in a browser -> manually create a resource with the API

In TypeScript code, the ResourceAttributes type was replaced with the Attributes type from the 'api' package. Though unlikely, it is possible this could be a breaking change because it raised the minimum peerDependencies entry for @opentelemetry/api from 1.0.0 to 1.3.0.

  • type ResourceAttributes -> import type { Attributes } from '@opentelemetry/api';

If you maintain an implementation of a resource detector, i.e. if you have a class that implements DetectorSync (or the deprecated Detector) interface from @opentelemetry/resources, then please see the section below for implementors of resource detectors.

  • class ... implements DetectorSync -> see section below for implementation changes


  • In general, the OTel JS packages are trending away from exporting classes because that results in exporting types with internal details that inhibit later refactoring. See #5283 for details.
  • The unification of sync and async resource detectors simplified the API, clarified the behavior for merging results from multiple detectors, and laid the groundwork for supporting OpenTelemetry Entities in the future. See #5350 for details.

Related issues and PRs: #5421 #5467 #5350 #5420 #5217 #5016

πŸ’₯ @opentelemetry/core API changes

The environment variable utilities have changed to no longer have one large load and parse of all possible OTEL_* environment variables. Instead there are get{Type}FromEnv() utilities to handle the various specified OpenTelemetry SDK environment variable types.

The caller should now handle default values. The authority for default values is the OpenTelemetry Environment Variable Spec. The previously used defaults in the 1.x code can be seen here.

  • getEnv().OTEL_FOO -> get{Type}FromEnv('OTEL_FOO') ?? defaultValue
    • getStringFromEnv()
    • getNumberFromEnv()
    • getBooleanFromEnv()
    • getStringListFromEnv()
    • diagLogLevelFromString() for reading OTEL_LOG_LEVEL
  • getEnvWithoutDefaults().OTEL_FOO -> get{Type}FromEnv('OTEL_FOO')
  • The following have been removed without replacement:
    • parseEnvironment

For example:

// Before
import { getEnv, getEnvWithoutDefaults } from '@opentelemetry/core';
const flavor = getEnv().OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_PROTOCOL;
const limit = getEnv().OTEL_BSP_MAX_QUEUE_SIZE;
const level = getEnv().OTEL_LOG_LEVEL;

// After
import { getStringFromEnv, getNumberFromEnv, diagLogLevelFromString } from '@opentelemetry/core';
const flavor = getStringFromEnv('OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_PROTOCOL') ?? 'http/protobuf';
const limit = getNumberFromEnv('OTEL_BSP_MAX_QUEUE_SIZE') ?? 2048;
const level = diagLogLevelFromString(getStringFromEnv('OTEL_LOG_LEVEL'));

A number of deprecated, obsolete, unused, and accidentally exported functions and variables have been removed from the core package. (If there is a replacement, it is mentioned with -> ....)

  • IdGenerator and RandomIdGenerator (deprecated)
  • type InstrumentationLibrary (deprecated) -> type InstrumentationScope
  • AlwaysOnSampler (deprecated) -> moved to @opentelemetry/sdk-trace-base
  • AlwaysOffSampler (deprecated) -> moved to @opentelemetry/sdk-trace-base
  • ParentBasedSampler (deprecated) -> moved to @opentelemetry/sdk-trace-base
  • TraceIdRatioSampler (deprecated) -> moved to @opentelemetry/sdk-trace-base
  • TracesSamplerValues (was only used internally)
  • isWrapped -> use isWrapped from @opentelemetry/instrumentation
  • ShimWrapped -> use ShimWrapped from @opentelemetry/instrumentation
  • hexToBase64
  • hexToBinary
  • baggageUtils.getKeyPairs (unintentionally exported)
  • baggageUtils.serializeKeyPairs (unintentionally exported)
  • baggageUtils.parseKeyPairsIntoRecord -> parseKeyPairsIntoRecord
  • baggageUtils.parsePairKeyValue (unintentionally exported)
  • TimeOriginLegacy
  • isAttributeKey (unintentionally exported)


  • The getEnv() et al API changes avoid a problem of requiring an update to @opentelemetry/core for any added OTEL_* envvars, including in unstable packages and packages maintained in the separate contrib repository. See #5443.

Related issues and PRs: #5443 #5481 #5475 #5309 #5308 #5316 #5406 #5444 #5504

πŸ’₯ Tracing SDK API changes

This section describes API changes in the set of packages that implement the tracing SDK: @opentelemetry/sdk-trace-base, @opentelemetry/sdk-trace-node, @opentelemetry/sdk-trace-web.

Tracing was the first signal to have an SDK. Over time, and as the Metrics and Logs SDKs were added, the API design separating functionality between the {Tracer,Meter,Logs}Providers APIs and the higher level NodeSDK (in @opentelemetry/sdk-node) improved. The Tracing SDK was left with some cruft that is being removed in JS SDK 2.0. (See #5290 for motivation.)

  • removed BasicTracerProvider#addSpanProcessor(...) -> use constructor options to the TracerProvider class
  • made BasicTracerProvider#getActiveSpanProcessor() private
  • made BasicTracerProvider#resource private
  • BasicTracerProvider and NodeTracerProvider will no longer use the OTEL_TRACES_EXPORTER envvar to create exporters -> This functionality already resides in NodeSDK (from @opentelemetry/sdk-node).
  • BasicTracerProvider and NodeTracerProvider will no longer use the OTEL_PROPAGATORS envvar to create propagators -> This functionality already resides in NodeSDK (from @opentelemetry/sdk-node).
  • The following internal properties were removed from BasicTracerProvider: _registeredExporters, _getSpanExporter, _buildExporterFromEnv
  • The following exports were dropped from @opentelemetry/sdk-trace-*:
    • EXPORTER_FACTORY is not used anymore and has been removed
    • PROPAGATOR_FACTORY is not used anymore and has been removed
    • ForceFlushState was intended for internal use and has been removed
    • the Tracer class was unintentionally exported and has been removed
      • to obtain a Tracer, please use BasicTracerProvider#getTracer(), NodeTracerProvider#getTracer() or WebTracerProvider#getTracer()
      • to reference the Tracer type, please use the Tracer type from @opentelemetry/api
  • removed BasicTracerProvider#register() -> use NodeTracerProvider#register() or WebTracerProvider#register(), or call trace.setGlobalTracerProvider() et al manually (see #5503)

The export of the Span class has been removed. It was not intended to be used directly. One should always use methods on a Tracer instance (e.g. startSpan()) for creating spans.

  • new Span(...) -> use tracer.startSpan(...)

The parentSpanId field on the Span and ReadableSpan interfaces was replaced by parentSpanContext, to adhere to the OTel spec. #5450

  • span.parentSpanId -> span.parentSpanContext?.spanId

As mentioned above in the "core" section, InstrumentationLibrary has been changed to InstrumentationScope:

  • ReadableSpan.instrumentationLibrary -> ReadableSpan.instrumentationScope

When invalid data is set on OTEL_TRACES_SAMPLER, the SDK now uses ParentBasedAlwaysOnSampler rather than AlwaysOnSampler, per spec.


Related issues and PRs: #5290 #5134 #5192 #5239 #5355 #5405 #5048 #5450 #5308 #5503

πŸ’₯ @opentelemetry/sdk-metrics API changes

The Metrics SDK now internally uses the Gauge and MetricAdvice types from the API package, which requires bumping its peer dependency.

  • bumped minimum version of @opentelemetry/api peer dependency to 1.9.0

The View class has been removed in favor of passing an object of type ViewOptions to a MeterProvider. As well, the *Aggregation classes have been removed in favor of type AggregationOption and the AggregationType enum. (See #4931 for motivation.)

  • removed class View -> pass a type ViewOptions object to a MeterProvider
  • removed Aggregation -> pass a type ViewOptions object to a MeterProvider
    • removed DefaultAggregation -> pass a ViewOptions object with type: AggregationType.DEFAULT
    • removed DropAggregation -> pass a ViewOptions object with type: AggregationType.DROP
    • removed ExponentialHistogramAggregation -> pass a ViewOptions object with type: AggregationType.EXPONENTIAL_HISTOGRAM
    • removed ExplicitBucketHistogramAggregation -> pass a ViewOptions object with type: AggregationType.EXPLICIT_BUCKET_HISTOGRAM
    • removed HistogramAggregation -> pass a ViewOptions object with type: AggregationType.EXPLICIT_BUCKET_HISTOGRAM
    • removed LastValueAggregation -> pass a ViewOptions object with type: AggregationType.LAST_VALUE
    • removed SumAggregation -> pass a ViewOptions object with type: AggregationType.SUM

For example:

// Before
import {
} from '@opentelemetry/sdk-metrics';
const provider = new MeterProvider({
  views: [
    new View({
      instrumentName: 'http.server.duration',
      instrumentType: InstrumentType.HISTOGRAM,
      aggregation: new ExplicitBucketHistogramAggregation([0, 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30]),

// After
import {MeterProvider, InstrumentType, AggregationType} from '@opentelemetry/sdk-metrics';
const provider = new MeterProvider({
  views: [
    { // type ViewOptions
      instrumentName: 'http.server.duration',
      instrumentType: InstrumentType.HISTOGRAM,
      aggregation: { // type AggregationOption
        type: AggregationType.EXPLICIT_BUCKET_HISTOGRAM,
        options: {
          boundaries: [0, 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30],

The attributeKeys View option has been replaced with more capable filtering. (See #4532.)

  • attributeKeys View option -> use the attributesProcessors ViewOptions property, and createAllowListAttributesProcessor() or createDenyListAttributesProcessor()

For example:

// Before
import {MeterProvider, View} from '@opentelemetry/sdk-metrics';
const provider = new MeterProvider({
  views: [
    new View({
      attributeKeys: ['attrib1'],

// After
import {MeterProvider, createAllowListAttributesProcessor} from '@opentelemetry/sdk-metrics';
const provider = new MeterProvider({
  views: [
      attributesProcessors: [

Some deprecated things have been removed:

  • drop deprecated type field on interface MetricDescriptor
  • drop deprecated InstrumentDescriptor type -> use MetricDescriptor instead

The following changes were made to MetricReader-related APIs:

  • removed MeterProvider.addMetricReader() -> use the readers constructor option
  • new IMetricReader interface -> This is preferred to the MetricReader abstract class. The MeterProviderOptions readers constructor option now uses this slightly narrower type.
    • If you accept MetricReader in your public interface, prefer accepting the more general IMetricReader type instead to avoid unintentional breaking changes.


Related issues and PRs: #5254 #4931 #4532 #5291 #5266 #4419 #5311

πŸ’₯ @opentelemetry/resources changes for implementors of Resource Detectors

If you maintain an implementation of a resource detector, then you will need to update for JS SDK 2.x. If you have a class that implements DetectorSync (or the deprecated Detector) interface from @opentelemetry/resources, then this section applies to you. There are two cases: if your detector can gather all attribute data synchronously (this is the easy case), or if your detector needs to asynchronously gather some attribute data.

Synchronous Resource Detector migration


import {
} from '@opentelemetry/resources';

class FooDetector implements DetectorSync {
  detect(): IResource {
    const attributes = {
      '': process.env.FOO_BAR,
      'foo.baz': process.env.FOO_BAZ,
    return new Resource(attributes);

export const fooDetector = new FooDetector();


import { ResourceDetector, DetectedResource } from '@opentelemetry/resources';

// 1. `ResourceDetector` is the interface name now
class FooDetector implements ResourceDetector {
  detect(): DetectedResource { // 2.
    const attributes = {
      '': process.env.FOO_BAR,
      'foo.baz': process.env.FOO_BAZ,
    // 2. The `.detect()` method now returns a vanilla JS object with the
    //    attributes, rather than building a `Resource` instance. The
    //    type is `DetectedResource` rather than `IResource`.
    return { attributes };

export const fooDetector = new FooDetector();

Asynchronous Resource Detector migration

If your resource detector implementation asynchronously gathers attribute data, then the migration to JS SDK 2.x will be a little bit more work. In the newer @opentelemetry/resources, the ResourceDetector#detect() method must synchronously return every attribute name that it may provide. Any of those attribute values can be a Promise that resolves to a value or to undefined if not applicable.


import {
} from '@opentelemetry/resources';

class FooDetector implements DetectorSync {
  detect(): IResource {
    // A common pattern was to asynchronously gather attributes in a separate
    // async function and pass that Promise to the second argument to
    // `new Resource(...)`.
    return new Resource({}, this._getAttributes());

  private async _getAttributes(): Promise<ResourceAttributes> {
    try {
      const data = await this._someAsyncFunctionToGatherData();
      return {
        'foo.agentUuid': data.agentUuid,
    } catch {
      return {};

export const fooDetector = new FooDetector();


import {
} from '@opentelemetry/resources';

// 1. `ResourceDetector` is the interface name now.
class FooDetector implements ResourceDetector {
  // 2. `DetectedResource` is the return type now.
  detect(): DetectedResource {
    // 3. Get all attributes, as before. Cannot `await` them.
    const dataPromise = this._gatherData();

    // 4. List all the possible attribute names returned by this detector.
    const attrNames = [

    const attributes = {} as DetectedResourceAttributes;
    attrNames.forEach(name => {
      // Each resource attribute is determined asynchronously in _gatherData().
      attributes[name] = dataPromise.then(data => data[name]);

    return { attributes };

  // 5. Other than the change in function name and return type, this method is
  //    unchanged from the `_getAttributes` above.
  private async _gatherData(): Promise<DetectedResourceAttributes> {
    try {
      const data = await this._someAsyncFunctionToGatherData();
      return {
        'foo.agentUuid': data.agentUuid,
    } catch {
      return {};

export const fooDetector = new FooDetector();

This shows one way that can localize all code changes to the .detect() method.

A concrete example of this can be found in this commit that migrated the InstanaAgentDetector in the @opentelemetry/resource-detector-instana package.

Resource Detector test changes

In your tests, you may need to change how to get a Resource instance for assertions.


const resource = await fooDetector.detect();
assert.deepStrictEqual(resource.attributes, { ... });


import { detectResources } from '@opentelemetry/resources';

const resource = detectResources({ detectors: [fooDetector] });
await resource.waitForAsyncAttributes?.();
assert.deepStrictEqual(resource.attributes, { ... });

πŸ’₯ Other changes

This section describes the remaining breaking changes, not otherwise mentioned in a section above.

Usage of the deprecated SpanAttributes and MetricAttributes types from the API package has been changed to use the Attributes type.

  • bumped minimum version of @opentelemetry/api peer dependency to 1.1.0 for the following packages: @opentelemetry/core #4408, @opentelemetry/resources #4428, @opentelemetry/sdk-trace-base #5009, @opentelemetry/shim-opentracing #4430

And finally:

  • @opentelemetry/sdk-node: The type of NodeSDKConfiguration.metricReader has narrowed slightly from MetricReader to IMetricReader. #5311
  • @opentelemetry/exporter-jaeger: ReadableSpan.instrumentationLibrary -> ReadableSpan.instrumentationScope #5308
  • @opentelemetry/exporter-zipkin: ReadableSpan.instrumentationLibrary -> ReadableSpan.instrumentationScope #5308
  • @opentelemetry/exporter-prometheus: Any non-monotonic sums will now be treated as counters and will now include the _total suffix. #5291 #5266 (comment)
  • @opentelemetry/shim-opencenus: stop mapping removed Instrument type to OpenTelemetry metrics #5291
  • @opentelemetry/instrumentation-fetch: Passthrough original response to applyCustomAttributes hook, rather than cloning the response. This means it is no longer possibly to consume the response in applyCustomAttributes. #5281