Releases: open-telemetry/opentelemetry-operator
Releases · open-telemetry/opentelemetry-operator
Release v0.54.0
Release v0.53.0
OpenTelemetry Collector and Contrib
Release v0.52.0
🚀 New components 🚀
- Add creation of ServiceAccount to the Target Allocator (#836, @jaronoff97)
- Cross namespace instrumentation (#889, @tKe)
- Added extra cli flag webhook-port (#899, @abelperezok)
💡 Enhancements 💡
- Add cert manager 1.8.0 (#905, @yuriolisa)
- updated module name and imports (#910, @evanli02)
🧰 Bug fixes 🧰
- Fix docker multiarch build for operator (#882, @pavolloffay)
- avoid non static labels in workload objects selector (#849, @DWonMtl)
OpenTelemetry Collector and Contrib
Release v0.51.0
🚀 New components 🚀
- Choose target container injection with annotation (#689, @fscellos)
- Fix K8s attributes values in OTEL_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES env var (#864, @mat-rumian)
💡 Enhancements 💡
- Update Python auto-instrumentation versions.txt (#867, @mat-rumian)
- Update Python instrumentation to 0.30b1 (#860, @mat-rumian)
- Fix changelog formatting (#863, @pavolloffay)
🧰 Bug fixes 🧰
OpenTelemetry Collector and Contrib
Release v0.50.0
🚀 New components 🚀
- Add resource attributes to collector sidecar (#832, @rubenvp8510)
- Create serving certs for headless services on OpenShift (#818) (#824, @rkukura)
- [targetallocator] PrometheusOperator CRD MVC (#653, @secustor)
💡 Enhancements 💡
- Set replicas to MaxReplicas if HPA is enabled (#833, @binjip978)
- Update sidecar example in README (#837, @erichsueh3)
🧰 Bug fixes 🧰
- Fix Default Image Annotations (#842, @goatsthatcode)
- Do not block pod creating on internal error in webhook (#811, @pavolloffay)
OpenTelemetry Collector and Contrib
Release v0.49.0
🚀 New components 🚀
- Including new label (#797, @yuriolisa)
- Add scale subresource status to the OpenTelemetryCollector CRD status (#785, @secat)
💡 Enhancements 💡
- Set replicas to default value (#814, @pavolloffay)
- Use golang 1.18 (#786, @pavolloffay)
- Support nodeSelector field for non-sidecar collectors (#789, @jutley)
- Fix Missing parameter on labels function (#809, @yuriolisa)
🧰 Bug fixes 🧰
- Check exposed svc ports (#778, @yuriolisa)
- Fix panic when spec.replicas is nil (#798, @wei840222)
OpenTelemetry Collector and Contrib
Release v0.48.0
- Bumped OpenTelemetry Collector to v0.48.0
- Filter out unneeded labels (#606, @ekarlso)
- add labels in order to make selectors unique (#796, @davidkarlsen)
OpenTelemetry Collector and Contrib
Release v0.47.0
- Bumped OpenTelemetry Collector to v0.47.0
- doc: customized auto-instrumentation (#762, @cuichenli)
- Remove v prefix from the container image version/tag (#771, @pavolloffay)
OpenTelemetry Collector and Contrib
Release v0.46.0
- Bumped OpenTelemetry Collector to v0.46.0
- add autoscale option to enable support for Horizontal Pod Autoscaling (#746, @binjip978)
- chore(nodejs): bump auto-instrumentations (#763, @mat-rumian)
- Make operator more resiliant to etcd defrag activity (#742, @pavolloffay)